Membagi angka menjadi 4 bagian yang sama dengan python

Di sini, tugas kita adalah membagi string S menjadi n bagian yang sama. Kami akan mencetak pesan kesalahan jika string tidak dapat dibagi menjadi n bagian yang sama jika tidak semua bagian harus dicetak sebagai output dari program

Untuk memeriksa apakah string dapat dibagi menjadi N bagian yang sama, kita perlu membagi panjang string dengan n dan menetapkan hasilnya ke variabel karakter.

Jika char keluar menjadi nilai floating point, kita tidak dapat membagi string jika tidak menjalankan for loop untuk melintasi string dan membagi string pada setiap interval karakter

Dapatkan angka positif dari pengguna dan cetak setiap digit angka

Contoh 1

bilangan = 12




Contoh 2

bilangan = 123





Mari kita merancang sebuah logika

bilangan = 12

Pertama mari kita pikirkan, bagaimana cara membagi digit terakhir 2 dari angka 12

Karena angkanya desimal [basis 10], rentang setiap digit harus 0 hingga 9

Jadi, kita bisa mendapatkannya dengan mudah dengan melakukan modulo 10


12 % 10 => 2 [ kita pisahkan angka 2 dari angka 12]

Sekarang, kita harus membagi angka 1 dari angka 12

Ini dapat dicapai dengan membagi angka dengan 10 dan mengambil modulo 10


12/10 => 1

Sekarang ambil modulo 10

1% 10 = 1

Dengan menggunakan metode di atas, kita dapat memisahkan setiap digit dari sebuah angka


Hingga angka menjadi 0


Ambil angka % 10 dan cetak hasilnya

Bagilah angkanya dengan 10. [angka = angka / 10]


Ambil num = 123

Langkah 1

Bilangan = 123 [tidak sama dengan nol]

Mod = 123 % 10 ==> 3

Bilangan = 123 / 10 ==> 12

Langkah 2

Bilangan = 12 [tidak sama dengan 0]

Mod = 12 % 10 ==> 2

Bilangan = 12 / 10 ==> 1

Langkah 3

Bilangan = 1 [tidak sama dengan 0]

Mod = 1 % 10 ==> 1

Bilangan = 1/10 ==> 0

Langkah 4

Num = 0 [sama dengan nol, hentikan proses]

Penjelasan Bergambar



 *Program : split the digits *
 *Language : C               *

int main[]
    int num;
    while[num > 0] //do till num greater than  0
        int mod = num % 10;  //split last digit from number
        printf["%d\n",mod]; //print the digit. 
        num = num / 10;    //divide num by 10. num /= 10 also a valid one 
    return 0;


Topik yang Mungkin Anda Suka

// represent a number n as sum of four.3// represent a number n as sum of four.4

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
45 // Returns count of ways4

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
_5// represent a number n as sum of four.9
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]



// represent a number n as sum of four.4

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]


countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]












countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]


// Returns count of ways


countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]


countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
0 // A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to2

// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to3

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
0 ________135______7

// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to8

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
0 ________126______2

// represent a number n as sum of four.3// represent a number n as sum of four.4 // represent a number n as sum of four.5

// represent a number n as sum of four.3// represent a number n as sum of four.7

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
_5// represent a number n as sum of four.9 #include0





countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
0 #include8

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]











// Returns count of ways

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]


countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
_5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to02

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
_5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to04

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to08 // A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to09// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to08 // A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to11
91std;3// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to135_____5_____

5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to19
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
45// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to08std;3// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to19 // A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to11
91std;3// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to19// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to15

// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to3

5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to32
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
45// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to19std;3____135___________________32 // A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to8

5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to45
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
45// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to32std;3____135______________________5135135135_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

// represent a number n as sum of four.3// represent a number n as sum of four.4

5// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to08
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
83// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to19
countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
__________________________32 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
_17_______97// A Simple C++ program to count number of ways to70

countWays[n, parts, nextPart] = ∑countWays[n, parts, i]
                          nextPart  Count of parts of n. Initially parts = 4
nextPart --> Starting point for next part to be tried
             We try for all values from nextPart to n.

We initially call the function as countWays[n, 4, 1]
5// represent a number n as sum of four.9
5// Returns count of ways62#include41

Bagaimana cara membagi suatu bilangan menjadi 4 bagian yang sama?

Setiap kali Anda mendengar Anda harus membagi dengan 4, itu berarti sesuatu akan dibagi menjadi 4 bagian yang sama atau 4 kelompok yang sama. Ada trik yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk membagi dengan 4. aturannya adalah dibagi dengan 2 dua kali .

Bagaimana Anda membagi angka menjadi bagian yang sama dengan Python?

Python .
str = "aaaabbbbcccc";
#Menyimpan panjang string
panjang = len[str];
#n menentukan variabel yang membagi string menjadi 'n' bagian yang sama
n = 3;
suhu = 0;
karakter = int[panjang/n];
#Menyimpan array string

Bagaimana Anda membagi angka dengan bagian yang sama?

Pembagian adalah membagi menjadi bagian atau kelompok yang setara . Misalnya, seseorang dapat menggunakan pembagian untuk menentukan cara membagi sepiring kue secara merata di antara kelompok. Jika ada 15 kue untuk dibagikan kepada lima orang, Anda dapat membagi 15 dengan 5 untuk menemukan “bagian yang adil” yang akan diperoleh setiap orang.

Bagaimana Anda membagi angka menjadi bilangan bulat dengan Python?

Dengan Python, kita dapat melakukan pembagian lantai [terkadang juga dikenal sebagai pembagian bilangan bulat] menggunakan operator // . Operator ini akan membagi argumen pertama dengan argumen kedua dan membulatkan hasilnya ke bilangan bulat terdekat, membuatnya setara dengan matematika. lantai[] fungsi.

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