Cara menggunakan tesseract-ocr-for php codeigniter



i've installed tesseract-ocr in d:drive

tesseract-ocr version 3.05

you need to download wrapper using composer

you need to copy tesseract where is your project or



@lipsakandhei the namespace you are using is wrong.
replace use thiagoalessio\tesseract_ocr\TesseractOCR; by use thiagoalessio\TesseractOCR\TesseractOCR;



thank you so much it worked!!! :clap:

but it is showing blank screen



this is the code i refered from the previous discussion with @bciar [Webninja] , i've installed the tesseract_ocr in my d: drive



inspect the constant PHP_OS, it is not equals "WIN", it contains it. Your comparison should be something like if [stristr[PHP_OS, 'WIN']]



I trying to install thiagoalessio/tesseract-ocr-for-php in laravel 5.5 for windows using xammp. But when i run code getting no output and no error.

Can anyone help me to fix this issue?



hello @waseemkhaliq123 , sure I can try to help you, please let me know the following info:

  • Operating system: $ uname -srvm or > winver
  • PHP version: $ php --version
  • Tesseract version: $ tesseract --version
  • tesseract-ocr-for-php version: $ composer show thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr



Operating system windows 8.
PHP version 7.2.3
tesseract version 2.4.0

Please tell me how i can solve this issue. When i run code not getting any output and any error.



What about your tesseract version? The CLI binary



tesseract is version 2.4.0



No, thats the version of my php wrapper, you need the real tesseract as well



Please send me github link or latest version link.





please tell me latest version of tesseract.



Its probably 3.05



is there any library or package of tesseract for laravel?

How i can use this wrapper for laravel?



there is no package of this version composer require thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr 3.05

this command is not working. Please help.

@thiagoalessio Are you here?



Hum, let me try to clarify this to you with an example:
Imagine you want to communicate with MySQL from PHP.
you would need to have some php functions to connect/query MySQL, but you also need a real MySQL database running somewhere.
What thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr [the php library] offers are just the php functions to talk to tesseract. You still need the real tesseract program installed on your host.

And that is not a php/composer thing. Is a program written in C++ that you can install via apt-get/yum/brew etc



Yes it help. I installed tesseract on my windows and added path in executable method. but not working.

please tell me latest version of "thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr" that i can use through composer.






Is it compatible with php 7.2?






Can you send me step by step instruction to setup thiagoalessio/tesseract_ocr php wrapper and "Tesseract library " on local server [xampp] on windows operating system.



Hello does this works in CodeIgniter? I can't seem to find how to work this in CodeIgniter. Thank you.



It is merely a composer library, should work with any PHP project, regardless of frameworks

Hello I'm trying to make a project in XAMPP but I'm still confused about installing tesseract. Should it be installing from the UB Mannheim or thru Composer?



Please just scroll up a bit and read the example I gave [comparing it to MySQL] and let me know if that clarifies your doubts

Short answer: you need to install both

Thank you! I already downloaded tesseract in Composer however does the vendor folder should be in C:\Users\MyAccount or in my project folder?

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