Bagaimana cara kerja string di php?

Literal string adalah notasi untuk mewakili nilai string dalam teks program komputer. Di PHP, string dapat dibuat dengan tanda kutip tunggal, tanda kutip ganda atau menggunakan sintaks heredoc atau nowdoc

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Nowdoc ditentukan mirip dengan heredoc, tetapi tidak ada penguraian yang dilakukan di dalam nowdoc. Nowdoc diidentifikasi dengan urutan

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
_0 yang sama yang digunakan untuk heredocs, tetapi pengidentifikasi yang mengikuti dilampirkan . g. <<<'TEKS'

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Interpolasi string PHP

Variabel diinterpolasi dalam string yang diapit oleh tanda kutip ganda

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase

Kurung kurawal dapat digunakan ketika nama variabel berada di sebelah karakter lain

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase

PHP menggunakan operator titik

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
1 untuk menggabungkan string

php > echo "PHP " . "language\n";
PHP language

Contoh menggabungkan dua string

php > $a = "Java ";
php > $a .= "language\n";
php > echo $a;
Java language

PHP juga mendukung operator gabungan

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase

Karakter pelarian PHP

Karakter pelarian adalah karakter tunggal yang ditunjuk untuk meminta interpretasi alternatif pada karakter berikutnya dalam karakter

php> echo "   bbb\raaa";

The carriage return

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
3 adalah karakter kontrol untuk akhir baris kembali ke awal baris

The new line is a control characters which begins a new line of text.

$ php strophe.php
Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find
php> echo "Towering\tinferno\n";
Towering        inferno

Tab horizontal menempatkan spasi di antara teks

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Tanda kutip tunggal dan ganda dapat disarangkan. Atau jika kita hanya menggunakan tanda kutip tunggal, kita dapat menggunakan garis miring terbalik untuk menghindari arti standar dari tanda kutip tunggal


In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Tanda dolar

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
_4 juga memiliki arti khusus dalam PHP; . Jika sebuah variabel digunakan di dalam string, itu diinterpolasi, i. e. nilai variabel yang digunakan. Untuk menggemakan nama variabel, kita lolos dari

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
_4 karakter

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase

PHP memiliki sejumlah besar fungsi bawaan yang berguna dan berguna yang dapat digunakan untuk bekerja dengan string

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Di sini kita menggunakan tiga fungsi. Fungsi

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
7 mengembalikan sejumlah karakter dalam string.

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
8 mengubah karakter menjadi huruf besar, dan

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
9 mengubah karakter menjadi

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Selanjutnya, kita membahas fungsi

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Fungsi mengembalikan bagian dari string. Parameter pertama adalah string yang ditentukan. Parameter kedua adalah awal dari substring. Parameter ketiga adalah opsional. Ini adalah panjang dari substring yang dikembalikan. Standarnya adalah mengembalikan hingga akhir string


Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
1 mengulangi string beberapa kali

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Pada contoh berikutnya, kami memodifikasi string secara acak

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Ini adalah contoh keluaran dari skrip

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase



Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
3 digunakan untuk membagi string menjadi beberapa bagian. Ini mengembalikan array bagian string terpisah. Fungsi

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
4 menggabungkan elemen array dengan string

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Di sini kita membagi teks dengan fungsi

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
_3. Fungsi ini akan memotong string menjadi potongan-potongan setiap kali menemukan titik

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
6 karakter

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

In this code example, we create two strings and assign them to $a and $b variables. We print them with the echo keyword. The first string is created with the double quote delimiters, the second one with single quotes.

PHP string heredoc

The heredoc preserves the line breaks and other whitespace (including indentation) in the text. The heredoc is created with <<< followed by a delimiting identifier, followed, starting on the next line, by the text to be quoted, and then closed by the same identifier on its own line.

The closing identifier must not be indented. It can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores, and must start with a non-digit character or underscore.

The example prints an example of a direct speech.

$ php heredoc.php
"That is just as I intended." Vautrin said. "You know quite well what
you are about. Good, my little eaglet! You are born to command, you
are strong, you stand firm on your feet, you are game! I respect you."

Outputnya tidak maksimal. Kami akan mengubahnya agar terlihat lebih rapi


The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Kami berhasil memberikan keluaran yang diformat lebih bagus

Array karakter PHP

Sebuah string dalam PHP adalah sebuah array dari karakter

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Sebuah string didefinisikan. Ini berisi sebelas karakter

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Kami mengulangi string dengan for loop. Ukuran string ditentukan dengan fungsi

The $quantity variable is replaced with its value in the string output.

$ php interpolation.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
7. Fungsi

Without the curly braces, the PHP interpreter would look for the $item_names variable, which does not exist.

$ php curly_braces.php
There are 5 roses in the vase
8 mengembalikan nilai ASCII dari sebuah karakter. Kami menggunakan notasi indeks array untuk mendapatkan karakter

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Pemformatan string PHP

Pemformatan string atau interpolasi string adalah penempatan dinamis berbagai nilai ke dalam string


The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Pada contoh berikutnya, kita melewatkan float dan nilai string

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Kami mungkin tidak menyukai fakta bahwa angka pada contoh sebelumnya memiliki 6 tempat desimal secara default. Kita dapat mengontrol jumlah tempat desimal dalam penentu pemformatan

The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Contoh berikut menunjukkan opsi pemformatan lainnya


The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Contoh berikutnya mencetak tiga kolom angka


The example prints three sentences using the nowdoc syntax.

$ php nowdoc.php
Fear is among the greatest obstacles which prevent us from enjoying life
to its fullest extent. Since of the most commonly held fears among
people are the fear of heights and the fear of falling from heights.
Rock climbing is a fantastic way to conquer these fears.

Untuk memperbaikinya, kami menggunakan penentu lebar. Penspesifikasi lebar menentukan lebar minimal objek. Jika objek lebih kecil dari lebarnya, maka diisi dengan spasi

Bagaimana string digunakan dalam PHP?

Menurut fungsi string dalam php, dalam bahasa pemrograman, fungsi string digunakan untuk memodifikasi string atau menanyakan pengetahuan tentang string (beberapa . Fungsi panjang (string) adalah contoh paling dasar dari fungsi string. Panjang literal string dikembalikan oleh fungsi ini.

Bagaimana cara kerja fungsi string?

Dengan fungsi string, Anda dapat membuat ekspresi di Access yang memanipulasi teks dalam berbagai cara . Misalnya, Anda mungkin ingin menampilkan hanya sebagian dari nomor seri pada formulir. Atau, Anda mungkin perlu menggabungkan (menggabungkan) beberapa string, seperti nama belakang dan nama depan.

Bagaimana cara membaca string di PHP?

Pendekatan 2. Menggunakan metode strlen() – Metode strlen() digunakan untuk menghitung panjang string yang ditentukan dalam PHP. Iterasi loop for diterapkan menggunakan panjang string, dan karakter indeks ke-i dicetak setiap waktu. Kompleksitas waktu sama dengan metode sebelumnya.

Bagaimana cara mendeklarasikan variabel string di PHP?

Variabel dimulai dengan tanda $, diikuti dengan nama variabel . Nama variabel harus dimulai dengan huruf atau karakter garis bawah. Nama variabel tidak boleh dimulai dengan angka. Nama variabel hanya boleh berisi karakter alfanumerik dan garis bawah (A-z, 0-9, dan _ )