Dps teratas 9.2.5 2022

Live Posted 2022/06/16 at 3:21 AM by Anshlun

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Live Posted 2022/07/07 at 2:39 AM by Anshlun

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Update: you can now check out the week 2 log rankings as well, after the class tuning change almost everything.

We're back to the Sepulcher of the First Ones with a more proper look at the DPS and HPS numbers today, and it seems the day 1 stats weren't quite as crazy and preliminary as usual. The pre-patch madness is in full effect as specs have lost their tier set bonuses, gained the new talent system and still have access to their Covenant abilities and legendaries, making things really messy and all over the place. Luckily for us, this makes for some very interesting rankings! You can also check out our class guides to get a better idea of the craziness that is the pre-patch.
95th Percentile
We have a very colorful top 5 in this new chaotic pre-patch age, with no repeat classes! We are all still ruled by our Warlock overlords, however, with Affliction taking the reins over from Demonology, who took them over from Destruction before that, and, well, Affliction before that. It's been a very purple couple of patches indeed. After that we see even more changes, as the once great Windwalkers return to their lofty heights, but at the end of the top 3 we see a spec that hasn't had anything very lofty for a LONG time, as Retribution finds its way up after a slow climb up into the top 10 during 9.2.7. Balance returns after a long stint down in the middle, and while it's not quite back to its Nathria glory days, it's still doing very well. Another very unexpected face finds us at No.5, as Enhancement takes over the Shaman mantle and after doing well in Heroic for quite a while now, the stormy strikers have found their way to the top here as well! Frost DK is one of the rare specs that's held on to a top 10 position over this transition, as Fire isn't riding quite as high as expected, and Arms is representing Warriors in the upper half here. We have two relatively unexpected faces in the final two top 10 slots, as we see the first class repeats, with Arcane and Beast Mastery taking up residence at 9 and 10. Havoc managed to dig itself out of the hole it was in during the last pach, as Unholy dropped quite a bit, and we see our first Rogue spec all the way down here at 13. The very bottom is reserved for irony/justice[?], as the undisputed ruler of the past months is sitting at the very bottom, joined by Subtletly and Shadow.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.
And here's our Warlock guide writer Motoko explaining why we have yet another purple overlord:
The pre-patch is a curious, relatively small timeframe where two expansion's systems usually overlap to a various degree, and 10.0 is no exception. With the new talent system and the ability to still run covenants with legendaries, Affliction is yet again at the top. On one side there is the Shadowlands Necrolords package, centered around Decimating Bolt and increasing the damage of Shadowbolt/Drain Soul. On the other there is the new Dragonflight talent and spell system, with a baseline buffed Drain Soul/Shadowbolt, which also benefits from multiple nodes that passively increase the damage even further. As a result, Affliction has incredible single target damage coming from Drain Soul, especially during execute, while also being able to sport passive cleave options such as Soul Flame. There was also a hotfix in the second part of the week that made Decimating Bolt and Shard of Annihilation correctly increase the damage of just one Drain Soul, instead of the multiples it did before, so we might see the damage drop down a little next week. All Percentiles
The top remain the same in the generalist bracket, but Enhancement is really pushing the envelope here as it takes over 3rd. Frost DK is hanging on even better, not losing much ground at all since the pre-patch, as Fire breathes down its neck. Retribution isn't quite as hot as in the top percentiles, but it's still sitting in a respectable 6th place, with Arms and Havoc being quite bit warmer than in the top in 7th.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.
Tanks and Healers
Some Guardian Druids are still pulling some crazy shenanigans and doing 45K DPS, almost double than the rest of the specs, pushing the spec to the top and then some. They're using the Fated Chaotic Mote ability Fated Infusion: Chaotic Essence along with Cache of Acquired Treasures, Gavel of the First Arbiter and mainly Ravenous Frenzy, which is getting very high stacks due to the new talents and the legendary stacking, creating a whole lot of haste and crit. Demon Hunters and Brewmasters are doing well down in the non insane side of the damage meters, as Paladinds, DKs and especially Warriors aren't doing quite as well.
All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.
Holy seems to be the healer of the hour and is poised to stay on top for the pre-patch, but Mistweavers aren't that far behind either. The top 4 healers are actually pretty close together, with only Shamans and Paladins dropping off a little in the HPS battle.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.
Heroic DPS
Enhancement has finally made it to the top of Heroic, after lingering near it for the entirety of 9.2.7, and now the pre-patch has empowered it to claim the throne! It's really good [and unusual] to see a non purple-spec at the top for once, but it's not like Affliction is far behind and we're sure to see it back in the No.1 spot next week, but hey, let's enjoy this purple Warlock-free top while we can! Fire is doing better than on Mythic here, and the rest of the top is pretty much the same as in the higher difficulty just re-arranged a little. The bottom is different, however, as Subtletly claims the dead-last spot, but we see Elemental and Survival down there with it, both specs having been pretty solid in the last patch.

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs.

  As always, if you want even more info on a spec, you can check out our pre-patch class guides here,  or for even more data, head on over to Warcraft Logs. You can also check out our Fated raid guides.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Patch 9.2.7 telah tiba, dan dengan itu, meta PVE game sedang diubah secara substansial. Dengan diperkenalkannya penggerebekan yang ditakdirkan, kumpulan mitos+ ruang bawah tanah baru, dan perubahan keseimbangan kecil, jawaban atas pertanyaan "apa yang baik dan apa yang tidak" tidak berbeda secara drastis dari mereka selama tambalan 9.2.5 atau lebih awal.

Membedakan antara kelas -kelas tidak akan hampir sama gamblangnya dengan masa lalu, karena hampir setiap spesifikasi dalam permainan layak sampai batas tertentu. Tentu saja, akan ada opsi yang lebih baik dari yang lain - itu hanya sifat video game kompetitif. & Nbsp;

Meskipun Patch 9.2.7 tidak membawa konten segar, dengan penggerebekan yang ditakdirkan, mitos+ kolam renang yang dirancang ulang, prestasi pencapaian kekuatan, Jigglesworth Sr. Mount, judul "Pahlawan Nasib", Pve in WoW tidak pernah lebih menantang dan menyenangkan. Selain itu, set tingkat, yang membuat reentrance besar mereka di Patch 9.2, masih memiliki efek luar biasa pada meta saat ini dan memainkan peran besar dalam persneling.

Dengan mengingat hal itu, kami menumpuk semua spesifikasi DPS WoW terhadap satu sama lain untuk melihat mana yang melakukan yang terbaik. Berikut adalah daftar tier shadowlands terbaru kami untuk patch 9.2.7. & Nbsp;

  • Warlock Demonologi
  • Ksatria Kematian Frost
  • Penghancuran Warlock
  • Hunter bertahan hidup

Empat spesifikasi PVE terkuat di Patch 9.2.7 adalah Warlock Demonologi, Frost Death Knight, Warlock Destruction, dan Survival Hunter. Sementara Frost Death Knight dan Demonology Warlock telah berada di tempat yang kuat, Warlock Demonologi dan Survival Hunter, dengan Patch 9.2.7, terlihat penggemar signifikan yang meroket kelas ke paling atas. Jadi, dari memompa kerusakan dalam pertemuan penggerebekan yang panjang hingga membawa tim Mythic+ Anda melalui minggu -minggu tirani, demonologi, kehancuran, kelangsungan hidup, dan Frost adalah empat pilihan terbaik untuk dibawa ke dalam contoh apa pun dalam tambalan 9.2. Di luar output kerusakan mereka yang intens, keempat spesifikasi ini juga memiliki banyak alat utilitas dan kemampuan bertahan yang dapat mereka bawa ke meja, memungkinkan mereka untuk meringankan beban dari tabib sambil memompa angka yang lebih dihormati. & NBSP;

Gambar via Blizzard Entertainment


  • Outlaw Rogue
  • Retribusi Paladin
  • Pemburu Penembak Jitu
  • Windwalker Monk
  • Ksatria Kematian yang Tidak Suci
  • Pejuang Senjata

Tingkat ini adalah tempat Anda akan menemukan spesifikasi DPS jarak jauh terbaik di Patch 9.2.7, di samping opsi yang lebih layak dan beragam di luar empat besar. Sementara keenam spesifikasi ini tidak akan sekuat yang berada di tingkat tertinggi, mereka masih akan memiliki kaki pada dasarnya setiap opsi DPS lainnya di papan dalam penggerebekan dan ruang bawah tanah Mythic+. Mengawasi Windwalker Monk khususnya saat patch bergulir, dan pemain mulai mendapatkan lebih banyak perlengkapan.

B tierr

  • Dukun Elemental
  • Fury Warrior
  • Penyihir api
  • Dukun Peningkatan
  • Subtlety Rogue
  • Pembunuhan Rogue
  • Pendeta bayangan

Saat memainkan spesifikasi ini di Patch 9.2.7, Anda tidak akan memiliki waktu yang mudah seperti yang Anda lakukan di S-tier atau A-tier, tetapi Anda masih akan merasa cukup kuat untuk membuat dampak pada DPS grafik, terutama jika Anda sudah enak. Spesifikasi DPS ini layak sampai batas tertentu, dan di tangan pemain yang berpengalaman, memiliki potensi untuk berada pada level yang sama dengan beberapa opsi terbaik patch ini. & NBSP;

Dalam tambalan ini, ketiga spesifikasi nakal dapat dimainkan, dengan penjahat menghasilkan keunggulan berkat kekuatan mentah mereka dalam mitos+ dan fleksibilitas dalam kelompok penggerebekan. Pemain nakal juga pada dasarnya akan menjadi opsi plug-and-play untuk setiap grup yang mencari DPS yang andal, sama seperti para pemain perdukunan. Selain itu, tingkat ini adalah tempat Anda akan menemukan spesifikasi yang lebih rendah untuk Warrior and Priest.

C tier

  • Druid liar
  • Frost Mage
  • Havoc Demon Hunter
  • Affliction Warlock
  • Saldo Druid
  • Mage Arcane

Bagian bawah laras tetap dihuni oleh beberapa wajah yang akrab dari tambalan sebelumnya, dengan Druid liar sekali lagi menemukan dirinya di tingkat spesifikasi DPS di bawah rata-rata, seperti yang mereka miliki di seluruh sebagian besar ekspansi. Jika Anda memainkan salah satu spesifikasi di tingkat ini, Anda harus membuat diri Anda sangat unggul dalam kurva ketika datang ke peralatan untuk mengimbangi beberapa kelas di tingkatan yang lebih tinggi. Namun, itu bukan untuk mengatakan bahwa pemain berpengalaman mengemudikan kelas yang mereka sukai tidak akan dapat mengalahkan para pemula yang melompat ke kelas apa pun yang berada di puncak meta. & Nbsp;

Apa DPS terbaik di WOW sekarang?

World of Warcraft: 8 kelas terbaik untuk DPS..
8/8 Fire Mage ..
7/8 Dukun Peningkatan ..
6/8 Outlaw Rouge ..
5/8 Pendeta Bayangan ..
4/8 Ksatria Kematian yang Tidak Suci ..
3/8 Beast Mastery Hunter ..
2/8 Fury Warrior ..
1/8 Demonologi Warlock ..

Apa DPS terkuat di Shadowlands?

Warlock demonologi bahkan tanpa melihat kerusakan mereka, namun, demonologi adalah kelas DPS tunggal yang paling tahan lama dalam permainan, dengan kombinasi salah satu toolkit pertahanan terbaik dan 20% dr pasif yang membuat mereka sangat tahan lama, terutama sebagai DPS jarak jauh. Even without looking at their damage, however, Demonology is the single most durable DPS class in the game, with a combination of one of the best defensive toolkits and a 20% DR passive that make them supremely durable, especially as a ranged DPS.

DPS apa yang harus saya utama di Shadowlands?

Daftar Tingkat DPS untuk Shadowlands Season 4 dari Mythic+..
Windwalker Monk [S-tier].
Survival Hunter [S-tier].
Outlaw Rogue [S-tier].
Demonologi Warlock [A-Tier].
Penghancuran Warlock [A-Tier].
Fury Warrior [A-tier].
Subtlety Rogue [A-tier].
Fire Mage [A-tier].

Apa kelas terkuat di Shadowlands?

1. Paladin.Di puncak dari lima kelas terbaik kami di World of Warcraft Shadowlands, peringkat, adalah Paladin.Mengingat bahwa Paladin dianggap tidak berguna dalam judul -judul sebelumnya, cukup mengesankan bagaimana World of Warcraft modern telah memajukan kemampuan Paladin.Paladin. At the top of our five best classes in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, ranked, is Paladin. Given that Paladin was deemed pretty useless in previous titles, it's quite impressive how modern World of Warcraft has advanced Paladin's abilities.

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