Type error python stack overflow

The error causes a TypeError in my function.

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I saw a similar one but it does not help that much: //stackoverflow.com/questions/68954674/python-usb-barcode-reading-typeerror

The function:

import time
from usb.core import find
from usb.util import get_string
import usb.backend.libusb1
import re
import usb.core
import usb.util
import os
import numpy as np

def info_usb_device[dev]:
    xdev = find[idVendor=dev.idVendor, idProduct=dev.idProduct]
    if xdev.bDeviceClass == 9:  # don't list HUBs, see [USB class-codes][//www.usb.org/defined-class-codes]
    if xdev._manufacturer is None:
        xdev._manufacturer = get_string[xdev, xdev.iManufacturer, langid=1033]
    if xdev._product is None:
        xdev._product = get_string[xdev, xdev.iProduct, langid=1033]
    device_info = '[%20s] %8d %9d %s - %s' % [xdev.serial_number, dev.idVendor, dev.idProduct,
    return xdev.serial_number, device_info 

def add_usb_devices[device_dict]:
    new_devices = []
    for bus in usb.busses[]:
        for dev in bus.devices:
            if dev is None:
            serial_info = info_usb_device[dev]
            if serial_info is not None:
                [serial, info] = serial_info
                if serial not in device_dict:
                    device_dict[serial] = info
    return new_devices

if __name__ == "__main__":
    device_dict = {}
    print['%22s %8s %9s %s' % ['serial', 'idVendor', 'idProduct', 'Manufacturer - Product']]
    print['-'*22, '-'*8,  '-'*9, '-'*30]
    # first scan
    for device_info in device_dict.values[]:
    # next scans
    for i in range[5]:  # run 5 more scans 
        new_serials = add_usb_devices[device_dict]
        if len[new_serials] > 0:
           print['** [scan %d] FOUND NEW USB DEVICES/SERIALS: %s' % [i, new_serials]]
           for serial in new_serials:
        time.sleep[3]  # waiting 3 seconds before new scan
    str_device_dict_serial = device_dict[serial]
    listed__device_dict_serial = re.findall[r'\b\d+\b', str_device_dict_serial]
    print['Scans completed.']

dev = usb.core.find[idVendor= listed__device_dict_serial[0], idProduct=listed__device_dict_serial[1]]

ep = dev[0].interfaces[][0].endpoints[][0]

if dev.is_kernel_driver_active[i]:
    print["hello joy"]
data_inside_content2222222 = np.loadtxt["/media/joy/Data/1111.txt", dtype='str' , delimiter=","]

The output:

[base] joy@joy-System-Product-Name:~$ sudo python '/home/joy/fe_dir/10_4_detect_lastNew_plug_USB_and_raed.py'  

 serial idVendor idProduct Manufacturer - Product
---------------------- -------- --------- ------------------------------
[                None]     1133     49271 Logitech - USB Optical Mouse

[             2004888]     1423     37728  - USB Reader

[5334354E373539325A315A4B]     5117      2112 Generic - External


[    01DZTW5EXY5TSUF8]    34148      4096 JetFlash - Mass Storage Device

Scans completed.
Traceback [most recent call last]:

File "/home/joy/fe_dir/10_4_detect_lastNew_plug_USB_and_raed.py", line 70, in 

   ep = dev[0].interfaces[][0].endpoints[][0]

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

This is what happens when recursion goes wrong

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

I’m not talking about the stackoverflow you copy code from to do your job. I’m talking about what happens when I write bad recursion.

So what is a stack overflow?

According to wikipedia,

In software, a stack overflow occurs if the call stack pointer exceeds the stack bound. The call stack may consist of a limited amount of address space, often determined at the start of the program.

Translation: There is a limited amount of memory [the call stack] allocated to a program. When that is exceeded [when it overflows], we call it a stack overflow.

Every time I’ve seen it, it’s been the result of infinite recursion. Recursion is when a method/function calls itself.

Sometimes recursion is intentional [ie: iterating over a graph]. Sometimes it’s unintentional [a callback triggers itself].

Now let’s cause intentionally cause stack overflows in a Python, Ruby and Javascript.


In your favorite code editor, switch to python and run the following.

def do_recursion[]:

This throws an error.

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Python throws a RecursionError when the stack gets out of bounds.


Switch your editor to ruby and run this.

def do_recursion

Which results in an error.

nodepad.rb:3:in `do_recursion': stack level too deep [SystemStackError]

Ruby throws a SystemStackError when the stack level get’s too deep.


You can run this one in the JS console in chrome.

var do_recursion = function[] {

This throws an error.

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

Javascript throws a RangeError when the stack is exceeded.


And that’s the real stack overflow.

In a nutshell, allocated memory is exceeded.

You won’t see it often unless you write a lot of recursive code. But it’s a good understanding to keep in your toolkit.

What is type error in Python?

What is TypeError in Python? TypeError is an exception in Python programming language that occurs when the data type of objects in an operation is inappropriate. For example, If you attempt to divide an integer with a string, the data types of the integer and the string object will not be compatible.

Why am I getting a type error Python?

TypeError is raised whenever an operation is performed on an incorrect/unsupported object type. For example, using the + [addition] operator on a string and an integer value will raise TypeError.

How do you get rid of type error in Python?

Python always checks the type of object we are passing for operation and whether a particular object type supports the operation. Python will throw a TypeError. We can avoid this error by adding an extra step or try-catch before such an operation.

What is stack overflow error in Python?

A stack overflow is a type of buffer overflow error that occurs when a computer program tries to use more memory space in the call stack than has been allocated to that stack.

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