Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?

How to View a List of Played Songs on Spotify?

Unfortunately, Spotify doesn’t give you the option to view your entire listening history on the desktop app. You can only view a list of recently played songs. If you want a more extended list of played songs, you can download a file with all your Spotify-related data.

What’s essential in this case is that this file includes a list of songs you played in the past year. All you need to do is ask Spotify to send you the file with this data.

  1. Go to Spotify and log in to your account.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  2. Click on “Profile” in the top-right corner of the screen.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  3. Click “Account” in the extended menu.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  4. In the sidebar to your left, click “Privacy & Settings.”
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  5. Scroll down to the “Download your data” section.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  6. In the “Step 1” tab, click the “Request” button.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  7. Check the Captcha and click “OK.”
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  8. Click “OK” again.
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
  9. Go to your email inbox.
  10. Open the mail you’ve just received from Spotify.
  11. Click “Confirm.”
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?

You should be redirected to a Spotify web page. Here, you’ll get a notice that you’ll receive your requested data in 30 days. While some people have received this file within 24 hours, you might need to wait longer or even the full 30 days. Just keep an eye on your email inbox, as you’ll get another email from Spotify once they’ve prepared your data for download.

How Do I See My Listening Activity on Spotify?

Spotify keeps a history of your listening activity, and you can access it directly through the app on your phone or the desktop app. You can see your most recently played playlists and podcasts right on the home screen, or check your entire listening activity over the last several months by digging a little deeper.

How Do I View My Spotify History on My Phone?

You can view your most recent Spotify playlist and podcast history directly on your phone by scrolling down on the home screen. Your song listening history is elsewhere. It works the same on both iPhone and Android.

Here’s how to view your Spotify history on Android or iPhone:

  1. Open Spotify and tap Home.

  2. Tap the clock icon in the upper right corner.

  3. Touch the screen and drag up to view more of your history.

    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?

  4. Tap See all xx played to see all the songs you listened to on a specific day.

  5. Touch the screen and drag up to see all the songs you listened to on that day or tap the back button to check a different day.

    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?
    Is there a way to see all the songs Ive listened to on Spotify?