SQL | Conversion Function

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    TO_CHAR in MySQL

    In some cases, the Server uses data of one type where it expects data of a different data type. This can happen when the Server can automatically convert the data to the expected data type. This data type conversion can be done implicitly by the Server, or explicitly by the user.

    Implicit Data-Type Conversion :

    In this type of conversion the data is converted from one type to another implicitly (by itself/automatically).

    1. QUERY:
    SELECT employee_id,first_name,salary
    FROM employees
    WHERE salary > 15000;
    1. OUTPUT :
    1. QUERY:
    SELECT employee_id,first_name,salary
    FROM employees
    WHERE salary > '15000';
    1. OUTPUT :
    1. Here we see the output of both queries came out to be same,inspite of 2nd query using ‘15000’ as text, it is automatically converted into int data type.

    Explicit Data-Type Conversion :

    TO_CHAR in MySQL


    TO_CHAR Function :

    TO_CHAR function is used to typecast a numeric or date input to character type with a format model (optional).
    SYNTAX :

    TO_CHAR(number1, [format], [nls_parameter])


    Using the TO_CHAR Function with Dates :

    SYNTAX :

    TO_CHAR(date, ’format_model’)

    The format model:

    • Must be enclosed in single quotation marks and is case sensitive
    • Can include any valid date format element
    • Has an fm element to remove padded blanks or suppress leading zeros
    • Is separated from the date value by a comma


    SELECT employee_id, TO_CHAR(hire_date, ’MM/YY’) Month_Hired
    FROM employees
    WHERE last_name = ’Higgins’;

    OUTPUT :


    Elements of the Date Format Model :

    YYYYFull year in NumbersYEARYear spelled outMMTwo digit value for monthMONTHFull name of the monthMONThree Letter abbreviation of the monthDYThree letter abbreviation of the day of the weekDAYFull Name of the weekDDNumeric day of the month


    Elements of the Date Format Model :

    Date Format Elements – Time Formats :
    Use the formats listed in the following tables to display time information and literals and to change numerals to spelled numbers.

    ELEMENTDESCRIPTIONAM or PMMeridian indicatorA.M. or P.M.Meridian indicator with periodsHH or HH12 or HH24Hour of day,or hour (1-12),or hour (0-23)MIMinute 0-59SSSecond 0-59SSSSSSecond past Mid Night 0-86399

    Other Formats :

    ELEMENTDESCRIPTION/ . ,Punctuation is reproduced in the result“of the”Quoted string is reproduced in the result

    Specifying Suffixes to Influence Number Display :

    ELEMENTDESCRIPTIONTHOrdinal Number (for example DDTH for 4THSPSpelled out number (for example DDSP for FOURSPTH or THSPspelled out ordinal numbers (for example DDSPTH for FOURTH


    SELECT last_name,
    TO_CHAR(hire_date, ’fmDD Month YYYY’)
    FROM employees;

    OUTPUT :

    LASTNAMEHIIREDATEAustin25 January 2005Shubham20 June 2004Nishant15 January 1999Ankit15 July 1995Vanshika5 August 2004Kusum10 June 1994Faviet11 March 2005King9 April 1996


    Using the TO_CHAR Function with Numbers :

    SYNTAX :

    TO_CHAR(number, ’format_model’)

    These are some of the format elements you can use with the TO_CHAR function to display a number value as a character :

    9Represent a number0Forces a zero to be displayed$places a floating dollar signLUses the floating local currency symbol.Print a decimal point,Prints a Thousand indicator


    SELECT TO_CHAR(salary, ’$99,999.00’) SALARY
    FROM employees
    WHERE last_name = ’Ernst’;

    OUTPUT :



    Using the TO_NUMBER and TO_DATE Functions :

    Convert a character string to a number format using the TO_NUMBER function :

    TO_NUMBER(char[, ’format_model’])

    Convert a character string to a date format using the TO_DATE function:

    TO_DATE(char[, ’format_model’])

    These functions have an fx modifier. This modifier specifies the exact matching for the character argument and date format model of a TO_DATE function.

    SELECT employee_id,first_name,salary
    FROM employees
    WHERE salary > '15000';

    OUTPUT :



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    What is TO_CHAR?

    The TO_CHAR function converts an expression that evaluates to a DATE, DATETIME, or numeric value to a character string.

    What does TO_CHAR Q mean in SQL?

    TO_CHAR function is used to typecast a numeric or date input to character type with a format model (optional).

    How to convert date to char in MySQL?

    In SQL Server, you can use CONVERT function to convert a DATETIME value to a string with the specified format. In MySQL, you can use DATE_FORMAT function.

    How to convert int to char in MySQL?

    The CONVERT() function converts a value into the specified datatype or character set. Tip: Also look at the CAST() function.