How do i extract a value from a 2d array in python?

This article describes how to extract or delete elements, rows, and columns that satisfy the condition from the NumPy array ndarray.

  • Extract elements that satisfy the conditions
  • Extract rows and columns that satisfy the conditions
    • All elements satisfy the condition: numpy.all[]
    • At least one element satisfies the condition: numpy.any[]
  • Delete elements, rows, and columns that satisfy the conditions
    • Use ~ [NOT]
    • Use numpy.delete[] and numpy.where[]
  • Multiple conditions

See the following article for an example when ndarray contains missing values NaN.

  • NumPy: Remove rows/columns with missing value [NaN] in ndarray

If you want to replace or count an element that satisfies the conditions, see the following article.

  • numpy.where[]: Manipulate elements depending on conditions
  • NumPy: Count the number of elements satisfying the condition

If you want to extract elements that meet the condition, you can use ndarray[conditional expression].

Even if the original ndarray is a multidimensional array, a flattened one-dimensional array is returned.

import numpy as np

a = np.arange[12].reshape[[3, 4]]
# [[ 0  1  2  3]
#  [ 4  5  6  7]
#  [ 8  9 10 11]]


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