How to remove _id from mongodb result

Questions : remove _id from mongodb result java

2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00 2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00


My code is

  DBCollection collection = db.getCollection["volume"];
  DBCursor cursor = collection.find[];
  DBObject resultElement =[];
  Map resultElementMap = resultElement.toMap[];

And the result is:

{_id=521b509d20954a0aff8d9b02, title={ anycodings_java "text" : "Volume Of Work Orders" , "x" : anycodings_java -20.0}, xAxis={ "title" : { "text" : "2012 anycodings_java "} , "categories" : [ "Jan" , "Feb" , anycodings_java "Mar" , "Apr" , "May" , "Jun" , "Jul" , anycodings_java "Aug" , "Sep" , "Oct" , "Nov" , "Dec"]}, anycodings_java yAxis={ "min" : 1000.0 , "max" : 7000.0 , anycodings_java "title" : { "text" : "Volume[K]"} , anycodings_java "plotLines" : [ { "label" : { "text" : anycodings_java "Average" , "x" : 25.0} , "color" : "black" anycodings_java , "width" : 2.0 , "value" : 30.0 , anycodings_java "dashStyle" : "solid"}]}, legend={ anycodings_java "backgroundColor" : "#FFFFFF" , "reversed" : anycodings_java true}, series=[ { "name" : "Volume" , anycodings_java "showInLegend" : false , "data" : [ 2909.0 , anycodings_java 3080.0 , 4851.0 , 3087.0 , 2960.0 , 2911.0 anycodings_java , 1900.0 , 3066.0 , 3029.0 , 5207.0 , 3056.0 anycodings_java , 3057.0]}]}

I need to remove _id from the result. I anycodings_java understand i need to play around with anycodings_java collection.find[], but please can anyone anycodings_java help me? Am not able to get sesired result

Total Answers 2


Answers 1 : of remove _id from mongodb result java

Two options:

You can remove the "_id" field from the anycodings_mongodb map created:


Or you can ask the query results to not anycodings_mongodb include the _id field:

DBObject allQuery = new BasicDBObject[];
DBObject removeIdProjection = new basicDBObject["_id", 0];

DBCollection collection = db.getCollection["volume"];
DBCursor cursor = collection.find[allQuery, removeIdProjection];
DBObject resultElement =[];
Map resultElementMap = resultElement.toMap[];

See the documentation on projections for anycodings_mongodb all of the details.


2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00 2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of remove _id from mongodb result java

Another option to consider, if you are anycodings_mongodb reading the results iteratively, is anycodings_mongodb doing something like this:

final FindIterable foundResults = collection.find[];
for [final Document doc : foundResults] {
    // doc.toJson[] no longer has _id


2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00 2022-09-28T17:02:29+00:00Answer Link


I’m pretty new with mongo and nodejs
I’ve a json as result of my query and I simply want to return the result as an http request, as following:

app.get['/itesms', function[req, res] {
  items.find[].toArray[function [err, array] {

It works, only problem is that I want to hide the _id fields [recursively] from the result.
Any suggestion to do that in an elegant way?

Try this solution:

app.get['/itesms', function[req, res] {
  items.find[{}, { _id: 0 }].toArray[function [err, array] {


The usual .find[{}, {_id:0}] approach wasn’t working for me, so I went hunting and found in another SO answer that in version 3 of the Mongo API, you need to write it like this: .find[{}, {projection:{_id:0}}]. So, for example:

let docs = await db.collection["mycol"].find[{}, {projection:{_id:0}}].toArray[];

It seems that [in the nodejs API, at least] you can also write it like this:

let docs = await db.collection["mycol"].find[{}].project[{_id:0}].toArray[];


The problem is that you can’t project inclusions and exclusions, ie you can’t run a query with a ‘project’ statement that declares what should be included in the response as well as what must be excluded from the response.
From MongoDB documentation:

A projection cannot contain both include and exclude specifications, except for the exclusion of the _id field. In projections that explicitly include fields, the _id field is the only field that you can explicitly exclude.

The way I handled this problem was to go to the end of the process, right before returning the response:

const dbObjectJSON = dbObject.toJson[];
delete dbObjectJSON._id;
delete dbObjectJSON.__v;

Hope this helps.

Can _id be changed in MongoDB?

The _id field is immutable—that is, once a document exists in your MongoDB system, it has, by definition, been assigned an _id, and you cannot change or update its primary key. That said, _id can be overridden when you insert new documents, but by default it will be populated with an ObjectID.

Is _id required in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, each document stored in a collection requires a unique _id field that acts as a primary key. If an inserted document omits the _id field, the MongoDB driver automatically generates an ObjectId for the _id field.

How do I remove a key from a document in MongoDB?

In MongoDB, you can use the $unset field update operator to completely remove a field from a document. The $unset operator is designed specifically to delete a field and its value from the document.

Why does MongoDB use _id?

In MongoDB, _id field as the primary key for the collection so that each document can be uniquely identified in the collection. The _id field contains a unique ObjectID value. When you query the documents in a collection, you can see the ObjectId for each document in the collection.

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