How do you insert a png file in html?

As you recall from Lesson 1 (What is HTML?), adding a paragraph in HTML is as simple as wrapping text in


tags. Adding an image, however, is a little more complicated.

Follow Along

Before we continue, I encourage you to follow along by copying and pasting today’s code into your own HTML document (or the page we created in Lesson 2: How To Create and Save Your First HTML File by Hand). This will allow you to edit the text, and refresh the file in your web browser as we make edits. This will greatly enhance your learning ability.

A Funny Dog

How do you insert a png file in html?

Let’s pretend we have an image of a dog on our computer saved as “funny-dog.jpg” and we want to insert it into a webpage; this is the code we would use:

How do you insert a png file in html?

Let’s analyze this code. First,

How do you insert a png file in html?

Self Closing Elements

As you can see, in both code examples so far there has not been an ending tag, because the image code is a “self closing” element. This is because unlike a paragraph, we won’t have a plethora of content inside our

How do you insert a png file in html?

How do you insert a png file in html?

That’s it!

If you prefer to watch video lessons instead of reading written lessons check out my 8 hour video course and learn pro-level HTML, CSS, and responsive design.

How can I embed a .png file into a blank "file.html" so that when you open that file in any browser you see that image?

In this scenario, the image file is not linked to from the HTML, but rather the image data is embedded in the HTML itself.

How do you insert a png file in html?

asked May 11, 2010 at 0:01

How do you insert a png file in html?


There are a few Base64 encoders online to help you with this, and this is probably the best I've seen:

As that page shows your main options for this are CSS:

div.image {

Or the

How do you insert a png file in html?

answered May 11, 2010 at 0:08

How do you insert a png file in html?

Nick CraverNick Craver

615k134 gold badges1292 silver badges1152 bronze badges


The 64base method works for large images as well. I use that method to embed all the images into my website, and it works every time. I've done it with files up to 2 MB size, JPEG and PNG.

How do you insert a png file in html?

answered Nov 4, 2012 at 4:57


1111 silver badge2 bronze badges


I stumbled upon similar problem now and the solution is:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

use GD::Graph::pie;
use MIME::Base64;
my @data = (['A','O','S','I'],[3,16,12,47]);

my $mygraph = GD::Graph::pie->new(200, 200);
my $myimage = $mygraph->plot(\@data)->png;

print <Current Stats


How do you insert a png file in html?

answered Dec 29, 2012 at 8:25


A quick Google search says you can embed it like this:

But you need a different implementation in Internet Explorer.

How do you insert a png file in html?

answered May 11, 2010 at 0:09


6,2072 gold badges25 silver badges29 bronze badges


Use mod_rewrite to redirect the call to file.html to image.png without the URL changing for the user.

Have you tried just renaming the image.png file to file.html? I think most browser take mime header over file extension :)

How do you insert a png file in html?

answered May 11, 2010 at 2:46

Thomas WinsnesThomas Winsnes

1,9311 gold badge13 silver badges15 bronze badges


You can embed a png image like you can embed jpg images or any type of images in html from your device or from the web .

Be sure that the type of the image is png when you are saving it on your device.This is the same way but I embed it as jpg.

I want to say thanks to Stack Overflow that let us ask and answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

answered May 12, 2021 at 14:10

How do you insert a png file in html?


You can embed images using the methods listed in other answers, such as in HTML

or CSS

div#my-image {

For Base64 encoding, on Linux I use the standard base64 tool with wrapping turned off, like this:

base64 -w 0 my-image.png

and copy/paste the output text verbatim.

answered Sep 18, 2021 at 9:00


9,2755 gold badges33 silver badges49 bronze badges

How do I put an image in HTML in HTML?

The HTML tag is used to embed an image in a web page. Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The tag creates a holding space for the referenced image. The tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing tag.

Why are PNG images not working in HTML?

Right click on the image and select properties. Then if you find an option "unblock" then click on it (sometimes computer blocks some images, hence on the google chrome or internet explorer it won't display) Check the following details are correct a)syntax of html b)path name c)file name d)extension of image.

How do I embed a PNG?

Here's what to do:.
Create a new document in Microsoft Word..
Paste in the content for your email..
Drag the PNG into the Word Document..
Arrange and place the PNG where it will appear in the email..
Hit Ctrl+A (Windows) or Cmd+A (Mac) to select everything in the Word Document (including the PNG)..