Convert image to array python

This article explains how to convert image to Numpy array using TensorFlow. TensorFlow provides tf.keras.utils.img_to_array method to convert image instance to a Numpy array. Below is the code snippet to convert Image to Numpy array.

  • Download the image with tf.keras.utils.get_file
    import tensorflow as tf
    image_file = tf.keras.utils.get_file["flower.jpg",
    ====== Output ======
    Downloading data from //
    229376/221594 [===============================] - 0s 0us/step

  • Load image with tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img
    img = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img[image_file]

  • Convert image to numpy array with tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array
    image_array = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array[img]
    ======= Output ======
    [1297, 1920, 3]
    [[[124.  73.   7.]
        [126.  75.   9.]
        [128.  77.  11.]
        [ 66.  30.  34.]
        [ 69.  30.  35.]
        [ 69.  30.  35.]]
        [[125.  74.   8.]
        [127.  76.  10.]
        [129.  78.  12.]
        [ 66.  30.  34.]
        [ 67.  31.  35.]
        [ 70.  31.  36.]]
        [[125.  76.   9.]
        [126.  77.  10.]
        [128.  77.  11.]
        [ 67.  31.  35.]
        [ 68.  32.  36.]
        [ 69.  33.  37.]]]

  • Complete code for converting image to numpy array
    import tensorflow as tf
    image_file = tf.keras.utils.get_file["flower.jpg",
    img = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.load_img[image_file]
    image_array = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.img_to_array[img]

    If you have already cloned the material, please issue `git pull` now and reload the notebook to ensure that you have the latest updates.

    Images are represented in scikit-image using standard numpy arrays. This allows maximum inter-operability with other libraries in the scientific Python ecosystem, such as matplotlib and scipy.

    Let’s see how to build a grayscale image as a 2D array:

    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    random_image = np.random.random[[500, 500]]
    plt.imshow[random_image, cmap='gray']

    The same holds for “real-world” images:

    from skimage import data
    coins = data.coins[]
    print['Type:', type[coins]]
    print['dtype:', coins.dtype]
    print['shape:', coins.shape]
    plt.imshow[coins, cmap='gray'];

    dtype: uint8
    shape: [303, 384]

    A color image is a 3D array, where the last dimension has size 3 and represents the red, green, and blue channels:

    cat = data.chelsea[]
    print["Shape:", cat.shape]
    print["Values min/max:", cat.min[], cat.max[]]

    Shape: [300, 451, 3]
    Values min/max: 0 231

    These are just NumPy arrays. E.g., we can make a red square by using standard array slicing and manipulation:

    cat[10:110, 10:110, :] = [255, 0, 0]  # [red, green, blue]

    Images can also include transparent regions by adding a 4th dimension, called an alpha layer.

    Other shapes, and their meanings¶

    Image type


    2D grayscale

    [row, column]

    2D multichannel

    [row, column, channel]

    3D grayscale [or volumetric]

    [plane, row, column]

    3D multichannel

    [plane, row, column, channel]

    Displaying images using matplotlib¶

    from skimage import data
    img0 = data.chelsea[]
    img1 = data.rocket[]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    f, [ax0, ax1] = plt.subplots[1, 2, figsize=[20, 10]]
    ax0.set_title['Cat', fontsize=18]
    ax1.set_title['Rocket', fontsize=18]
    ax1.set_xlabel[r'Launching position $\alpha=320$']
    ax1.vlines[[202, 300], 0, img1.shape[0], colors='magenta', linewidth=3, label='Side tower position']
    ax1.plot[[168, 190, 200], [400, 200, 300], color='white', linestyle='--', label='Side angle']

    For more on plotting, see the Matplotlib documentation and pyplot API.

    Data types and image values¶

    In literature, one finds different conventions for representing image values:

      0 - 255   where  0 is black, 255 is white
      0 - 1     where  0 is black, 1 is white

    scikit-image supports both conventions–the choice is determined by the data-type of the array.

    E.g., here, I generate two valid images:

    linear0 = np.linspace[0, 1, 2500].reshape[[50, 50]]
    linear1 = np.linspace[0, 255, 2500].reshape[[50, 50]].astype[np.uint8]
    print["Linear0:", linear0.dtype, linear0.min[], linear0.max[]]
    print["Linear1:", linear1.dtype, linear1.min[], linear1.max[]]
    fig, [ax0, ax1] = plt.subplots[1, 2, figsize=[15, 15]]
    ax0.imshow[linear0, cmap='gray']
    ax1.imshow[linear1, cmap='gray'];

    Linear0: float64 0.0 1.0
    Linear1: uint8 0 255

    The library is designed in such a way that any data-type is allowed as input, as long as the range is correct [0-1 for floating point images, 0-255 for unsigned bytes, 0-65535 for unsigned 16-bit integers].

    You can convert images between different representations by using img_as_float, img_as_ubyte, etc.:

    from skimage import img_as_float, img_as_ubyte
    image = data.chelsea[]
    image_ubyte = img_as_ubyte[image]
    image_float = img_as_float[image]
    print["type, min, max:", image_ubyte.dtype, image_ubyte.min[], image_ubyte.max[]]
    print["type, min, max:", image_float.dtype, image_float.min[], image_float.max[]]
    print["231/255 =", 231/255.]

    type, min, max: uint8 0 231
    type, min, max: float64 0.0 0.9058823529411765
    231/255 = 0.9058823529411765

    Your code would then typically look like this:

    def my_function[any_image]:
       float_image = img_as_float[any_image]
       # Proceed, knowing image is in [0, 1]

    We recommend using the floating point representation, given that scikit-image mostly uses that format internally.

    Image I/O¶

    Mostly, we won’t be using input images from the scikit-image example data sets. Those images are typically stored in JPEG or PNG format. Since scikit-image operates on NumPy arrays, any image reader library that provides arrays will do. Options include imageio, matplotlib, pillow, etc.

    scikit-image conveniently wraps many of these in the io submodule, and will use whichever of the libraries mentioned above are installed:

    from skimage import io
    image = io.imread['../images/balloon.jpg']
    print[image.min[], image.max[]]

    [300, 225, 3]
    0 255

    We also have the ability to load multiple images, or multi-layer TIFF images:

    ic = io.ImageCollection['../images/*.png:../images/*.jpg']
    print['Type:', type[ic]]



    import os
    f, axes = plt.subplots[nrows=3, ncols=len[ic] // 3 + 1, figsize=[20, 5]]
    # subplots returns the figure and an array of axes
    # we use `axes.ravel[]` to turn these into a list
    axes = axes.ravel[]
    for ax in axes:
    for i, image in enumerate[ic]:
        axes[i].imshow[image, cmap='gray']

    Aside: enumerate

    enumerate gives us each element in a container, along with its position.

    animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'leopard']

    for i, animal in enumerate[animals]:
        print['The animal in position {} is {}'.format[i, animal]]

    The animal in position 0 is cat
    The animal in position 1 is dog
    The animal in position 2 is leopard

    Exercise: draw the letter H

    Define a function that takes as input an RGB image and a pair of coordinates [row, column], and returns a copy with a green letter H overlaid at those coordinates. The coordinates point to the top-left corner of the H.

    The arms and strut of the H should have a width of 3 pixels, and the H itself should have a height of 24 pixels and width of 20 pixels.

    Start with the following template:

    def draw_H[image, coords, color=[0, 255, 0]]:
        out = image.copy[]
        return out 

    Test your function like so:

    cat = data.chelsea[]
    cat_H = draw_H[cat, [50, -50]]

    Exercise: visualizing RGB channels

    Display the different color channels of the image along [each as a gray-scale image]. Start with the following template:

    # --- read in the image ---
    image = plt.imread['../images/Bells-Beach.jpg']
    # --- assign each color channel to a different variable ---
    r = ... # FIXME: grab channel from image...
    g = ... # FIXME
    b = ... # FIXME
    # --- display the image and r, g, b channels ---
    f, axes = plt.subplots[1, 4, figsize=[16, 5]]
    for ax in axes:
    [ax_r, ax_g, ax_b, ax_color] = axes
    ax_r.imshow[r, cmap='gray']
    ax_r.set_title['red channel']
    ax_g.imshow[g, cmap='gray']
    ax_g.set_title['green channel']
    ax_b.imshow[b, cmap='gray']
    ax_b.set_title['blue channel']
    # --- Here, we stack the R, G, and B layers again
    #     to form a color image ---
    ax_color.imshow[np.stack[[r, g, b], axis=2]]
    ax_color.set_title['all channels'];

    Now, take a look at the following R, G, and B channels. How would their combination look? [Write some code to confirm your intuition.]

    from skimage import draw
    red = np.zeros[[300, 300]]
    green = np.zeros[[300, 300]]
    blue = np.zeros[[300, 300]]
    r, c =[100, 100, 100]
    red[r, c] = 1
    r, c =[100, 200, 100]
    green[r, c] = 1
    r, c =[200, 150, 100]
    blue[r, c] = 1
    f, axes = plt.subplots[1, 3]
    for [ax, channel] in zip[axes, [red, green, blue]]:
        ax.imshow[channel, cmap='gray']

    :7: FutureWarning: `` is deprecated in favor of `draw.disk`.`` will be removed in version 0.19
      r, c =[100, 100, 100]
    :10: FutureWarning: `` is deprecated in favor of `draw.disk`.`` will be removed in version 0.19
      r, c =[100, 200, 100]
    :13: FutureWarning: `` is deprecated in favor of `draw.disk`.`` will be removed in version 0.19
      r, c =[200, 150, 100]

    Exercise: Convert to grayscale [“black and white”]¶

    The relative luminance of an image is the intensity of light coming from each point. Different colors contribute differently to the luminance: it’s very hard to have a bright, pure blue, for example. So, starting from an RGB image, the luminance is given by:

    \[ Y = 0.2126R + 0.7152G + 0.0722B \]

    Use Python 3.5’s matrix multiplication, @, to convert an RGB image to a grayscale luminance image according to the formula above.

    Compare your results to that obtained with skimage.color.rgb2gray.

    Change the coefficients to 1/3 [i.e., take the mean of the red, green, and blue channels, to see how that approach compares with rgb2gray].

    from skimage import color, img_as_float
    image = img_as_float[io.imread['../images/balloon.jpg']]
    gray = color.rgb2gray[image]
    my_gray = ...  # FIXME
    # --- display the results ---
    f, [ax0, ax1] = plt.subplots[1, 2, figsize=[10, 6]]
    ax0.imshow[gray, cmap='gray']
    ax1.imshow[my_gray, cmap='gray']
    ax1.set_title['my rgb2gray']

    How images are converted to arrays?

    Converting an Image to Array using NumPy: We can use NumPy to convert images to arrays, but it has no function to read images. So first we need to use the PIL library in Python to read an image. If you've never used it before, you can easily install it using the pip command: pip install Pillow.

    How do I import an image into an array in Python?

    Manipulating and Saving the Image.
    1import numpy as np 2from PIL import Image 3 4im = np. array[Image. open['kolala.jpeg']. ... .
    1load_img_rz = np. array[Image. open['kolala.jpeg']. ... .
    1im = np. array[Image. open['kolala.jpeg']] 2 3print["Before trimming:",im..

    How is an image converted to NumPy array?

    How to convert an image to a numpy array in Python.
    image = PIL. Image. open["red_image.png"].
    image_array = np. array[image].
    print[image_array[0][0]] print first pixel in image..
    print[image_array. shape] print dimensions of image..

    Can an image could be converted into a NumPy array?

    Using OpenCV Library imread[] function is used to load the image and It also reads the given image [PIL image] in the NumPy array format. Then we need to convert the image color from BGR to RGB. imwrite[] is used to save the image in the file.

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