Arti kata "scientifical" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

Contrary to popular belief, when scientists use the word "theory", they are not referring to conjectures that they have pulled out of thin air and have no data to support such claims. The scientific use of the word "theory" is much different than the colloquial use. In science, a theory refers to an integrated set of principles that explain and predict events that are observed in the natural world. Theories, in the scientific sense, summarize and explain facts, and imply testable predictions that allow for the falsification of the theory. Theory is vital to scientific endeavour, as it generates hypotheses to be tested, gives direction to research [and even suggests new areas for research], and, if the theory is good, has a high amount of explanatory power without requiring extensive modification to the theory. Theory without data is just conjecture, but data without a theoretical explanation is as good as meaningless to scientific practice.


An example of a scientific theory that is often mistaken as just a "theory" is the theory of evolution. Contrary to common misconceptions, evolutionary biology is one of the most prolific fields in science, with hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed papers attesting to the theory's veracity, and an ever-increasing body of research. Other examples include general relativity [yes, gravity is technically "only" a theory], special relativity, atomic theory [yes, atoms are "only" a theory too], and germ theory [the theory that small microscopic organisms are the cause of many illnesses].

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

a way to make scientific flow in a sentence.


it's all scientifical and stuff.

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

A method for gathering data about the world around us. Using the scientific method involves coming up with a hypothesis about how something works, and then trying as hard as you can to prove it wrong. If you can't prove yourself wrong then you cannot say you proved yourself right. you can only say you didn't disprove your hypothesis. In the scientific method you can never prove yourself right, you can only prove you weren't wrong. This is often seen as a tedious and annoying aspect of science by outsiders, but in fact scientific minded individuals gain great joy in being skeptical of everything. If you cannot diprove your hypothesis than it is usually phrased something like "The data supported our hypothesis." This is generally followed by a detailed explanation of everything that could have been wrong with your research that could have led to a failure to disprove yourself. Through this method something can become considered a theory only if many many generations of scientists have failed to find any way to prove the hypothesis wrong. This is a considerable accomplishment as most scientists will spend their entire lives finding critiques in method or theory in the research of others, and trying to find a way to disprove their findings. Information acquired in this way is the only information that can be trusted to have any semblance of truth.


Did you hear about how video games make children violent? Was the scientific method used to reach this conclusion? Hey a recent study found that fake sweetener can give you cancer. That study was never replicated. Evolution is just a theory. If by theory you mean a conclusion that genarations of researchers have failed to find any way to disprove in hundreds of years time then yes it is.

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

A way to make yourself sound intelligent when you have no idea what you are talking about.


I found Tylor and Morgan's analysis on uni-linear relativism to be quite scientifical...

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

A term used to describe a situation when someone has mixed up or mispronounced words. It is so used because it is such a word itself. It is normally used to point out the persons blunder.


Mike: I "disattached" my sculptures leg. Jim: Using some new scientifical words today?

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

The act of turning a non-scientific entity into an enhanced scientific property. Scientification is often used in the business world to describe data previously too difficult to explain regarding demographic product selection.


Through scientification, the boss explained to his team, we are able to ascertain which demographic has the highest sales potential.

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

a. something that is scientific. b. something that is full of science.


a. "Look at the scientifical books" b. "There are many scientifical facts to back this up."

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

1. pertaining to science. 2. an educated guess passed off as a well thought out explaination that uses large words and concepts often unkonwn to everyone in the room. 3. a plausible explaination for something not easily explained given to the dismay and perhaps delight of those who are present.


Nobody really understood what happened at the beach on Sunday so Mary got all scientific and threw up a good story that everybody bought because she sounded like an authority on the subject. For real though, who knew that Mary knew anything about the migratory patterns of hump back whales.

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

Used to cover one's perverted aims after the fact.


Dude, did you hear about those new DEEPFAKES videos? Yeah, they have one of Scarlett Johannson doing it! No way! Wait where might I be able to find these aforementioned videos? What no, it's not for me, obviously, it's... for scientific purposes.

Arti kata scientifical bahasa

adj. Magic-like properties explained through scientific means; an explanation for a claim to properties that defy common sense, in the absence of proof.


Scrubbing Bubbles' claim to "continue cleaning for up to four days" is a little too scientifical to be believed. When it comes to advertising, science is the new magic. Everything is scientifical!

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