Php max input vars xampp

Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini.

Step1:  xampp -> open php folder and select ‘php.ini’  file

Step2:  find this lines  ‘;max_input_vars = 1000‘  

Step3:  Remove the semi-colon 

like the  ‘max_input_vars = 1000‘  

Step4:  and Update the value 1000 to 10000

Step5: Update the file size 

Step6: Restart Your xampp server

Questions : Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00


I need to increase max_input_var in anycodings_xampp php.ini. I am ruining xampp php version anycodings_xampp 5.6.3

I have several website folder on my local, anycodings_xampp and I am confused if I need to have php.ini anycodings_xampp file per website or its a single master anycodings_xampp file.

I found php.ini file in xampp/php folder on anycodings_xampp localhost. I edited and increased it there, anycodings_xampp restarted but still says the anycodings_xampp default value 1000. I needed to be 2000 or anycodings_xampp more.

I guess my next question is how should I do anycodings_xampp this from CPanel when the site is live?

Total Answers 6


Answers 1 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

I too had same issue/challenge for some anycodings_xampp months until recently I sorted it out. I anycodings_xampp have search in the web through Google to anycodings_xampp fix this issue but with meager success. anycodings_xampp Because most of them are citing online anycodings_xampp servers and not local servers - XAMPP in anycodings_xampp this case.

So, this is what I did to get my XAMPP anycodings_xampp working with the aforementioned settings anycodings_xampp causing issues for Menu system as well anycodings_xampp as Memory Limit on most PHP programmed anycodings_xampp websites. But for now, we are dealing anycodings_xampp with Max Input variable limit. So, they anycodings_xampp are as follows:

  1. Go to your XAMPP folder > PHP Folder
  2. In there look for 3 files: "php.ini", "php.ini-development", and "php.ini-production"
  3. Open each files using any editor of your anycodings_xampp choice, for me is, Notepad++ and look or anycodings_xampp search for: max_input_vars = 1000 and anycodings_xampp increase it to whatever choice number, anycodings_xampp in my case "5000". Whatever thing you do anycodings_xampp on php.ini, do same on the other two anycodings_xampp files mentioned above. Now notice on anycodings_xampp "php.ini-development", and anycodings_xampp "php.ini-production" the max_input_vars anycodings_xampp = 1000 are commented. Uncomment it by anycodings_xampp removing the " ; " before max_input_vars anycodings_xampp = "your-new-number". Now save all of anycodings_xampp them.

  4. If your XAMPP was running when your were anycodings_xampp doing all these changes, stop and anycodings_xampp restart it. Done! You are good to go.

These worked for me, I hope it will for anycodings_xampp you too and others who had this issues anycodings_xampp with their XAMPP local server. I want to anycodings_xampp assume it will also work for WAMP too.

Thanks and regards

PS: My XAMPP version is XAMPP 1.8.2 anycodings_xampp [PHP: 5.4.27]


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

For me such way was not works, at least anycodings_xampp on Linux, there was empty /lamp/php anycodings_xampp directory.

As superuser, find location of php.ini anycodings_xampp in your XAMPP directory [for me it was anycodings_xampp /opt/lamp/etc]. Open php.ini file and anycodings_xampp after ;php.ini Options [or somewhere anycodings_xampp else, upper is better]

Add such line:

max_input_vars = [that value, what you need].

Then save file and "Restart All" XAMPP anycodings_xampp server. It works for 5.6.19-0 XAMPP anycodings_xampp version.


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link



Answers 3 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

Try this in you .htaccess file:

php_value max_input_vars 2000

Or add this function in php code:

ini_set['max_input_vars', 2000];


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link



Answers 4 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

I placed it in .htaccess file: but I anycodings_xampp noticed that the after sometime anycodings_xampp php_value max_input_vars 2000 was anycodings_xampp removed by-itself.

Also, in which php code I need to place anycodings_xampp "ini_set['max_input_vars', 2000];?

in function.php, config.php, or php.ini


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link



Answers 5 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

Its should be enough with ending php.ini anycodings_xampp file

; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input anycodings_xampp variables may be accepted anycodings_xampp max_input_vars = 10000


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link



Answers 6 : of Increasing max_input_var in php.ini in XAMPP

The chosen answer is not a recommended anycodings_xampp approach nor the best practice as is anycodings_xampp correctly pointed out by its commenters anycodings_xampp as well as the .htaccess file anycodings_xampp documentation itself:

The directives [lines] between "BEGIN anycodings_xampp WordPress" and "END WordPress" are anycodings_xampp dynamically generated, and should only anycodings_xampp be modified via WordPress filters. Any anycodings_xampp changes to the directives between these anycodings_xampp markers will be overwritten.

As the asker correctly indicated, the anycodings_xampp php.ini file in XAMPP is located in the anycodings_xampp xampp\php directory.

There is also a way to access and edit anycodings_xampp the underlying php.ini file from the anycodings_xampp XAMPP's interface by hitting the Apache anycodings_xampp server's Config button and then choosing anycodings_xampp php.ini menu:

Once the php.ini file opens up:

Search in there for the following anycodings_xampp stanza:

; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted
; max_input_vars = 1000

Uncomment the max_input_vars variable anycodings_xampp and change it to the desired value, i.e:

; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted
  max_input_vars = 2000

Restart the Apache server.

Modifying it in this manner will result anycodings_xampp in the above system configs update anycodings_xampp properly reflected in the WP dashboard:


2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00 2022-09-10T12:16:14+00:00Answer Link


What is Max input vars in PHP?

By default, the maximum number of input variables allowed for PHP scripts is set to 1000. You can change this amount by setting the max_input_vars directive in a php. ini file.

How do you fix PHP setting max_input_vars must be at least 5000?

If you created your own PHP. ini file, then add the same code inside it: max_input_vars = 5000 Simply change the value to the recommended value. For example, 5000. Save your changes, and reboot your localhost or your server.

How do you increase the maximum input vars limit?

Max Input Vars can easily get increased by using a line of code. PHP max input vars is simply the number of variables your server is set to handle in each function. If you receive the error 'Increase PHP Max Input Vars Limit' in WordPress, you need to add the code 'php_value max_input_vars 3000' to your .

How do I increase the PHP max input vars for a WordPress site?

How to Increase the Max Input Vars Limit.
In your WordPress root installation locate any of these .htaccess , php.ini , .user.ini or wp-config.php..
Edit the file and paste the directive code..
Once you are done making changes save the file..

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