What is local storage in javascript?

The API called Web Storage provides two basic mechanisms for storing information in the user’s browser: sessionStorage and localStorage.

The sessionStorage [which we won’t get into in this article], works very much like the localStorage, but with one difference: it keeps the saved data only until the end of the user session, i.e. until the user’s browser closes, including page reloads or restores.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The localStorage keeps the saved data even if the browser is closed and reopened. This makes it easier to create some interface behavior during user use. And obviously, needless to say, it is not for saving sensitive data.

The data storage structure is quite simple, consisting of the key-value pair. An example:

key: value

To work with this data, you can do basically 4 actions, using 4 methods:

  • localStorage.setItem[] to create a new key-value pair
  • localStorage.getItem[] to retrieve the value of a key
  • localStorage.removeItem[] to remove a specific pair
  • localStorage.clear[] deletes ALL saved pairs for that domain

There is a method called key[]. But I won’t talk about it here to simplify the explanations.

Opening localStorage in the browser

To see all the data saved in your browser’s localStorage, simply inspect the page, click on the Application tab, and then, in the sidebar, click on Local Storage [path using Chrome or browsers that use the Chromium engine]:

Saving data: localStorage.setItem[ ]

This method allows you to save the values inside the localStorage in the user’s browser.

Open the console in your browser and execute the following command:

localStorage.setItem["name", "Jack Sparrow"];

Now open the Application tab, go to where the localStorages are stored and click on “//medium.com". You will see our name: "Jack Sparrow" saved.

Note: Note that the values will always be a string. Therefore, the data that will be saved there needs to be converted to strings before being saved. To do this, simply use the JSON.stringify[]method before passing the value to setItem[ ].

Now that we saved the value in the user’s browser, we will now retrieve it using the localStorage.getItem[] method.

Recovering data: localStorage.getItem[ ]

Working much like setItem[ ], we will use getItem[ ] to retrieve the value of a previously saved key. In our case, we will use it to get the name key that we saved in the setItem[ ] example.

Execute the following command in your console to see the stored value:


Removing data: localStorage.removeItem[ ]

After we no longer use this data, it's a good practice to delete it from the localStorage to avoid unnecessary data accumulation.

The removeItem[] method will delete the key you set. If the key doesn’t exist, it will do nothing.

The removeItem[] method only removes the key [or object] that you have requested. The localStorage.clear[ ] method deletes ALL the keys in your domain. You don’t need to pass any parameters.

Execute the following command in your console to delete a pair and then open the application tab to see if it's removed:


Cautions, security and limitations

  • Do not use localStorage to store sensitive data
  • The data that is stored has no layer of access protection, meaning that all data stored there can be accessed by any code on your page
  • In any browser, the localStorage is limited to storing only 5Mb of data.
  • The use of localStorage is synchronous, i.e. every execution is only done one after the other
  • You can only use strings in localStorage, and this sucks, because it limits the storage of more complex data
  • Cannot be used by web workers. This means that if you want to do more complex applications, using background processing to improve performance, you can’t use localStorage because it is not available.

So ideally you should use localStorage for situations where you want to store data that can be public, that is not sensitive, that will not be used in more complex apps, that is no larger than 5MB, and that is strings.

For simple UI things, where it doesn’t make much sense to store something in the database or somewhere more permanent, it is nice to use localStorage.

If you are creating a SPA or any site/system and want a little independence from the server, the use of localStorage is adequate and breaks a lot of steam.


That’s it for today. I hope this article helped you with your web development journey.

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Have a great day, see you soon! 👋

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What is local storage in JavaScript example?

The localStorage object stores data with no expiration date. The data is not deleted when the browser is closed, and are available for future sessions.

What does local storage mean?

Definition: Local storage is the process of storing digital data on physical storage devices, such as hard disc drives [HDDs], solid state drives [SSDs], or external storage devices, such as thumb drives or discs.

Where is JavaScript localStorage stored?

Firefox stores localstorage in webappsstore. sqlite file in the profile folder.

What is local storage and session storage in JavaScript?

localStorage - stores data with no expiration date. window. sessionStorage - stores data for one session [data is lost when the browser tab is closed]

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