Script python untuk download video di ig

  • Organizing Imports: I ordered your import statements alphabetically. While this is not a required style point, it's a person preference that you can decide to follow if you want.
  • Unused Imports: You had a few unused imports [json, sys, termcolor]
  • String Formatting: You concatenate multiple strings with variables everywhere in your code. You can format your string with f"...", so you can directly implement variables in your strings, like so: download_path = f"{videos_path}\\{file_name}.mp4".
  • Variable Assignment/Parameter Spacing: There should only be one space before the = and after the = when assigning variables. For default parameters, there should be no spaces. I'm not sure if this is a practice that's taught, but it's how I learned my python styling.
  • DRY: Don't Repeat Yourself! Your print_... lambda's do the exact same thing, with only one string being different. These four lambdas can be simplified to a simple method, with passing the text and color to print. I'm pretty sure termcolor has a built-in method colored that does the exact thing, but I'd have to double check.
  • Truth/False Comparisons: As an example, if is_video == False should be changed to if not is_video. It does the exact same thing, without the verbose == False, and utilizing not. You use both ways in your code, but you should really avoid == False/== True.
  • Constant Variable Names: Variables that are constants should be UPPERCASE.
  • Docstrings: You had the right idea with regular comments describing what the method does. You should move these comments into a docstring inside the method, so any documentation can tell what your method is supposed to do.

Final Code

import argparse
import os
import requests
import time
import urllib.request
from colorama import init, deinit
from termcolor import cprint

def print_in_color[text, color]:
    """ Prints `text` in passed `color` """
    cprint[text, color]

def image_downloader[edge, images_path]:
    """ Downloads images """
    display_url = edge['node']['display_url']
    file_name = edge['node']['taken_at_timestamp']
    download_path = f"{images_path}\\{file_name}.jpg"
    if not os.path.exists[download_path]:
        print_in_color[f"Downloading {str[file_name]}.jpg...........", "yellow"]
        urllib.request.urlretrieve[display_url, download_path]
        print_in_color[f"{file_name}.jpg downloaded.\n", "green"]
        print_in_color[f"{file_name}.jpg has been downloaded already.\n", "green"]

def video_downloader[shortcode, videos_path]:
    """ Downloads videos """
    videos = requests.get[f"//{shortcode}/?__a=1"]
    video_url = videos.json[]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['video_url']
    file_name = videos.json[]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['taken_at_timestamp']
    download_path = f"{videos_path}\\{file_name}.mp4"
    if not os.path.exists[download_path]:
        print_in_color[f"Downloading {file_name}.mp4...........", "yellow"]
        urllib.request.urlretrieve[video_url, download_path]
        print_in_color[f"{file_name}.mp4 downloaded.\n", "green"]
        print_in_color[f"{file_name}.mp4 has been downloaded already.\n", "green"]

def sidecar_downloader[shortcode, images_path, videos_path]:
    """ Downloads images and videos from posts containing more than one pictures or videos """
    r = requests.get[f"//{shortcode}/?__a=1"]
    num = 1
    for edge in r.json[]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges']:
        is_video = edge['node']['is_video']
        if not is_video:
            display_url = edge['node']['display_url']
            file_name = r.json[]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['taken_at_timestamp']
            download_path = f"{images_path}\\{file_name}_{num}.jpg"
            if not os.path.exists[download_path]:
                print_in_color[f"Downloading {file_name}_{num}.jpg...........", "yellow"]
                urllib.request.urlretrieve[display_url, download_path]
                print_in_color[f"{file_name}_{num}.jpg downloaded.\n", "green"]
                print_in_color[f"{file_name}_{num}.jpg has been downloaded already.\n", "green"]
            video_url = edge['node']['video_url']
            file_name = r.json[]['graphql']['shortcode_media']['taken_at_timestamp']
            download_path = f"{videos_path}\\{file_name}_{num}.mp4"
            if not os.path.exists[download_path]:
                print_in_color[f"Downloading {file_name}_{num}.mp4...........", "yellow"]
                urllib.request.urlretrieve[video_url, download_path]
                print_in_color[f"{file_name}_{num}.mp4 downloaded.\n", "green"]
                print_in_color[f"{file_name}_{num}.mp4 has been downloaded already.\n", "green"]
        num += 1

def main[account_json_info, path]:
    """ Runs methods that download photos/videos from the user """
    r = requests.get[account_json_info]
    user_id = r.json[]['graphql']['user']['id']
    end_cursor = ''
    next_page = True
    images_path = f"{path}\\Images"
    videos_path = f"{path}\\Videos"
    if not os.path.exists[path]:
        if not os.path.exists[images_path]:
        if not os.path.exists[videos_path]:
        print_in_color["User Folder Created!\n", "magenta"]
        print_in_color["User Folder Has Been Created Already!\n", "magenta"]

    while next_page:
        r = requests.get['//',
                    'query_id': '17880160963012870',
                    'id': user_id,
                    'first': 12,
                    'after': end_cursor
        graphql = r.json[]['data']
        for edge in graphql['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['edges']:
            __typename = edge['node']['__typename']
            if __typename == 'GraphImage':
                image_downloader[edge, images_path]
            elif __typename == 'GraphVideo':
                shortcode = edge['node']['shortcode']
                video_downloader[shortcode, videos_path]
            elif __typename == 'GraphSidecar':
                shortcode = edge['node']['shortcode']
                sidecar_downloader[shortcode, images_path, videos_path]

        end_cursor = graphql['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['page_info']['end_cursor']
        next_page = graphql['user']['edge_owner_to_timeline_media']['page_info']['has_next_page']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print_in_color['Instagram Media Downloader'.center[os.get_terminal_size[].columns, '-'], "cyan"]

    PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser[description='Download Instagram Images and Videos from a User\'s Profile Page']
    PARSER.add_argument['-u', '--user', dest='username', required=True, help='Username on Instagram']
    PARSER.add_argument['-p', '--path', dest='path', required=True, help='Root path where downloaded Instagram Media is saved']
    ARGS = PARSER.parse_args[]

    #Insert username into link
    ACCOUNT_JSON_INFO = f"//{ARGS.username}/?__a=1"
    ARGS.path += f"\\{ARGS.username}"
    main[ACCOUNT_JSON_INFO, ARGS.path]

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