Cara menggunakan cara install phpmyadmin


phpMyAdmin tidak memberlakukan metode keamanan khusus manapun terhadap basis data MySQL server. Ini tetap menjadi pekerjaan dari pengelola sistem untuk memberikan izin terhadap basis data MySQL secara tepat. Halaman phpMyAdmin's Users dapat digunakan untuk ini.

Distribusi linux¶

phpMyAdmin termasuk ke dalam sebagian besar distribusi Linux. Disarankan untuk menggunakan paket distribusi bila memungkinkan - Paket tersebut biasanya menyediakan integrasi untuk distribusi Anda dan Anda akan mendapatkan pembaruan keamanan secara otomatis dari distribusi Anda.

Debian and Ubuntu¶

Most Debian and Ubuntu versions include a phpMyAdmin package, but be aware that the configuration file is maintained in /etc/phpmyadmin and may differ in some ways from the official phpMyAdmin documentation. Specifically, it does:

  • Configuration of a web server [works for Apache and lighttpd].
  • Creating of Penyimpanan konfigurasi phpMyAdmin using dbconfig-common.
  • Pengamanan skrip pengaturan, lihat Skrip pengaturan pada Debian, Ubuntu dan produk turunannya.

More specific details about installing Debian or Ubuntu packages are available in our wiki.

lihat juga

More information can be found in README.Debian [it is installed as /usr/share/doc/phpmyadmin/README.Debian with the package].


Gentoo ships the phpMyAdmin package, both in a near-stock configuration as well as in a webapp-config configuration. Use emerge dev-db/phpmyadmin to install.


paket Mandriva ships the phpMyAdmin di cabang contrib mereka dan dapat di install biasanya melalui Control Center.


paket Fedora ships the phpMyAdmin, namun perlu di ingat bahaw file konfigurasi disimpan dalam /etc/phpMyAdmin/ dan mungkin berbeda dalam beberapa hal dari dokumentasi phpMyAdmin yang resmi.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux¶

Red Hat Enterprise Linux sendiri dan juga derivatifnya seperti CentOS tidak menyertakan phpMyAdmin, tapi repositori yang didukung Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux [EPEL] melakukan hal tersebut, jika hal tersebut diaktifkan. Tapi harus menjadi perhatian bahwa berkas konfigurasinya disimpan di /etc/phpMyAdmin/ dan dapat berbeda dalam beberapa hal dari dokumentasi resmi phpMyAdmin.

Instalasi di Windows¶

The easiest way to get phpMyAdmin on Windows is using third party products which include phpMyAdmin together with a database and web server such as XAMPP.

Anda dapapt menemukan lebih banyak pilihan di Wikipedia.

Instalasi dari Git¶

In order to install from Git, you'll need a few supporting applications:

  • Git to download the source, or you can download the most recent source directly from Github
  • Composer
  • Node.js [versi 10 keatas]
  • Yarn

Anda dapat mengklon sumber phpMyAdmin saat ini dari //

git clone //

Additionally you need to install dependencies using Composer:

If you do not intend to develop, you can skip the installation of developer tools by invoking:

Finally, you'll need to use Yarn to install some JavaScript dependencies:

yarn install --production

Memasang menggunakan Composer¶

You can install phpMyAdmin using the Composer tool, since 4.7.0 the releases are automatically mirrored to the default Packagist repository.


The content of the Composer repository is automatically generated separately from the releases, so the content doesn't have to be 100% same as when you download the tarball. There should be no functional differences though.

Untuk menginstal phpMyAdmin cukup jalankan:

composer create-project phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

Alternatively you can use our own composer repository, which contains the release tarballs and is available at :

composer create-project phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin --repository-url=// --no-dev

Instalasi menggunakan Docker¶

phpMyAdmin comes with a Docker official image, which you can easily deploy. You can download it using:

The phpMyAdmin server will listen on port 80. It supports several ways of configuring the link to the database server, either by Docker's link feature by linking your database container to db for phpMyAdmin [by specifying --link your_db_host:db] or by environment variables [in this case it's up to you to set up networking in Docker to allow the phpMyAdmin container to access the database container over the network].

Docker environment variables¶

You can configure several phpMyAdmin features using environment variables:


Allows you to enter a database server hostname on login form.


Hostname or IP address of the database server to use.


Comma-separated hostnames or IP addresses of the database servers to use.


Hanya di gunakan jika PMA_HOST kosong.


Verbose name of the database server.


Comma-separated verbose name of the database servers.


Nama pengguna di gunakan untuk Mode otentikasi Config.


Kata sandi di gunakan untuk Mode otentikasi Config.


Port of the database server to use.


Comma-separated ports of the database server to use.


Jalur lengkap memenuhi syarat [//] di mana proxy sebalikan membuat phpMyAdmin tersedia.


When set to true, enables storing SQL history to $cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb']. When false, history is stored in the browser and is cleared when logging out.


When set to an integer, controls the number of history items.


When set, this points to an alternate database host used for storing the "Penyimpanan konfigurasi phpMyAdmin" database.


Defines the username for phpMyAdmin to use for the "Penyimpanan konfigurasi phpMyAdmin" database.


Defines the password for phpMyAdmin to use for the "Penyimpanan konfigurasi phpMyAdmin" database.


When set, will override the default port [3306] for connecting to the control host.


When set, define the name of the database to be used for the "Penyimpanan konfigurasi phpMyAdmin" database. When not set, the advanced features are not enabled by default: they can still potentially be enabled by the user when logging in with the Konfigurasi nol feature.


Suggested values: phpmyadmin or pmadb


If defined, this option will hide the PHP version [expose_php = Off]. Set to any value [such as HIDE_PHP_VERSION=true].


If set, this option will override the default value for apache and php-fpm [this will change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size values].


Format as [0-9+][K,M,G] default value is 2048K


If set, this option will override the phpMyAdmin memory limit $cfg['MemoryLimit'] and PHP's memory_limit.


Format as [0-9+][K,M,G] where K is for Kilobytes, M for Megabytes, G for Gigabytes and 1K = 1024 bytes. Default value is 512M.


If set, this option will override the maximum execution time in seconds for phpMyAdmin $cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] and PHP's max_execution_time.


Format as [0-9+]. Default value is 600.


If set, this option will override the default with the base64 decoded contents of the variable.


If set, this option will override the default with the base64 decoded contents of the variable.

Secara default, mode otentikasi cookie digunakan, tetapi jika PMA_USER dan PMA_PASSWORD diatur, itu dialihkan ke Mode otentikasi Config.


The credentials you need to log in are stored in the MySQL server, in case of Docker image, there are various ways to set it [for example MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD when starting the MySQL container]. Please check documentation for MariaDB container or MySQL container.

Customizing configuration¶

Additionally configuration can be tweaked by /etc/phpmyadmin/ If this file exists, it will be loaded after configuration is generated from above environment variables, so you can override any configuration variable. This configuration can be added as a volume when invoking docker using -v /some/local/directory/ parameters.

Note that the supplied configuration file is applied after Docker environment variables, but you can override any of the values.

For example to change the default behavior of CSV export you can use the following configuration file:

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