Cara menggunakan merge column google sheets

Pada prakteknya terkadang kita perlu pengaturan sel tabel disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Kadang kite perlu menggabungkan 2 atau lebih sel yang ada di tabel dengan maksud memperjelas bahwa sel tersebut memiliki nilai yang sama ataupun menjelaskan bahwa sel, kolom atau baris yang ada di tabel merupakan sebuah kelompok yang saling mendukung dan berkaitan. Google docs memiliki fitur untuk menggabungkan sel [merge cells] dan juga memecah sel [unmerge cell] menjadi bentuk semula. Selengkapnya akan dibahas di bawah ini.

A. Merge Cells [menggabungkan sel] Tabel

Langkah-langkah untuk menggabungkan sel yang ada di tabel Google Dokumen adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Pertama-tama pilih sel yang akan digabungkan, sorot sel tersebut caranya klik dan drag menggunakan mouse atau gunakan tombol keyboard PANAH sambil menekan tombol SHIFT

Memilih Sel yang akan digabung [merge]

2. Lalu klik menu Format lalu pilih Table kemudian klik item menu Merge Cells

Memilih item menu untuk Merge Cells elemen tabel

3. Selanjutnya anda akan mendapatkan hasil merge cells tersebut

Contoh hasil Merge Cells pada Tabel Google Docs

B. Cara Unmerge Cells [memecah/split cell] pada Tabel Google Docs

Setelah anda menggabungkan sel, mungkin anda ingin membatalkannya. untuk hal tersebut bisa dilakukan dengan fasilitas Unmerge Cell yang dimiliki oleh google docs dengan langkah-langkah berikut ini:

1. Pilih sel yang akan di unmerge [dipecah]

Cara membuat table di Google Docs dengan smart chips

2. Lalu klik menu Format lalu pilih Table kemudian klik item menu Unmerge Cells

Memilih ukuran table 4 x 3 [4 kolom 3 baris]

3. Hasilnya.. sel akan kembali menjadi seperti semula saat sebelum di gabung

Memilih ukuran table 4 x 3 [4 kolom 3 baris]

Untuk prakteknya dapat dilihat pada video Cara Merge Cells Google Docs di bawah ini.. gak lama kok.. hanya 2 menit…

hello, when I press start merge values, an empty pop-up with "merge values" at the top appears but doesn't load so I can't merge anything, how can I fix this? thanks!


Ekaterina Pechyonkina [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello Evie,

Thank you for your comment.

Please note that there is currently that occurs when you are logged in under more than one account. I kindly ask you to sign out and log back in only under the account you used to grant permissions to the add-on and try to reproduce the issue. If it persists, please send the screenshot of an empty pop-up with “merge values” to Thank you.

Roderick Santos says:

How do i merge and center two cells in one column ?


Ekaterina Pechyonkina [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello Roderick,

Thank you for contacting us again. For us to be able to help you better, please share a small sample spreadsheet with us [] with 2 sheets: [1] a copy of your source data [2] the result you expect to get [the result sheet is of great importance and often gives us a better understanding than any text description]. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows. Thank you.

david says:

I have an existing google sheet...I added the addon, but the "addon" column is not appearing in my existing google sheet, only in new google sheets. I have a TON of data in this other sheet, so copying/pasting is freezing up. Any suggestions?


Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello David,

Thank you for your message. I have just replied to you by email.

Kaitlyn Burke says:

Hello, I am experiencing the same problem as David. Can you please provide me with the solution?

Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello Kaitlyn,

Thank you for your message. You need to check who is the owner of the spreadsheet you are having difficulties with. If it is you, please email us at

Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello David,

Thank you for your message. I have just replied to you by email.

Kaitlyn Burke says:

Hello, I am experiencing the same problem as David. Can you please provide me with the solution?

Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello Kaitlyn,

Thank you for your message. You need to check who is the owner of the spreadsheet you are having difficulties with. If it is you, please email us at

Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello David,

Thank you for your message. I have just replied to you by email.

Kaitlyn Burke says:

Hello, I am experiencing the same problem as David. Can you please provide me with the solution?

Aksana Pachkouskaya [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello Kaitlyn,

Thank you for your message. You need to check who is the owner of the spreadsheet you are having difficulties with. If it is you, please email us at

David says:

Hi, I'm looking to merge sets of values in column B that correspond to one value in column A, that are separated by a blank cell. Essentially multiple merges separated by a blank cell.

For example, Name1 [A1] = job [B1], company [B2] ; Name[2]=job [B3], company [B4] etc.


Ekaterina Pechyonkina [Ablebits Team] says:

Hi David,

Thank you for contacting us. For us to be able to help you better, please share a small sample spreadsheet with us [] with 2 sheets: a copy of your source data and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the tables to 10-20 rows. When sharing, make sure the option 'Notify people' is checked. I'll do my best to assist.

Meagan says:

I have Power Tools for Google Sheets. Using "merge values in each selected row", I want to merge a row of names with a row of addresses. How can I merge so that each cell has the name shown on top of the address? Thus, I want each cell to show the name on line 1 and the address on line 2 and 3 of the cells.


Natalia Sharashova [Ablebits Team] says:

Thank you for choosing our product, Meagan.

We just replied to you by email. Please check your Spam/Trash/Junk folders if you don't see it in your Inbox.

Peter Rice says:

I need to merge several columns and have them separated by a comma. Some of the cells are empty, but I still need them to be represented by a comma when it's all merged and done. It used to do this automatically, but not it just skips over empty cells, even when the "skip empty cells" box isn't checked. Any ideas?


Natalia Sharashova [Ablebits Team] says:

Thank you for reporting this problem to us, Peter.

We were able to reproduce the issue on our side for the "merge in each selected row" option. It looks like a bug and our developers are already working on fixing it.
I'm not sure how much time it will take, but if you'd like, I can email you when the fixed version is out.

Matthew Smaldone says:

I need to merge two similar rows into one row, rather than merging values within the same row. Do you have a power tool for that? Am I misunderstanding this power tool?


Natalia Sharashova [Ablebits Team] says:

Thank you for your interest in our products, Matthew.

For me to be able to advise you better, please share a small sample spreadsheet with us [] with your source data and the result you expect to get. I kindly ask you to shorten the table to 10-20 rows.
I'll look into it and see if our software can help.

Thank you.

Roger Pollard says:

I am merging currency values how do i change from $ sign to £ sign - the cells are formatted in Google as £.


Natalia Sharashova [Ablebits Team] says:

Hello, Roger,
Thank you for your question.

We were able to reproduce the problem on our side. Our developers will try and fix the issue as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, I can't give you any timing, but I can let you know when it's fixed.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

Sarah says:

Hello, how do you combine the columns but still keep the formatting in that cell? is that possible? I want to try and keep the colors of the fonts etc.

Bagaimana cara wrap text di spreadsheet?

Klik menu “Format”, maka akan muncul ragam pilihan fitur lain yang bisa kamu pilih sesuai kebutuhan. Arahkan panah mouse atau jari kamu ke bagian bawah. Temukan fitur “Wrap Text”. Jika Spreadsheet kamu menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, maka nama fiturnya akan berubah menjadi “Pengemasan Teks”.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan merger cell?

Merge Cells: menggabungkan sel yang dipilih ke dalam satu sel, tetapi tidak memusatkan teks.

Bagaimana Melindungi 1 sheets agar tidak bisa diedit di Google Sheets?

Melindungi sheet atau rentang.
Buka spreadsheet di Google Spreadsheet..
Klik Data. ... .
Klik Tambahkan sheet atau rentang atau klik perlindungan yang ada untuk mengeditnya..
Untuk melindungi rentang, klik Rentang. ... .
Klik Setel izin atau Ubah izin..
Pilih cara yang diinginkan untuk membatasi pengeditan: ... .
Klik Simpan atau Selesai..

Apa itu aplikasi spreadsheet?

Lembar sebar atau lembar lajur [Bahasa Inggris: spreadsheet] adalah tabel informasi/data berbentuk kotak dengan baris dan kolom yang berisi penghitungan-penghitungan yang digunakan untuk melakukan analisis komparatif.

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