Javascript string literal line break

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Creating Line Breaks In JavaScript Strings

Perhaps not obvious to you while reading the previous string concatenation lesson was how the resulting strings printed to alert boxes were output onto a single line. While this is acceptable when working with short strings, string output will often be too long to be readable on one line.

The Newline Character \n

To keep long concatenation output readable, JavaScript provides two ways to create line breaks within your string. The first is the newline character [ \n ]. The newline character creates line breaks within the output of a string, be it simply text or JavaScript-generated HTML.

Here is a long string without line breaks:

var noBreaks = "Hello World. My name is Jennifer. What is your name?"

Try it:

Long String without Line Breaks

Now see what happens to the same string when line breaks are included:

var withBreaks = "Hello World. \n My name is Jennifer. \n What is your name?"

Try it:

Long String with Line Breaks

Formatting Generated HTML with the Newline Character

When I say output, I mean not just output viewable to the end user as in the case of a dialog box, but also HTML output that will eventually be printed to a page with JavaScript. Note that HTML output is rendered by the browser, making any formatting of the HTML of no consequence to the end user. It is the scripter who benefits from cleanly formatted source code.

When you create a plain HTML page and view it in your browser, if it doesn't look right, what do you do? You look at the source code. It is no different when you generate an entire page with JavaScript and something doesn't look right - you should check your HTML. But since all you will see is JavaScript in your text editor, you need a way to view the rendered source in a clean, readable format. You can use an alert dialog box to view it, or a cool little program written by Bill Friedrich that you can install on your computer. See the Troubleshooting lesson for more information and to download the program.

Remember - the newline character will only create a break in source code, or in a dialog box as in the above examples. The newline character will not create a break in the rendered HTML. To create a line break in rendered HTML, you must use the HTML break tag [or similar tag] in the string just as if you were writing source code in an editor.

Formatting Style Sheet Code

Using the newline character to format source code is also handy when you use JavaScript to mimic embedded style sheets. Saving style rules as segmented JavaScript strings in an external .js file, then invoking document.write[] to write the style string directly to your page gives you all the benefits of a single linked style sheet, but has the "stickiness" of an embedded style sheet.

Both the opening and closing style tags as well as each rule is stored as a seperate segment of the same string on its own line, and each contains the newline character.

var style = '\n'+
'.reg { font-size: 10pt; color:#000000; font-family:monospace } \n' +
'.bigRed { font-size: 14pt; color:#ff0000; font-family:monospace } \n' +


**Do not use \n after the closing style tag or else a strange break in the page will occur with some browsers.

>>String Literals and String Variables
>>Nesting Quotes And The Escape Character
>>String Concatenation and String Operators
>>Creating Line Breaks
>>Strings To Numbers: Data Type Conversion
>>Strings and The Write Method

Js Template Literal Don’T Break Line With Code Examples

We will use programming in this lesson to attempt to solve the Js Template Literal Don’T Break Line puzzle. This is demonstrated by the following code.

// How to avoid template literals breaking a line or
// adding white spaces due to indentation
// User Array.join
    `This is a very long string. `,
    `It just keeps going `,
    `and going `,
    `and going `,
    `and going `,
    `and going `

As we have seen, the issue with the Js Template Literal Don’T Break Line variable was resolved by making use of a variety of distinct instances.

How do you break a line in template literals?

To escape a backtick in a template literal, put a backslash [ \ ] before the backtick.12-Aug-2022

What is “ in JS?

Backticks [ ` ] are used to define template literals. Template literals are a new feature in ECMAScript 6 to make working with strings easier. Features: we can interpolate any kind of expression in the template literals. They can be multi-line.

What is a tagged template literal?

What are “tagged template literals”? Tagged template literals were enabled by a new technology introduced in ES6, called “template literals”. This is simply a syntax that makes string interpolation possible in JavaScript.15-Mar-2019

How do you write backticks in JavaScript?

  • Template Literals use back-ticks [“] rather than the quotes [“”] to define a string:
  • Template literals allows multiline strings:
  • Template literals provide an easy way to interpolate variables and expressions into strings.
  • Template literals allow variables in strings:
  • Template literals allow expressions in strings:

What are ES6 template strings?

Template literals are a new feature introduced in ECMAScript 2015/ ES6. It provides an easy way to create multiline strings and perform string interpolation. Template literals are the string literals and allow embedded expressions. Before ES6, template literals were called as template strings.

How do you space a line in JavaScript?

The newline character is \n in JavaScript and many other languages. All you need to do is add \n character whenever you require a line break to add a new line to a string.03-Aug-2022

What is ES6?

JavaScript ES6 [also known as ECMAScript 2015 or ECMAScript 6] is the newer version of JavaScript that was introduced in 2015. ECMAScript is the standard that JavaScript programming language uses. ECMAScript provides the specification on how JavaScript programming language should work.

Why backticks are used in JS?

Backticks are an ES6 feature that allows you to create strings in JavaScript. Although backticks are mostly used for HTML or code embedding purposes, they also act similar to single and double quotes. Besides, using backticks makes it easier for string operations.15-Jun-2021

Can I use string interpolation?

Beginning with C# 10, you can use string interpolation to initialize a constant string. All expressions used for placeholders must be constant strings. In other words, every interpolation expression must be a string, and it must be a compile time constant.12-Aug-2022

What is ${} in HTML?

The ${} syntax allows us to put an expression in it and it will produce the value, which in our case above is just a variable that holds a string! There is something to note here: if you wanted to add in values, like above, you do not need to use a Template Literal for the name variable.29-Sept-2016

What is this ${} in JavaScript?

${} is a placeholder that is used in template literals. You can use any valid JavaScript expression such as variable, arithmetic operation, function call, and others inside ${}. The expression used inside ${} is executed at runtime, and its output is passed as a string to template literals.

How do you break a line in template literals?

To escape a backtick in a template literal, put a backslash [ \ ] before the backtick.

Can I use Backticks JavaScript?

Backticks are an ES6 feature that allows you to create strings in JavaScript. Although backticks are mostly used for HTML or code embedding purposes, they also act similar to single and double quotes. Besides, using backticks makes it easier for string operations.

How do I create a multiline string in JavaScript?

There are three ways to create strings that span multiple lines: By using template literals. By using the + operator – the JavaScript concatenation operator. By using the \ operator – the JavaScript backslash operator and escape character.

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