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{0}']; format[dataTable, srcColumnIndices, opt_dstColumnIndex]

The standard formatting call, with a few additional parameters:

  • dataTable - The DataTable on which to operate.
  • srcColumnIndices - An array of one or more [zero-based] column indices to pull as the sources from the underlying DataTable. This will be used as a data source for the pattern parameter in the constructor. The column numbers do not have to be in sorted order.
  • opt_dstColumnIndex - [optional] The destination column to place the output of the pattern manipulation. If not specified, the first element in srcColumIndices will be used as the destination.

See the formatting examples after the table.

Here are a few example inputs and outputs for a four-column table.

Row before formatting [4 columns, last is blank]:
John  |  Paul  |  Jones  |  [empty]

var formatter = new google.visualization.PatternFormat["{0} {1} {2}"];
formatter.format[data, [0,1,2], 3];
  John  |  Paul  |  Jones  |  John Paul Jones

var formatter = new google.visualization.PatternFormat["{1}, {0}"];
formatter.format[data, [0,2], 3];
  John  |  Paul  |  Jones  |  Jones, John

Sample code

The following example demonstrates how to combine data from two columns to create an email address. It uses a DataView object to hide the original source columns:

var data = new google.visualization.DataTable[];
data.addColumn['string', 'Name'];
data.addColumn['string', 'Email'];
  ['John Lennon', ''],
  ['Paul McCartney', ''],
  ['George Harrison', ''],
  ['Ringo Starr', '']

var table = new google.visualization.Table[document.getElementById['patternformat_div']];

var formatter = new google.visualization.PatternFormat[
// Apply formatter and set the formatted value of the first column.
formatter.format[data, [0, 1]];

var view = new google.visualization.DataView[data];
view.setColumns[[0]]; // Create a view with the first column only.

table.draw[view, {allowHtml: true, showRowNumber: true, width: '100%', height: '100%'}];


A helper class to simplify writing Gadgets that use the Google Visualization API.




MethodReturn ValueDescription
createQueryFromPrefs[prefs] google.visualization.Query Static. Create a new instance of google.visualization.Query and set its properties according to values from the gadget preferences. The type of parameter prefs is _IG_Prefs
  1. Preference _table_query_url is used to set the Query data source URL.
  2. Preference _table_query_refresh_interval is used to set the Query refresh interval [in seconds].
validateResponse[response] Boolean Static. Parameter response is of type google.visualization.QueryResponse. Returns true if the response contains data. Returns false if the query execution failed and the response does not contain data. If an error occurred, this method displays an error message.

Query Classes

The following objects are available to send queries for data to an external data source, such as Google Spreadsheets.

  • Query - Wraps the outgoing data request.
  • QueryResponse - Handles the response from the data source.


Represents a query that is sent to a data source.


google.visualization.Query[dataSourceUrl, opt_options]


dataSourceUrl [Required, String] URL to send the query to. See the Charts and Spreadsheets documentation for Google Spreadsheets. opt_options [Optional, Object] A map of options for the request. Note: If you are accessing a restricted data source , you should not use this parameter. Here are the supported properties:
  • sendMethod - [Optional, String] Specifies the method to use to send the query. Choose one of the following string values:
    • 'xhr' - Send the query using XmlHttpRequest.
    • 'scriptInjection' - Send the query using script injection.
    • 'makeRequest' - [Available only for gadgets, which are deprecated] Send the query using the Gadget API   makeRequest[] method. If specified, you should also specify makeRequestParams.
    • 'auto' - Use the method specified by the tqrt URL parameter from the data source URL. tqrt can have the following values: 'xhr', 'scriptInjection', or 'makeRequest'. If tqrt is missing or has an invalid value, the default is 'xhr' for same-domain requests and 'scriptInjection' for cross-domain requests.
  • makeRequestParams - [Object] A map of parameters for a makeRequest[] query. Used and required only if sendMethod is 'makeRequest'.


MethodReturn ValueDescription
abort[] None Stops the automated query sending that was started with setRefreshInterval[].
setRefreshInterval[seconds] None

Sets the query to automatically call the send method every specified duration [number of seconds], starting from the first explicit call to send. seconds is a number greater than or equal to zero.

If you use this method, you should call it before calling the send method.

Cancel this method either by calling it again with zero [the default], or by calling abort[].

setTimeout[seconds] None Sets the number of seconds to wait for the data source to respond before raising a timeout error. seconds is a number greater than zero.
The default timeout is 30 seconds. This method, if used, should be called before calling the send method.
setQuery[string] None Sets the query string. The value of the string parameter should be a valid query.
This method, if used, should be called before calling the send method. Learn more about the Query language.
send[callback] None Sends the query to the data source. callback should be a function that will be called when the data source responds. The callback function will receive a single parameter of type google.visualization.QueryResponse.


Represents a response of a query execution as received from the data source. An instance of this class is passed as an argument to the callback function that was set when Query.send was called.


MethodReturn ValueDescription
getDataTable[] DataTable Returns the data table as returned by the data source. Returns null if the query execution failed and no data was returned.
getDetailedMessage[] String Returns a detailed error message for queries that failed. If the query execution was successful, this method returns an empty string. The message returned is a message that is intended for developers, and may contain technical information, for example 'Column {salary} does not exist'.
getMessage[] String Returns a short error message for queries that failed. If the query execution was successful, this method returns an empty string. The message returned is a short message that is intended for end users, for example 'Invalid Query' or 'Access Denied'.
getReasons[] Array of strings Returns an array of zero of more entries. Each entry is a short string with an error or warning code that was raised while executing the query. Possible codes:
  • access_denied The user does not have permissions to access the data source.
  • invalid_query The specified query has a syntax error.
  • data_truncated One or more data rows that match the query selection were not returned due to output size limits. [warning].
  • timeout The query did not respond within the expected time.
hasWarning[] Boolean Returns true if the query execution has any warning messages.
isError[] Boolean Returns true if the query execution failed, and the response does not contain any data table. Returns if the query execution was successful and the response contains a data table.

Error Display

The API provides several functions to help you display custom error messages to your users. To use these functions, provide a container element on the page [typically a

], into which the API will draw a formatted error message. This container can be either the visualization container element, or a container just for errors. If you specify the visualization containe element, the error message will be displayed above the visualization. Then call the appropriate function below to show, or remove, the error message.

All functions are static functions in the namespace google.visualization.errors.

Many visualizations can throw an error event; see error event below to learn more about that.

You can see an example custom error in the Query Wrapper Example.

FunctionReturn ValueDescription
addError[container, message, opt_detailedMessage, opt_options] String ID value that identifies the error object created. This is a unique value on the page, and can be used to remove the error or find its containing element.

Adds an error display block to the specified page element, with specified text and formatting.

  • container - The DOM element into which to insert the error message. If the container cannot be found, the function will throw a JavaScript error.
  • message - A string message to display.
  • opt_detailedMessage - An optional detailed message string. By default, this is mouseover text, but that can be changed in the opt_options.showInToolTip property described below.
  • opt_options - An optional object with properties that set various display options for the message. The following options are supported:
    • showInTooltip - A boolean value where true shows the detailed message only as tooltip text, and false shows the detailed message in the container body after the short message. Default value is true.
    • type - A string describing the error type, which determines which css styles should be applied to this message. The supported values are 'error' and 'warning'. Default value is 'error'.
    • style - A style string for the error message. This style will override any styles applied to the warning type [opt_options.type]. Example: 'background-color: #33ff99; padding: 2px;' Default value is an empty string.
    • removable - A boolean value, where true means that the message can be closed by a mouse click from the user. Default value is false.
addErrorFromQueryResponse[container, response]

String ID value that identifies the error object created, or null if the response didn't indicate an error. This is a unique value on the page, and can be used to remove the error or find its containing element.

Pass a query response and error message container to this method: if the query response indicates a query error, displays an error message in the specified page element. If the query response is null, the method will throw a JavaScript error. Pass your QueryResponse received in your query handler to this message to display an error. It will also set the style of the display appropriate to the type [error or warning, similar to addError[opt_options.type]]

  • container - The DOM element into which to insert the error message. If the container cannot be found, the function will throw a JavaScript error.
  • response - A QueryResponse object received by your query handler in response to a query. If this is null, the method will throw a JavaScript error.
removeError[id] Boolean: true if the error was removed; false otherwise.

Removes the error specified by ID from the page.

  • id - The string ID of an error created using addError[] or addErrorFromQueryResponse[].
removeAll[container] None

Removes all error blocks from a specified container. If the specified container does not exist, this will throw an error.

  • container - The DOM element holding the error strings to remove. If the container cannot be found, the function will throw a JavaScript error.
getContainer[errorId] Handle to a DOM element holding the error specified, or null if it could not be found.

Retrieves a handle to the container element holding the error specified by errorID.

  • errorId - String ID of an error created using addError[] or addErrorFromQueryResponse[].


Most visualizations fire events to indicate something has occurred. As a user of the chart, you would often want to listen to these events. If you code your own visualization, you might also want to trigger such events on your own.

The following methods enable developers to listen to events, remove existing event handlers or trigger events from inside a visualization.

  •[] and[] listen for events.
  •[] removes an existing listener
  •[] removes all listeners of a specific chart
  •[] fires an event.


Call this method to register to receive events fired by a visualization hosted on your page. You should document what event arguments, if any, will be passed to the handling function.[source_visualization,
  event_name, handling_function]
source_visualization A handle to the source visualization instance.event_name The string name of the event to listen for. A visualization should document which events it throws. handling_function The name of the local JavaScript function to call when source_visualization fires the event_name event. The handling function will be passed any event arguments as parameters.


A listener handler for the new listener. The handler can be used to later remove this listener if needed by calling[].


Here is an example of registering to receive the selection event

var table = new google.visualization.Table[document.getElementById['table_div']];
table.draw[data, options];[table, 'select', selectHandler];

function selectHandler[] {
  alert['A table row was selected'];


This is identical to addListener[], but is intended for events that should only be listened to once. Subsequent throws of the event will not invoke the handling function.

An example of when this is useful: every draw causes a ready event to be thrown. If you want only the first ready to execute your code, you'll want addOneTimeListener rather than addListener.


Call this method to unregister an existing event listener.[listener_handler]
listener_handler The listener handler to remove, as returned by[].


Call this method to unregister all event listeners of a specific visualization instance.[source_visualization]
source_visualization A handle to the source visualization instance from which all event listeners should be removed.


Called by visualization implementers. Call this method from your visualization to fire an event with an arbitrary name and set of values.[source_visualization, event_name,
source_visualization A handle to the source visualization instance. If you are calling this function from within a method defined by the sending visualization, you can simply pass in the this keyword. event_name A string name to call the event. You can choose any string value that you want. event_args [optional] A map of name/value pairs to pass to the receiving method. For example: {message: "Hello there!", score: 10, name: "Fred"}. You can pass null if no events are needed; the receiver should be prepared to accept null for this parameter.


Here is an example of a visualization that throws a method named "select" when its title method is called. It does not pass back any values.

MyVisualization.prototype. title = function[rowIndex] {
  this.highlightRow[this.selectedRow, false]; // Clear previous selection
  this.highlightRow[rowIndex, true]; // Highlight new selection

  // Save the selected row index in case getSelection is called.
  this.selectedRow = rowIndex;

  // Trigger a select event.[this, 'select', null];

Standard Visualization Methods and Properties

Every visualization should expose the following set of required and optional methods and properties. However, note that there is no type checking to enforce these standards, so you should read the documentation for each visualization.

  • Constructor
  • draw[]
  • getAction[] [optional]
  • getSelection[] [optional]
  • removeAction[] [optional]
  • setAction[] [optional]
  • setSelection[] [optional]

Note: These methods are in the namespace of the visualization, not the google.visualization namespace.


The constructor should have the name of your visualization class, and return an instance of that class.

dom_elementA pointer to a DOM element where the visualization should be embedded.


var org = new google.visualization.OrgChart[document.getElementById['org_div']]; 


Draws the visualization on the page. Behind the scenes this can be fetching a graphic from a server or creating the graphic on the page using the linked visualization code. You should call this method every time the data or options change. The object should be drawn inside the DOM element passed into the constructor.

draw[data[, options]]
data A DataTable or DataView holding the data to use to draw the chart. There is no standard method for extracting a DataTable from a chart. options [Optional] A map of name/value pairs of custom options. Examples include height and width, background colors, and captions. The visualization documentation should list which options are available, and should support default options if you do not specify this parameter. You can use the JavaScript object literal syntax to pass in an options map: e.g., {x:100, y:200, title:'An Example'}


chart.draw[myData, {width: 400, height: 240, is3D: true, title: 'My Daily Activities'}];


This is optionally exposed by visualizations that have tooltips and allow tooltip actions.

Returns the tooltip action object with the requested actionID.


// Returns the action object with the ID 'alertAction'.


This is optionally exposed by visualizations that want to let you access the currently selected data in the graphic.

selection_array getSelection[]


selection_array   An array of selected objects, each one describing a data element in the underlying table used to create the visualization [a DataView or a DataTable]. Each object has properties row and/or column, with the index of the row and/or column of the selected item in the underlying DataTable. If the row property is null, then the selection is a column; if the column property is null, then the selection is a row; if both are non-null, then it is a specific data item. You can call the DataTable.getValue[] method to get the value of the selected item. The retrieved array can be passed into setSelection[].


function myClickHandler[]{
  var selection = myVis.getSelection[];
  var message = '';

  for [var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++] {
    var item = selection[i];
    if [item.row != null && item.column != null] {
      message += '{row:' + item.row + ',column:' + item.column + '}';
    } else if [item.row != null] {
      message += '{row:' + item.row + '}';
    } else if [item.column != null] {
      message += '{column:' + item.column + '}';
  if [message == ''] {
    message = 'nothing';
  alert['You selected ' + message];


This is optionally exposed by visualizations that have tooltips and allow tooltip actions.

Removes the tooltip action object with the requested actionID from your chart.


// Removes an action from chart with the ID of 'alertAction'.


This is optionally exposed by visualizations that have tooltips and allow tooltip actions. It works only for core charts [bar, column, line, area, scatter, combo, bubble, pie, donut, candlestick, histogram, stepped area].

Sets a tooltip action to be executed when the user clicks on the action text.

setAction[action object]

The setAction method takes an object as its action parameter. This object should specify 3 properties: id— the ID of the action being set, text —the text that should appear in the tooltip for the action, and action — the function that should be run when a user clicks on the action text.

Any and all tooltip actions should be set prior to calling the chart's draw[] method.


// Sets a tooltip action which will pop an alert box on the screen when triggered.
  id: 'alertAction',
  text: 'Trigger Alert',
  action: function[] {
    alert['You have triggered an alert'];

The setAction method can also define two additional properties: visible and enabled. These properties should be functions that return boolean values indicating if the tooltip action will be visible and/or enabled.


// The visible/enabled functions can contain any logic to determine their state
// as long as they return boolean values.
  id: 'alertAction',
  text: 'Trigger Alert',
  action: function[] {
    alert['You have triggered an alert'];
  visible: function[] {
    return true;
  enabled: function[] {
    return true;


Optionally selects a data entry in the visualization—for example, a point in an area chart, or a bar in a bar chart. When this method is called, the visualization should visually indicate what the new selection is. The implementation of setSelection[] should not fire a "select" event. Visualizations may ignore part of the selection. For example, a table that can show only selected rows may ignore cell or column elements in its setSelection[] implementation, or it can select the entire row.

Every time this method is called, all selected items are deselected, and the new selection list passed in should be applied. There is no explicit way to deselect individual items; to deselect individual items, call setSelection[] with the items to remain selected; to deselect all elements, call setSelection[], setSelection[null], or setSelection[[]].

selection_array An array of objects, each with a numeric row and/or column property. row and column are the zero-based row or column number of an item in the data table to select. To select a whole column, set row to null; to select a whole row, set column to null. Example: setSelection[[{row:0,column:1},{row:1, column:null}]] selects the cell at [0,1] and the entire row 1.

Assorted Static Methods

This section contains various useful methods exposed in the google.visualization namespace.


This method takes in a two-dimensional array and converts it to a DataTable.

The column data types are determined automatically by the data provided. Column data types can also be specified using the object literal notation in the first row [the column header row] of the array [i.e. {label: 'Start Date', type: 'date'}]. Optional data roles may be used as well, but they must be defined explicitly using object literal notation. Object literal notation may also be used for any cell, allowing you to define Cell Objects].


google.visualization.arrayToDataTable[twoDArray, opt_firstRowIsData]
twoDArray A two-dimensional array, where each row represents a row in the data table. If opt_firstRowIsData is false [the default], the first row will be interpreted as header labels. The data types of each column are interpreted automatically from the data given. If a cell has no value, specify a null or empty value as appropriate. opt_firstRowIsData Whether the first row defines a header row or not. If true, all rows are assumed to be data. If false, the first row is assumed to be a header row, and the values are assigned as column labels. Default is false.


A new DataTable.


The following code demonstrates three ways to create the same DataTable object:

// Version 1: arrayToDataTable method
var data2 = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable[[
  [{label: 'Country', type: 'string'},
   {label: 'Population', type: 'number'},
   {label: 'Area', type: 'number'},
   {type: 'string', role: 'annotation'}],
  ['CN', 1324, 9640821, 'Annotated'],
  ['IN', 1133, 3287263, 'Annotated'],
  ['US', 304, 9629091, 'Annotated'],
  ['ID', 232, 1904569, 'Annotated'],
  ['BR', 187, 8514877, 'Annotated']

// Version 2: DataTable.addRows
var data3 = new google.visualization.DataTable[];
  ['CN', 1324, 9640821],
  ['IN', 1133, 3287263],
  ['US', 304, 9629091],
  ['ID', 232, 1904569],
  ['BR', 187, 8514877]

// Version 3: DataTable.setValue
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable[];
data.addColumn['number', 'Population'];
data.addColumn['number', 'Area'];
data.setValue[0, 0, 'CN'];
data.setValue[0, 1, 1324];
data.setValue[0, 2, 9640821];
data.setValue[1, 0, 'IN'];
data.setValue[1, 1, 1133];
data.setValue[1, 2, 3287263];
data.setValue[2, 0, 'US'];
data.setValue[2, 1, 304];
data.setValue[2, 2, 9629091];
data.setValue[3, 0, 'ID'];
data.setValue[3, 1, 232];
data.setValue[3, 2, 1904569];
data.setValue[4, 0, 'BR'];
data.setValue[4, 1, 187];
data.setValue[4, 2, 8514877];


This method creates a chart in a single call. The advantage of using this method is that it requires slightly less code, and you can serialize and save visualizations as text strings for reuse. This method does not return a handle to the created chart, so you cannot assign method listeners to catch chart events.


chart_JSON_or_object Either a JSON literal string or a JavaScript object, with the following properties [case-sensitive]: PropertyTypeRequiredDefaultDescription
chartType String Required none The class name of the visualization. The google.visualization package name can be omitted for Google charts. If the appropriate visualization library has not already been loaded, this method will load the library for you if this is a Google visualization; you must load third party visualizations explicitly. Examples: Table, PieChart,
containerId String Required none The ID of the DOM element on your page that will host the visualization.
options Object Optional none An object describing the options for the visualization. You can use either JavaScript literal notation, or provide a handle to the object. Example: "options": {"width": 400, "height": 240, "is3D": true, "title": "Company Performance"}
dataTable Object Optional None A DataTable used to populate the visualization. This can be a literal JSON string representation of a DataTable, as described above, or a handle to a populated google.visualization.DataTable object, or a 2-dimensional array like that accepted by arrayToDataTable[opt_firstRowIsData=false] . You must specify either this property or the dataSourceUrl property.
dataSourceUrl String Optional None A data source query to populate the chart data [for example, a Google Spreadsheet]. You must specify either this property or the dataTable property.
query String Optional None If specifying dataSourceUrl, you can optionally specify a SQL-like query string using the Visualization query language to filter or manipulate the data.
refreshInterval Number Optional None How often, in seconds, the visualization should refresh its query source. Use this only when specifying dataSourceUrl.
view Object OR Array Optional None Sets a DataView initializer object, which acts as a filter over the underlying data, as defined by either the dataTable or dataSourceUrl parameter. You can pass in either a string or DataView initializer object, like that returned by dataview.toJSON[]. Example: "view": {"columns": [1, 2]} You can also pass in an array of DataView initializer objects, in which case the first DataView in the array is applied to the underlying data to create a new data table, and the second DataView is applied to the data table resulting from application of the first DataView, and so on.


Creates a table chart based on a spreadsheet data source, and includes the query SELECT A,D WHERE D > 100 ORDER BY D

  google.charts.load['current'];  // Note: No need to specify chart packages.
  function drawVisualization[] {
      "containerId": "visualization_div",
      "dataSourceUrl": "//",
      "query":"SELECT A,D WHERE D > 100 ORDER BY D",
      "refreshInterval": 5,
      "chartType": "Table",
      "options": {
        "alternatingRowStyle": true,
        "showRowNumber" : true

This next example creates the same table, but creates a DataTable locally:

  function drawVisualization[] {
    var dataTable = [
      ["Country", "Population Density"],
      ["Indonesia", 117],
      ["China", 137],
      ["Nigeria", 142],
      ["Pakistan", 198],
      ["India", 336],
      ["Japan", 339],
      ["Bangladesh", 1045]
      "containerId": "visualization_div",
      "dataTable": dataTable,
      "refreshInterval": 5,
      "chartType": "Table",
      "options": {
        "alternatingRowStyle": true,
        "showRowNumber" : true,

This example passes in a JSON string representation of the chart, which you might have loaded from a file:

  var myStoredString = '{"containerId": "visualization_div",' +
    '"dataSourceUrl": "//",' +
    '"query":"SELECT A,D WHERE D > 100 ORDER BY D",' +
    '"refreshInterval": 5,' +
    '"chartType": "Table",' +
    '"options": {' +
    '   "alternatingRowStyle": true,' +
    '   "showRowNumber" : true' +
    '}' +
  function drawVisualization[] {


This is the constructor for the toolbar element that can be attached to many visualizations. This toolbar enables the user to export the visualization data into different formats, or to provide an embeddable version of the visualization for use in different places. See the toolbar page for more information and a code example.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2021-03-22 UTC.

[{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "missingTheInformationINeed", "label":"Missing the information I need" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps", "label":"Too complicated / too many steps" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "outOfDate", "label":"Out of date" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "samplesCodeIssue", "label":"Samples / code issue" },{ "type": "thumb-down", "id": "otherDown", "label":"Other" }] [{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "easyToUnderstand", "label":"Easy to understand" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "solvedMyProblem", "label":"Solved my problem" },{ "type": "thumb-up", "id": "otherUp", "label":"Other" }]

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