Cara menggunakan image cross correlation python

Utpal Kumar   6 minute read    GEOPHYSICS    February 16, 2021

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Similar posts
  • Time domain cross-correlation function
  • Compute Cross-correlation
  • Arbitrarily selected data
  • Compute the cross-correlation in time-domain
  • Frequency-domain approach of cross-correlation for obtaining time shifts
  • Generate synthetic pair of time series
  • Download Codes
  • How does Python calculate auto correlation?
  • How do you manually calculate autocorrelation in Python?
  • What is auto correlation and cross
  • How do you calculate auto correlation?

In geophysics, it is important to understand and identify the complex and unknown relationships between two time-series. Cross-correlation is an established and reliable tool to compute the degree to which the two seismic time-series are dependent on each other.


Cross-correlation is an established and reliable tool to compute the degree to which the two seismic time-series are dependent on each other. Several studies have relied on the cross-correlation method to obtain the inference on the seismic data. For details on cross-correlation methods, we refer the reader to previous works [see references].

It is essential to understand and identify the complex and unknown relationships between two time-series for obtaining meaningful inference from our data. In this post, we will take the geophysical data for understanding purposes. For general readers, I recommend to ignore the field specific examples and stay along, as the concept of correlation is mathematical and can be applied on data related to any field.

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Photo by Burak K from Pexels

In seismology, several applications are based on finding the time shift of one time-series relative to other such as ambient noise cross-correlation [to find the empirical Green’s functions between two recording stations], inversion for the source [e.g., gCAP] and structure studies [e.g., full-waveform inversion], template matching etc.

In this post, we will see how we can compute cross-correlation between seismic time-series and extract the time-shift information of the relation between the two seismic signals in the time and frequency domain.

Time domain cross-correlation function

The correlation between two-stochastic processes A and B [expressed in terms of time-series as \[A[t]\] and \[B[t]\]] can be expresses as [see ref. 1]:

\begin{equation} \label{eq:square} \begin{split} \rho [\tau] = \frac{\sum_i A[t_i-\tau] B[t_i]}{[\sum_i A[t_i]^2\sum_iB[t_i]^2]^{1/2}} \end{split} \end{equation}

The above equation is the sample cross-correlation function between two time-series with a finite time shift \[\tau\]. It is important to note that the correlation \[\rho\] by its face value alone does not dictate whether or not the correlation in question is significant, unless the degrees of freedom [DOF] of the processes, which signifies the information content [or entropy], is also specified [see Chao and Chung, 2019 for details].

Compute Cross-correlation

Let us now look into how we can compute the time domain cross correlation between two time series. For this task, I arbitrarily took two seismic velocity time-series:

Arbitrarily selected data

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from synthetic_tests_lib import crosscorr

time_series = ['BO.ABU', 'BO.NOK']
dirName = "data/"
fs = 748  # take 748 samples only
MR = len[time_series]
Y = np.zeros[[MR, fs]]
dictVals = {}
for ind, series in enumerate[time_series]:
    filename = dirName + series + ".txt"
    df = pd.read_csv[filename, names=[
                     'time', 'U'], skiprows=1, delimiter='\s+']  # reading file as pandas dataframe to work easily

    # this code block is required as the different time series has not even sampling, so dealing with each data point separately comes handy
    # can be replaced by simply `yvalues = df['U]`
    yvalues = []
    for i in range[1, fs+1]:
        val = df.loc[df['time'] == i]['U'].values[0]

    dictVals[time_series[ind]] = yvalues

timeSeriesDf = pd.DataFrame[dictVals]

The above code reads the txt file containing the vertical component located in the directory [dirName] and trim the data for arbitraily taken fs samples. We can read each txt file interatively and save the data column into a dictionary. This dictionary is next converted into pandas dataframe to avail all the tools in pandas library. The above code reads the txt file containing the vertical component located in the directory [dirName] and trim the data for arbitraily taken fs samples. We can read each txt file interatively and save the data column into a dictionary. This dictionary is next converted into pandas dataframe to avail all the tools in pandas library.

Please note that there are several different ways to read the data and preference of that way depends on the user and the data format.

To plot the time-series, I used matplotlib.

# plot time series
# simple `timeSeriesDf.plot[]` is a quick way to plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots[2, 1, figsize=[10, 6], sharex=True]
ax[0].plot[timeSeriesDf[time_series[0]], color='b', label=time_series[0]]
ax[1].plot[timeSeriesDf[time_series[1]], color='r', label=time_series[1]]
plt.savefig['data_viz.jpg', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight']

Data Visualization

Compute the cross-correlation in time-domain

d1, d2 = timeSeriesDf[time_series[0]], timeSeriesDf[time_series[1]]
window = 10
# lags = np.arange[-[fs], [fs], 1]  # uncontrained
lags = np.arange[-[200], [200], 1]  # contrained
rs = np.nan_to_num[[crosscorr[d1, d2, lag] for lag in lags]]

    "xcorr {}-{}".format[time_series[0], time_series[1]], lags[np.argmax[rs]], np.max[rs]]

In this example, timeSeriesDf[time_series[0]], and timeSeriesDf[time_series[1]] are the two pandas Series object as required by the crosscorr function. I read the time series from the Pandas DataFrame timeSeriesDf, for the specified columns time_series[ind1] and time_series[ind2], where time_series is a list with two elements.

Alternatively, one can directly create Pandas Series object by using pd.Series[].

I have used the crosscorr function to compute the correlation between the pair of time-series for a series of lag values. The lag values has been contrained between -200 to 200 to avoid artifacts.

# Time lagged cross correlation
def crosscorr[datax, datay, lag=0]:
    """ Lag-N cross correlation. 
    Shifted data filled with NaNs 

    lag : int, default 0
    datax, datay : pandas.Series objects of equal length
    crosscorr : float
    return datax.corr[datay.shift[lag]]

Here, as you can notice that the crosscorr makes use of the pandas corr method and hence, the d1 and d2 is required to be pandas Series object.

I obtained the correlation between the above pair of time-series to be 0.19with a lag of 36.

xcorr BO.ABU-BO.NOK 36 0.19727959397327688

Time-domain cross-correlation of arbitraily taken real time-series

Frequency-domain approach of cross-correlation for obtaining time shifts

shift = compute_shift[
    timeSeriesDf[time_series[0]], timeSeriesDf[time_series[1]]]


This gives:

Where, the function compute_shift is simply:

def cross_correlation_using_fft[x, y]:
    f1 = fft[x]
    f2 = fft[np.flipud[y]]
    cc = np.real[ifft[f1 * f2]]
    return fftshift[cc]

def compute_shift[x, y]:
    assert len[x] == len[y]
    c = cross_correlation_using_fft[x, y]
    assert len[c] == len[x]
    zero_index = int[len[x] / 2] - 1
    shift = zero_index - np.argmax[c]
    return shift

Here, the shift of shift means that y starts shift time steps before x.

Generate synthetic pair of time series

Although the results obtained seems plausible, as we used the arbitrary pair of real time series, we do not know if we have obtained the correct results. So, we apply the above methods on synthetic pair of time-series with known time-shifts.

Let us use the scipy.signal fucntion to generate two unit impulse function. We then apply low pass filter of order 4 and with center frequency of 0.2 to smoothen the edges [Note that the results will be same even without the filter].

# Delta Function
length = 100
amp1, amp2 = 1, 1
x = np.arange[0, length]
to = 10
timeshift = 30
t1 = to+timeshift
series1 = signal.unit_impulse[length, idx=to]
series2 = signal.unit_impulse[length, idx=t1]

# low pass filter to smoothen the edges [just to make the signal look pretty]
b, a = signal.butter[4, 0.2]
series1 = signal.lfilter[b, a, series1]
series2 = signal.lfilter[b, a, series2]

fig, ax = plt.subplots[2, 1, figsize=[8, 6], sharex=False]

ax[0].plot[x, series1, c='b', lw=0.5]
ax[0].axvline[x=to, c='b', lw=0.5,
              ls='--', label=f'x={to}']
ax[0].plot[x, series2+0.1, c='r', lw=0.5]
ax[0].axvline[x=to+timeshift, c='r', lw=0.5,
              ls='--', label=f'x={to+timeshift}']
ax[0].set_yticks[[0, 0.1]]
ax[0].set_yticklabels[['Series 1', 'Series 2'], fontsize=8]

d1, d2 = pd.Series[series2], pd.Series[series1]
lags = np.arange[-[50], [50], 1]

rs = np.nan_to_num[[crosscorr[d1, d2, lag] for lag in lags]]
maxrs, minrs = np.max[rs], np.min[rs]
if np.abs[maxrs] >= np.abs[minrs]:
    corrval = maxrs
    corrval = minrs

ax[1].plot[lags, rs, 'k', label='Xcorr [s1 vs s2], maxcorr: {:.2f}'.format[
    corrval], lw=0.5]
# ax[1].axvline[x=timeshift, c='r', lw=0.5, ls='--']
ax[1].axvline[x=lags[np.argmax[rs]], c='r', lw=0.5,
              ls='--', label='max time correlation']
plt.subplots_adjust[hspace=0.25, wspace=0.1]
plt.savefig['xcorr_fn_delta.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300]

Time-domain cross-correlation of low-pass filtered unit impulse function


  1. Chao, B.F., Chung, C.H., 2019. On Estimating the Cross Correlation and Least Squares Fit of One Data Set to Another With Time Shift. Earth Sp. Sci. 6, 1409–1415. //
  2. Robinson, E., & Treitel, S. [1980]. Geophysical signal analysis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice‐Hall.
  3. Template matching using fast normalized cross correlation
  4. Qingkai’s Blog: “Signal Processing: Cross-correlation in the frequency domain”
  5. How to Calculate Correlation Between Variables in Python

Download Codes

All the above codes can be downloaded from my Github repo.

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How does Python calculate auto correlation?

Method 3: Using plot_acf[] A plot of the autocorrelation of a time series by lag is called the AutoCorrelation Function [ACF]. Such a plot is also called a correlogram. A correlogram plots the correlation of all possible timesteps. The lagged variables with the highest correlation can be considered for modeling.

How do you manually calculate autocorrelation in Python?

Use numpy. correlate[] to calculate autocorrelation Call numpy. correlate[arr, arr, mode="full"] to calculate the autocorrelation of the array arr with itself. Further Reading: There are three modes that affect which correlations are evaluated by limiting data pairs. You can read more about modes at numpy.

What is auto correlation and cross

Cross correlation happens when two different sequences are correlated. Autocorrelation is the correlation between two of the same sequences. In other words, you correlate a signal with itself.

How do you calculate auto correlation?

The number of autocorrelations calculated is equal to the effective length of the time series divided by 2, where the effective length of a time series is the number of data points in the series without the pre-data gaps. The number of autocorrelations calculated ranges between a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 400.

What is cross

Cross-correlation is an essential signal processing method to analyze the similarity between two signals with different lags. Not only can you get an idea of how well the two signals match, but you also get the point of time or an index where they are the most similar. This article will discuss multiple ways to process cross-correlation in Python.

How do you use phase cross

In this example, we use phase cross-correlation to identify the relative shift between two similar-sized images. The phase_cross_correlation function uses cross-correlation in Fourier space, optionally employing an upsampled matrix-multiplication DFT to achieve arbitrary subpixel precision 1.

How does SciPy cross

Then, the signal is automatically padded at the start and finish by the SciPy cross-correlation. As a result, compared to our pure Python code and the NumPy module, it provides a more extensive signal response for cross-correlation. Therefore, we deleted these padding components to make the outcome equivalent in our test case.

Is there a working Python implementation of normalized cross

If you are trying to do something similar to cv2.matchTemplate [], a working python implementation of the Normalized Cross-Correlation [NCC] method can be found in this repository:

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