Install or enable phps curl extension



I have a droplet that is running WordPress on Ubuntu 13.10 and I installed a WordPress plugin give this “cURL is NOT installed in your PHP installation” what do I need to do?

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 *Latest updates on 18th Oct 2016

Note: This guide is for those who have FULL access to the server when system configuration can be changed. If you are using shared hosting, please contact your hosting provider.

Step 1: Check whether cURL extension is installed/enabled or not

Within the Joomla administration area, you can view “php.ini” configurations by navigating to Site > System Information and selecting the tab “PHP Information”.

At this point, search for the keyword “curl” and if it does not appear on the page, the extension might not be installed/enabled. Please proceed to the next step.

P.S: In this step, you are also able to locate where the “php.ini” configuration file is. Search for “Loaded Configuration File” and you might end up with something like:

Step 2: Ensure cURL extension for PHP is installed

On Windows, people often use WAMP [Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP] bundles for local development. Fortunately, the cURL extension is pre-installed with those bundles, so you can proceed to Step 3.

On Linux, it depends on which Linux distro the server is installed with, so you might need to run the appropriate command.

For example, with Ubuntu/Debian server, you need to run this command:

sudo apt-get install php5-curl

After that, restart the Apache server:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

After the Apache server has restarted, the extension should be enabled by default. You might use the method at Step 1 to check, and if not, please proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Enable cURL extension in “php.ini” file

Load the “php.ini” file located in Step 1 into your favourite text editor [if you are using Windows, we suggest Notepad++], then search for “php_curl”. At this point, you need to uncomment the line by removing the semicolon at the beginning of the line, as below.

After saving the file, restart the Apache server. Double-check the Joomla “PHP Information” section again to see if the extension is enabled.

If you see something like that, then congratulations, you have successfully enabled PHP cURL!


Enabling cURL for your Joomla website is very important. Because all Joomla extensionsfrom JoomlaShine require enabling cURL to operate functionally.


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To enable the PHP-cURL extension on Linux Ubuntu/Debian, you must first install it with the command:

sudo apt-get install php-curl

Or so for the old PHP5 version:

sudo apt-get install php5-curl

You can activate/deactivate the PHP module like this:

sudo phpenmod curl
sudo phpdismod curl

Restart Apache2 to apply the changes:

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Let’s see if curl is activated:

On Windows systems, cURL is usually bundled with PHP, and to enable it, you need to uncomment the extension=php_curl.dll line in the php.ini file. Then restart the Apache2 service.

See also my article:
How to compile cURL on Ubuntu

Post navigation

How do I install or enable PHP's cURL extensions?

This command installs the PHP CURL..
Step 1: Locate PHP.ini file, it is mostly in the server's root folder or public_html then open the PHP.ini in a text editor..
Step 2: Search or find the ;extension=php_curl. ... .
Step 3: Save and Close PHP.ini with Ctrl+S and restart Apache from terminal/CMD..

How install or enable PHP cURL extensions Ubuntu?

Following are the steps for the installation of PHP-CURL on your Ubuntu system:.
Step 1: Install PHP libraries for the server by running the following command: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php..
Step 2: Then, update the server: $ sudo apt update..
Step 3: Now, install CURL..

How do you check cURL is enabled or not?

To check whether the Curl package is installed on your system, open up your console, type curl , and press enter. If you have curl installed, the system will print curl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information . Otherwise, you will see something like curl command not found .

How do I enable cURL in cPanel shared hosting?

enable cURL on WHM/cPanel using EasyApache.
Log in to WHM as the 'root' user..
Either search for "EasyApache" or go to Software > EasyApache..
Scroll down and select a build option [Previously Saved Config].
Click Start "Start customizing based on profile".
Select the version of Apache and click "Next Step"..

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