Buku pelatihan untuk pemandu pp 2022

20 Mei 2022 Jam 22:04:34   Cinthia   Wisata Unggulan   211 kali


BALIKPAPAN - Pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur melalui Dinas Pariwisata setiap tahunnya terus meningkatkan sumber daya manusia [SDM] pariwisata. 

"Kegiatan peningkatan SDM pariwisata, salah satunya Pelatihan Pramuwisata Madya," kata Plt Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Kaltim H Muhammad Irvan Rivai, Jumat [20/5/2022], seraya menyebutkan Pelatihan Pramuwisata Madya dilaksanakan di Hotel Mega Lestari  Balikpapan pada Rabu 18 Mei 2022.

Dijelaskannya, pelatihan kerja sama Dinas Pariwisata Kaltim dengan DPD Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia [HPI] Kaltim sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemampuan dan kualitas SDM kepariwisataan daerah.

Terlebih lagi, lanjutnya, dalam menuju Kaltim sebagai Ibu Kota Nusantara [IKN], maka penggiat pariwisata lokal harus siap menghadapinya dengan tenaga terampil dan kompeten di bidang kepariwisataan terutama kepemanduan wisata.

Para guide tourism ungkapnya, memiliki peran sangat strategis meningkatkan kunjungan wisata di Kaltim maupun IKN. 

Ke depan, menurutnya harus segera disiapkan melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan [stakeholders] terkait di daerah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan serta wawasan pelaku wisata.

"Sekaligus mempersiapkan tenaga-tenaga yang terampil di bidang kepariwisataan," ungkapnya.

Baginya tenaga terampil dalam pelayanan di sektor kepariwisataan akan mampu memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan standar-standar yang telah ditetapkan.

“Pelatihan Pramuwisata Madya ini bagian upaya Pemprov Kaltim untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kemampuan SDM pariwisata di daerah,” tegasnya.

Balikpapan dipilih sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan dikarenakan Kota Minyak ini sebagai kota penyangga IKN yang telah ditetapkan Presiden Joko Widodo.

Pelatihan yang diikuti 20 guide [pemandu wisata] Kota Balikpapan ini diisi pemateri dari Dinas Pariwisata Kaltim, Kepolisian, Kepabeanan [Bea Cukai], Balai Bahasa, Dinas Kesehatan, Imigrasi, Balai Karantina Pertanian, Dewan Pengurus Pusat/Dewan Pengurus Daerah HPI dan ASITA.[yans/sul/adpimprov kaltim]

Data Masih Kosong

Data Masih Kosong

Wiantara, I Gusti Nyoman and Sulastri, Ida Ayu Putu [2022] Pelatihan Table Manner Bagi Pemandu Wisata Lokal Desa Wisata Taro Gianyar-Bali. In: Pengembangan UMKM dan Desa Wisata di Kabupaten Gianyar. Penerbit Mitra Wacana Media, pp. 181-193. ISBN 978-602-318-526-9

Other [Pelatihan Table Manner Bagi Pemandu Wisata Lokal Desa Wisata Taro Gianyar-Bali]
Edit_2022_Pariwisata_Giyanyar Kirim Azis.pdf - Published Version

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    Courtesy at the dining table which is better known as table manner is one of the important ethics that must be known by every profession, especially those who work in the tourism sector, including tour guides because there is possibility that a tour guide might be invited by the guests he is handling to join the table for having food. In this case, knowledge of table manners becomes very important, especially if you eat together with foreign tourists in an official meal. This of course can also be applied to local tour guides in the tourist village of Taro Gianyar Bali. Besides broaden their horizons, by mastering the theory and practice of table manners, the local tour guides also become more confident in carrying out their duties as professional local tour guides. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to equip local tour guides in Taro Village in the field of table manners which can increase their confidence in interacting with other people while enjoying dishes at an official meal. This activity was carried out using lecture, discussion and demonstration methods as well as role playing methods, where several participants demonstrated a table manner guided by resource persons and witnessed and commented on by other participants. With the combination of several methods, the delivery of table manner training materials can be absorbed effectively by all participants. Of course, the author hopes that the participants will continuously improve themselves and professionalism as reliable local tour guides who can ultimately satisfy the tourists. According to the results of interviews with all participants from the impressions they conveyed, that this training was felt to be very useful and very helpful for their careers.

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    Book Section
    H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences [General]
    I Gusti Nyoman Wiantara
    11 Aug 2022 03:47
    11 Aug 2022 03:47

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