Which of the following is the correct way to start an ordered list with the count of numeric value of 4?

HTML Multiple choice questions [MCQ's]

1] HTML stands for -

  1. HighText Machine Language
  2. HyperText and links Markup Language
  3. HyperText Markup Language
  4. None of these
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Answer: [c] HyperText Markup Language

Explanation: HTML is an acronym that stands for HyperText Markup Language, which is used for creating web pages and web applications.

HyperText simply means "Text within Text." A text has a link within it, is a hypertext. A markup language is a computer language that is used to apply layout and formatting conventions to a text document.

2] The correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage is -

  1. Head, Title, HTML, body
  2. HTML, Body, Title, Head
  3. HTML, Head, Title, Body
  4. HTML, Head, Title, Body
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Answer: [d] HTML, Head, Title, Body

Explanation: The correct sequence of HTML tags to start a webpage is html, head, title, and body.

3] Which of the following element is responsible for making the text bold in HTML?

  1. javaTpoint.com
  2. javaTpoint.com

    Explanation: The anchor tag and the href attribute is used to create the link in HTML.

    9] How to create an ordered list [a list with the list items in numbers] in HTML?

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        Answer: [b]

          Explanation: The

            tag in HTML is used to display the list items in a numbered format. There can be different types of numbered list: numeric number, capital alphabet, small alphabet, etc.

            10] Which of the following element is responsible for making the text italic in HTML?

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            Answer: [a]

            Explanation: The [italic tag] tag in HTML is used to display the written text in italic format.

            11] How to insert an image in HTML?

            1. Answer:[d]

                Explanation:Thestartattribute is used with the
                  tag to specify where to start the list items.


                    Explanation:Thestartattribute is used with the

                      tag to specify where to start the list items.

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                        An ordered list starting at "50":

                        1. Coffee

                        2. Tea

                        3. Milk

                        Try it Yourself »

                        HTML Ordered Lists

                        ❮ Previous Next ❯

                        The HTML

                          tag defines an ordered list. An ordered list can be numerical or alphabetical.

                            : The Ordered List element


                            HTML element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.

                            Content categoriesPermitted contentTag omissionPermitted parentsImplicit ARIA rolePermitted ARIA rolesDOM interface
                            Flow content, and if the
                              element's children include at least one
                            1. element, palpable content.
                            Zero or more
                          1. , and elements.
                          2. None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
                            Any element that accepts flow content.
                            directory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree

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