Cara menggunakan lowest common ancestor javascript

Tag omission: Must have a start tag and must not have an end tag
Permitted content: None; it is a void element
Content categories: Flow content, phrasing content, embedded content, palpable content. If the element has a attribute, it also is a ...
Implicit ARIA role: with non-empty attribute or no attribute: with empty attribute

This page describes how to build a sitemap and make it available to Google. Learn more about sitemaps here.

  1. Decide which you want to use.
  2. , either automatically or manually.
  3. .

Sitemap formats

Google supports several sitemap formats:

Google accepts the standard sitemap protocol in all formats. Google does not currently consume the tag included in sitemaps.

All formats limit a single sitemap to 50MB [uncompressed] or 50,000 URLs. If you have a larger file or more URLs, you will have to break your list into multiple sitemaps. You can optionally create a sitemap index file [a file that points to a list of sitemaps] and submit that single index file to Google. You can submit multiple sitemaps and/or sitemap index files to Google.


Here is a very basic XML sitemap that includes the location of a single URL:


You can find more complex examples and full documentation at

You can see examples of and sitemaps for .

RSS, mRSS, and Atom 1.0

If you have a blog with an RSS or Atom feed, you can submit the feed's URL as a sitemap. Most blog software is able to create a feed for you, but recognize that this feed only provides information on recent URLs.

  • Google accepts RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feeds.
  • You can use an mRSS [media RSS] feed to provide Google details about video content on your site.


If your sitemap includes only web page URLs, you can provide Google with a simple text file that contains one URL per line. For example:


Guidelines for text file sitemaps

  • Encode your file using UTF-8 encoding.
  • Don't put anything other than URLs in the sitemap file.
  • You can name the text file anything you wish, provided it has a .txt extension [for instance, sitemap.txt].

Sitemap extensions for additional media types

Google supports extended sitemap syntax for the following media types. Use these extensions to describe video files, images, and other hard-to-parse content on your site to improve indexing.

  • Video
  • Images
  • Google News

General sitemap guidelines

  • Use consistent, fully-qualified URLs. Google will crawl your URLs exactly as listed. For instance, if your site is at
    0, don't specify a URL as
    1 [missing
    2] or
    3 [a relative URL].
  • A sitemap can be posted anywhere on your site, but a sitemap affects only descendants of the parent directory. Therefore, a sitemap posted at the site root can affect all files on the site, which is where we recommend posting your sitemaps.
  • Don't include session IDs and other user-dependent identifiers from URLs in your sitemap. This reduces duplicate crawling of those URLs.
  • Tell Google about alternate language versions of a URL using hreflang annotations.
  • Sitemap files must be UTF-8 encoded, and appropriately.
  • Break up large sitemaps into smaller sitemaps: a sitemap can contain up to 50,000 URLs and must not exceed 50MB uncompressed. Use a sitemap index file to list all the individual sitemaps and submit this single file to Google rather than submitting individual sitemaps.
  • List only canonical URLs in your sitemaps. If you have multiple versions of a page, list in the sitemap only the one you prefer to appear in search results. If you have multiple versions of your site [for example, www and non-www], decide which is your preferred site, and put the sitemap there, and add
    4 or redirects on the other site.
  • If you have different URLs for mobile and desktop versions of a page, we recommend pointing to only one version in a sitemap. However, if you want to point to both URLs, your URLs to indicate the desktop and mobile versions.
  • Use for pointing to additional media types such as video, images, and news.
  • If you have alternate pages for different languages or regions, you can use hreflang in either a sitemap or html tags to indicate the alternate URLs.
  • Non-alphanumeric and non-latin characters. We require your sitemap file to be UTF-8 encoded [you can generally do this when you save the file]. As with all XML files, any data values [including URLs] must use entity escape codes for the characters listed in the following table. A sitemap can contain only ASCII characters; it can't contain extended ASCII characters or certain control codes or special characters such as
    5 and
    6. If your sitemap URL contains these characters, you'll receive an error when you try to add it.CharacterSymbolEscape CodeAmpersand
    8Single Quote
    0Double Quote
    2Greater Than
    4Less Than

    In addition, all URLs [including the URL of your sitemap] must be encoded for readability by the web server on which they are located and URL-escaped. However, if you are using any sort of script, tool, or log file to generate your URLs [anything except typing them in by hand], this is usually already done for you. If you submit your sitemap and you receive an error that Google is unable to find some of your URLs, check to make sure that your URLs follow the RFC-3986 standard for URIs, the RFC-3987 standard for IRIs, and the XML standard.

    Here is an example of a URL that uses a non-ASCII character [

    7], as well as a character that requires entity escaping [


    Here is that same URL encoded using ISO-8859 encoding, and with the entity escaped:


    Here is that same URL using UTF-8 encoding, and with the entity escaped:

  • Remember that sitemaps are a recommendation to Google about which pages you think are important; Google does not pledge to crawl every URL in a sitemap.
  • Google ignores and
    0 values.
  • Google uses the
    1 value if it's consistently and verifiably [for example by comparing to the last modification of the page] accurate.
  • The position of a URL in a sitemap is not important; Google does not crawl URLs in the order in which they appear in your sitemap.

How to create a sitemap

When creating a sitemap, you're telling search engines about which URLs you prefer to show in search results. These are the canonical URLs. If you have the same content accessible under different URLs, choose the URL you prefer and include that in the sitemap instead of all URLs that lead to the same content.

Once you've decided which URLs to include in the sitemap, pick one of the following ways to create a sitemap, depending on your site architecture and size:

  • .
  • For sitemaps with less than a few dozen URLs, you can .
  • For sitemaps with more than a few dozen URLs, .

Let your CMS generate a sitemap for you

If you're using a CMS such as WordPress, Wix, or Blogger, it's likely that your CMS has already made a sitemap available to search engines. Try searching for information about how your CMS generates sitemaps, or how to create a sitemap if your CMS doesn't generate a sitemap automatically. For example, in case of Wix, search for "wix sitemap".

For all other site setups, you will need to generate the sitemap yourself.

Manually create a sitemap

For sitemaps with less than a few dozen URLs, you may be able to manually create a sitemap. For this, open a text editor such as Windows Notepad or Nano [Linux, MacOS], and follow a syntax described in the section. You can name the file anything you like as long as the characters are allowed in a URL.

You can manually create larger sitemaps, but it's a tedious process and hard to maintain long term.

Automatically generate a sitemap with tools

For sitemaps with more than a few dozen URLs, you will need to generate the sitemap. There are various tools that can generate a sitemap. However, the best way is to have your website software generate it for you. For example, you can extract your site's URLs from your website's database and then export the URLs to either the screen or actual file on your web server. Talk to your developers or server manager about this solution. If you need inspiration for the code, check out our old collection of third-party sitemap generators.

Keep in mind the . Learn more about managing large sitemaps.

Submit your sitemap to Google

Google doesn't check a sitemap every time a site is crawled; a sitemap is checked only the first time that we notice it, and thereafter only when you ping us to let us know that it's changed. Alert Google about a sitemap only when it's new or updated; don't submit or ping unchanged sitemaps multiple times.

If you have updated pages in the sitemap, mark them with the field. Other XML files have a similar field, such as

3 for Atom XML. You can also learn how to .

There are a few different ways to make your sitemap available to Google:

  • Submit a sitemap in Search Console using the Sitemaps report. This will allow you to see when Googlebot accessed the sitemap and also potential processing errors.
  • Use the Search Console API to programmatically submit a sitemap.
  • Use the ping tool. Send a GET request in your browser or the command line to this address, specifying the full URL of the sitemap. Be sure that the sitemap file is accessible:


  • Insert the following line anywhere in your robots.txt file, specifying the path to your sitemap. We will find it the next time we crawl your robots.txt file:
    Sitemap: //
  • Use WebSub if you use Atom/RSS for your sitemap and want to broadcast your changes to other search engines in addition to Google.

Submitting a sitemap is merely a hint: it doesn't guarantee that Google will download the sitemap or use the sitemap for crawling URLs on the site.

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