Can not connect mysql 10061?

When you are working with a MySQL database, you might run into this error:

2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on '' [or some other host]

There might be several causes for that error, so you can try these methods to find out what the problem is.

1. Check for typos

A small typo in the MySQL server name, database name, username, port, etc. can lead to this error, so make sure you got them right 100%.

2. Make sure MySQL server is running

Maybe the problem is that there is no MySQL server running at the specified host. So the first thing you should do is to verify the status of MySQL Server. It’s recommended to try restarting the MySQL server.

You might need to check the port that it’s listening to, the default port is 3306.

If you are using DBngin to manage the local server, launch DBngin and see if the server is still on. If not, start it.

3. Connection to the MySQL server is not allowed using TCP/IP

You need to make sure that your MySQL server was not started with the --skip-networking option. You should find the setting in the MySQL configuration file [my.ini on Windows, my.cnf on Unix/Linux].

If it was, remove it and restart MySQL server for the change to take effect.

For remote connections, you need to confirm that MySQL remote access is enabled. By default, MySQL listens for connections only from localhost. Go check the MySQL configuration file and give the bind-address as the IP address of the server where MySQL service listens.

You could also try increasing the max_connection parameter in the MySQL configuration file.

4. There is a networking issue blocking access to MySQL

It could be a network firewall blocking the connection. Most often it will help to uninstall and reinstall the firewall.

5. Still no help at all?

If you tried all above and none of them worked, try connecting using SSH Tunnelling instead and see if it helps.

For more information, visit MySQL Reference Manual.

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MySQL is one of the most popular engines for relational databases. It is mighty and provides many features that comply with Standard SQL out of the box.

Before you can use the MySQL database, you will need to set up and configure the MySQL server on your system. Thankfully, MySQL is cross-platform and provides installers for popular operating systems.

However, in some instances, you may encounter the “error 2003. Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost:3306′” error when attempting to login to MySQL.
In this tutorial, we will discuss the causes of this error and how you can resolve it.

What Causes this Error?

This error occurs when the MySQL Server is not running and cannot connect to the Server.

An example of this error is shown in the screenshot below:

Let us now discuss two techniques you can use to resolve this error.

How to Fix this Error?

There are two things you can do to fix this error:

  1. Ensure the MySQL Server is running on your system.
  2. Ensure you specify the target port if the Server is running on a different port.

Fix 1 – Ensure the MySQL Server is Running.

The first step is to verify that the server is running on your system. On your Windows terminal, use the command:

If you get the error shown below:

mysqlshow: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost:3306' [10061]

Then the Server is not running on your system.

To fix it, open the services manager on your Windows system. Press the Windows Key + R to launch the Run utility.

Next, enter “services.msc” and press enter.

In the Services Manager, scroll down until you locate the service for your MySQL server. For example, if you have MySQL version 5.0, the service will be under ‘MySQL50’, and MySQL version 8.0 will be under ‘MySQL80’, etc.

We have MySQL version 8 installed in the picture above. However, the service is not running as the Status tab is empty.

To fix this, right-click on the service name and press start. This should start the service and ensure the MySQL Server is running.

As you can see, the service status changes to ‘Running.’

Now we can connect to MySQL as:

In some cases, you may not find the MySQL service in the Services manager. In such a case, you will need to install the MySQL service.

Open the command prompt as an administrator and run the command:

The command above should install the MySQL service, allowing Windows to start and stop the service on startup.

Fix 2 – Verify MySQL Port

The MySQL Server will listen on a TCP port on your system. This is the port you will use to connect to the server.

If you have not made any changes to the running port during installation or in the configuration file, MySQL will run on port 3306.

You can verify under which port the server is running by checking the configuration file.

The MySQL configuration file is located in the directory:

C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0

Under the name my.ini.

Open the file with your text editor and locate the [client] block. Find the entry defining the running port as shown:

Once you have the running port, you need to specify it when logging in to the server.

$ mysql -u root -p --port=[port_number]

NOTE that unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended to leave MySQL as the default running port.

If you changed the running port during installation, you can edit the configuration file and set it to 3306 or run the MySQL installer.

In the installer window, select ‘Reconfigure’ under MySQL Server.

Set the connectivity options in the Type and Networking section as TCP/IP and Port to 3306.

Follow along with the defaults and apply the changes.


In this article, we explored the causes of the “error 2003 [hy000] can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘localhost’ [10061]” error and various techniques to resolve it.

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My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list

Why MySQL database is not connecting?

Check that mysql is running on port 3306 [note: 3306 is the default, but this can be changed] Check the root has rights to connect to 127.0. 0.1 from your address [mysql rights define what clients can connect to the server and from which machines]

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Note: Stop the XAMPP server before following the steps..
Step 1: Reconfigure MySQL server to port 3306. Click Start and open MySql installer - community. ... .
Step 2: Reconfigure XAMPP to use a different port other than 3306. Open XAMPP and change the port other than 3306 in two files..

Can not connect to MySQL server 10060?

The error 10060 is returned by the MySQL client when a connection could not be established with the service on the system you are connecting to. This is commonly caused by a firewall block or network issue preventing the connection.

How do I fix MySQL error 2003?

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Go to bin directory copy the path and set it as a environment variable..
Run the command prompt as admin and cd to bin directory..
Run command : mysqld –install..
Now the services are successfully installed..
Start the service in service windows of os..
Type mysql and go..

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