Which statement would most likely be made by an opponent of affirmative action

The correct answer is D] it is a central responsibility of government to help citizens access health care. The statement that would most likely be made by a supporter of the Affordable Care Act is it is a central responsibility of government to help citizens access health care.

Which statement would most likely be made by an opponent of the Supreme Courts decision in Engel v Vitale apex?

Answer Expert Verified the statement that would most likely be made by an opponent of the Supreme Court’s decision in Engel v. Vital is: A. People should not have to restrict their free exercise of religion just because they happen to be in a school.

Which statement would most likely be made by an opponent of a Affirmative Action?

Among all the statements, the statement which would most likely be made by an opponent of affirmative action or positive action is that each person [regardless of caste, region, sex and colour] should be judged as an individual without taking anyone else into consideration.

Which statement would most likely be made by a supporter of affirmative action apex?

The statement that would most likely be made by a supporter of affirmative action is no one should be discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group.

Which statement would most likely be made by a supporter of the Supreme Courts decision?

The statement that would most likely be made by a supporter of the Supreme Court’s decision in Engel v. Vitale would be that the legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

What do courts try to determine before they rule on whether the government can limit First Amendment?

the government must show probable prove that it is pertinent to limit the right. such times like emergencies, times of war which involves significant threat to national security, this right can be limited, to ensure that states secrets are not deciphered by the enemy country.

What Does the Second Amendment guarantee now in modern times?

The Second Amendment provides U.S. citizens the right to bear arms. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Which statement would most likely be made by an opponent of the supreme court’s decision in engel v. vitale? a. people should not have to restrict their free exercise of religion just because they happen to be in a school. b. public institutions need to avoid any involvement with religious activity, even if it seems minor or harmless. c. students who do not practice a religion need to feel comfortable in and supported by their public schools. d. religious activity in public schools is a dangerous violation of the separation of church and state.

The statement that would most likely be made by an opponent of the Supreme Court’s decision in Engel v. Vital is: A. People should not have to restrict their free exercise of religion just because they happen to be in a school.

The case ruled that forcing public school students to do a morning prayer is unconstitutional because it somehow violates one of the basic right of the constitution, the freedom of religion.

answer is b


just took it

answer: ‘no one should be discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group’

because—> affirmative action means ‘a policy or program that provides opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups to them overcome the effects of discrimination’

government must protect citizens from abuse by insurance


hu what are the statements

I just did this on apex. This is an alternative

A.  No on should be discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group.

no one should discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group

The correct answer is

The individual mandate is unconstitutional.

The correct option is B. Taxpayers should not have to pay for others people’s health care

An opponent of the Great Society would be opposed to programs that are aimed at creating equality through a large welfare state due to the need for the programs to be financed by taxpayers

Which statement would most likely be made by an opponent of the supreme court’s decision in engel v. vitale? a. people should not have to restrict their free exercise of religion just because they happen to be in a school. b. public institutions need to avoid any involvement with religious activity, even if it seems minor or harmless. c. students who do not practice a religion need to feel comfortable in and supported by their public schools. d. religious activity in public schools is a dangerous violation of the separation of church and state.

The case ruled that forcing public school students to do a morning prayer is unconstitutional because it somehow violates one of the basic right of the constitution, the freedom of religion.

no statement

answer is b Explanation: just took it

answer: ‘no one should be discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group’ because—> affirmative action means ‘a policy or program that provides opportunities for traditionally disadvantaged groups to them overcome the effects of discrimination’

government must protect citizens from abuse by insurance Explanation:

Answer 6

hu what are the statements

Answer 7

I just did this on apex. This is an alternative A.  No on should be discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group.

no one should discriminated against because he or she is not from a minority group

The correct answer is The individual mandate is unconstitutional.


The correct option is B. Taxpayers should not have to pay for others people’s health care
An opponent of the Great Society would be opposed to programs that are aimed at creating equality through a large welfare state due to the need for the programs to be financed by taxpayers

Among all the statements, the statement which would most likely be made by an opponent of affirmative action or positive action is that each person [regardless of caste, region, sex and colour] should be judged as an individual without taking anyone else into consideration.

Which statement would most likely be made by a supported of affirmative action?

Affirmative action supports the majority. Affirmative action goes against the Constitution. Affirmative action is a form of gender discrimination.

Which statement would most likely be made by a supported of the Great Society?

Answer Expert Verified The correct answer is A] A country should provide its senior citizens with health care. The idea of the Great Society was developed under President Lyndon B Johnson.

What did the Great Society focused on?

The Great Society was an ambitious series of policy initiatives, legislation and programs spearheaded by President Lyndon B. Johnson with the main goals of ending poverty, reducing crime, abolishing inequality and improving the environment. In May 1964, President Lyndon B.

What programs did the Great Society create?

It began by enacting long-stalled legislation such as Medicare and federal aid to education and then moved into other areas, including high-speed mass transit, rental supplements, truth in packaging, environmental safety legislation, new provisions for mental health facilities, the Teacher Corps, manpower training, the …

What 3 things did the Economic Opportunity Act do?

Economic Opportunity Act [EOA], federal legislation establishing a variety of social programs aimed at facilitating education, health, employment, and general welfare for impoverished Americans.

How did the great society address the problem of poverty?

When Johnson announced his Great Society program in 1964, he promised to reduce poverty, alleviate hunger and malnutrition, expand community medical care, provide adequate housing, and enhance the employability of the poor.

Which groups were intended to benefit the most from the Great Society programs?

1 Answer. They benefitted the poor, the elderly, and helped out racial minorities.

Who was intended to benefit from the Great Society?

Which groups were intended to benefit the most from Great Society programs? Minorities and the poor.

How did JFK help the economy?

Kennedy proposed a tax cut designed to help spur economic growth. Kennedy believed that the tax cut would stimulate consumer demand, which in turn would lead to higher economic growth, lower unemployment, and increased federal revenues.

What did John F Kennedy mean by the term New Frontier?

Kennedy mean by the term “new frontier”? He meant frontiers as in the mind, the will, and the spirit of man. Basically, [in easier terms, for zoe], Americans need to open their mind and become more patriotic.

How did JFK help the poor?

To help the unemployed, Kennedy broadened the distribution of surplus food, created a “pilot” Food Stamp program for poor Americans, directed that preference be given to distressed areas in defense contracts, and expanded the services of U.S. Employment Offices.

What was the new frontier quizlet?

A set of domestic programs proposed or enacted in the United States on the initiative of President Lyndon B. Johnson. Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.

What did the New Frontier focus on?

New Frontier [1961–63] Term describing the legislative programme of US President John F. Kennedy. The programme included massive expenditure on social reforms and welfare, as well as ambitious new projects such as the Peace Corps and space exploration.

What was the goal of Kennedy’s New Frontier?

The goal of Kennedy’s New Frontier was to provide domestic reform, focused on society and the economy.

What is the meaning of New Frontier?

noun. 1A newly established frontier, especially [in U.S. History] one marking a westward expansion of pioneer settlement. Later also: a region offering new opportunity, especially one which is unfamiliar.

What were the goals of John F Kennedy’s New Frontier program and how successful was it?

Q – What were the goals of Kennedy’s new frontier? *Government intervention to halt the recession. *an end to racial discrimination. The New Frontier program proved impossible to complete, however, due to the reluctance of a conservative Congress.

What was the new frontier and what did it accomplish?

The major proposals included establishing a volunteer Peace Corps to assist underdeveloped countries, raising the minimum wage and broadening its coverage, raising Social Security benefits, providing medicare, providing federal aid to education, creating a federal department of urban affairs, and giving greater powers …

Were there differences in the goals of the New Frontier and the Great Society?

Terms in this set [10] Johnson’s Great Society programs reduced poverty by reforming healthcare, environmental, immigration, and education policies. The differences between the New Frontier and the Great Society were the decreases in poverty and the increase in the standard of living for all Americans.

Which of the following was an achievement of John F Kennedy administration?

Kennedy made the most of his time. He not only helped the U.S. economy out of a recession, but he created the Peace Corps, helped women achieve fairer wages, contributed to the partial ban of nuclear testing and established the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

What was the foreign policy of John F Kennedy quizlet?

19.2 “Kennedy’s Foreign Policy” Flexible response calls for mutual deterrence at strategic, tactical, and conventional levels, giving the United States the capability to respond to aggression across the spectrum of warfare, not limited only to nuclear arms.

What was Kennedy’s administration?

He was succeeded by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson. Kennedy’s time in office was marked by Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union and Cuba….Administration.

The Kennedy Cabinet Office Name Term
President John F. Kennedy 1961–1963
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson 1961–1963
Secretary of State Dean Rusk 1961–1963

What is the F in John F Kennedy?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy [May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963], often referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until his assassination near the end of his third year in office.

Who did JFK marry?

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassism. 1953–1963

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