Di bawah ini yang merupakan fungsi dari sca supplement coolant additive pada cooling system kecuali

Supplemental coolant additives [SCA's] are a chemical package added to coolant either as a liquid, powder or charge inside a filter to fortify the coolant’s anti-corrosive and other desirable properties. Note: OAT extended life coolant does not require SCA's but should always be topped up with OAT Premix. ES Compleat should be topped up with ES Compleat Premix or DCA4 to replenish additive level if required.


  • SCAs [selective coolant additives] can be used to inhibit the cooling system with added protection against corrosion and other damage. Cummins Filtration offers DCA4, providing Superior Liner Pitting, Scale & Corrosion Protection Using Phosphate/Molybdate Based Inhibitor Package. SCAs can also be delivered to the cooling system by coolant filtration.

Lebih Mengenal Fungsi dari Coolant


JAKARTA - Mesin mobil saat bekerja menimbulkan efek panas tinggi dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap komponen lainnya. Jika suhunya terlalu tinggi, mesin akan mengalami overheating. Ujung-ujungnya bisa mogok.

Sistem penjaga suhu mesin ada pada siklus pendinginan di sistem radiator agar suhu tetap konstan dan ideal. Namun kini orang lebih sering memakai air radiator tambahan atau coolant.

Di pasaran ada bermacam jenis coolant. Yang kosentrat, pemakaiannya dicampur dengan air. Ada pula yang langsung dituang ke dalam radiator.

Ketahui fungsi coolant. “Coolant yang ada di daerah tropis beda dengan yang digunakan di Eropa yang memiliki 4 musim," ujar Arief Hidayat, bos PT Foerch Indonesia.

Makanya, "Coolant bukan untuk mendinginkan temperatur, tetapi memperpanjang titik didih air di dalam sistem pendinginan [bukan hanya radiator]," lanjutnya. Hal sama disampaikan David Tandjung, juragan gerai oli Toda yang menjual bermacam carian untuk kendraaan.

"Jadi panas mobil itu tidak akan pernah bisa kurang dari 80 derajat Celcius. Karena kalau turun, mesin akan boros akibat pembakaran tidak sempurna karena mesin terlalu dingin. Kalau lebih dari 90 derajat, akan boros juga," jelas Arief mencontohkan.

Lebih Mengenal Fungsi dari Coolant

Jika coolant dicampur ke air, harus tahu pencampurannya. Bukan berarti makin banyak coolant, sistem pendingin jadi lebih baik. So, untuk apa pakai coolant yang 150-170° C. Apalagi dibandingkan dengan titik beku bisa tahan sampai -30° C.

Lalu, coolant harus punya formula antikarat. "Karena bahan coolant itu penyebab karat paling bagus di dunia," imbuhnya lagi. Karat menyebabkan kebocoran radiator, temostat rusak, pompa air mampat, sirkulasi air pendingin pun terganggu.

Selain itu, air yang dingin-panas-dingin-panas dapat menimbulkan lumut dan endapan. Sebaiknya beberapa bulan sekali dilakukan pengurasan air radiator.

Coolant juga harus punya kandungan yang tidak merusak sil. Pada sistem pendingin banyak yang terbuat dari karet. "Untuk itu jangan dilihat dari boiling point atau kandungan konsentratnya mencapai sekian persen," lanjut Arief.

Namun, carilah produk coolant berkualitias, ini tentunya berkorelasi dengan harga. Karena ada yang pakai bahan baku murah. Di pasaran harganya Rp 15-200 ribu. "Biasanya yang impor banderolnya mulai Rp 50 ribuan ke atas," kata David.  [mobil.otomotifnet.com]

Supplemental Coolant Additives are vital for the health and longevity of any diesel engine. Diesels, particularly the Ford Powerstroke, are prone to a problem called cavitation [or liner pitting]. Both cavitation and corrosion can result in shorter engine life if the SCA level of your coolant is not monitored and maintained. The proper level of a chemical concentration of 1.5 - 3.0 UPG [Units Per Gallon] should be maintained in your cooling system at all times. For maximum protection be sure you begin with high quality make-up water [test with the ACU5050 CTS-5 Cool Check water test] and then check your SCA level every four months using Acustrip CTS-3 or CTS-4 test strips.

SCA Calculator

You can use the utility below to determine how much SCA to add to your system for the proper level of protection. The recommended level of SCA is 1.5 to 3.0 units per gallon. If you do not check the level frequently you should aim for a higher level such as 2.5 in order to assure that you will not fall below 1.5 over time. Concentrations above 3.0 can result in the buildup of particles that SCAs often cause. This buildup can become loose or flake off the water jacket walls, and because it can be abrasive, it will cause damage to your water pump or even clog certain parts of the cooling system like the heater core.

Too Little SCA

The pistons in your engine move up and down about 2,000 times a minute. While they move vertically, the crankshaft is performing a completely different movement by rotating horizontally. These contradictory movements will cause your engine's liners to vibrate a lot. Although the outer wall of the liner is surrounded by cooling fluid, its inertia creates tiny vacuum pockets, causing bubbles of vapor to form on the liner wall. When the liner vibrates back, these bubbles collapse under an enormous pressure and take small chunks out of the liner. Eventually you will have block failure.

To prevent this, a supplemental coolant additive needs to be added to the cooling system and monitored regularly. Basically a chemical concentration of 1.5 - 3.0 UPG [Units Per Gallon] should be maintained in your cooling system at all times. As a point of reference, a one pint bottle of DCA4 additive is equal to five units. A single unit of SCA raises a single gallon of coolant by one unit. So if you have a five gallon coolant system with an SCA reading of 1.2 and you wish to raise it to 2.2, you would add one pint of SCA to your system. You can use the calculator above to determine how much SCA to add in your particular case.

Too Much SCA

While SCA will protect your system from corrosion and pitting, a lower level will help prevent the buildup of particles that SCAs often cause. This buildup can become loose or flake off the water jacket walls, and because it can be abrasive, it will cause damage to your water pump or even clog certain parts of the cooling system like the heater core. It is recommended to maintain SCA concentrations below 3.0 to avoid this problem [it is best to maintain a lower level and test frequently to maintain a minimum of 1.5]. A preventative measure that can be taken to eliminate overly high levels is the use of a coolant filter.

Coolant additive adalah salah satu komponen coolant yang jenisnya bermacam-macam dengan fungsi yang berbeda-beda. Jenis additive yang digunakan pada coolant disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan lapangan. Cara pemakainnya bisa langsung diblending sebagai formula coolant, atau ditambahkan ke larutan coolant yang sedang dipakai di lapangan. Untuk cara kedua ini sering disebut dengan istilah tankside consentrate [TC].

Jenis-jenis Coolant Additive

  • pH Adjuster : Meningkatkan pH & alkalinity
  • Corrosion Inhibitor : Proteksi korosi
  • Biocide : Kontrol bakteri
  • Fungicide : Kontrol jamur
  • Antifoam : Menghentikan busa
  • Lub additive : Menambah pelumasan
  • Odor mask : Menutupi bau

pH Adjuster TC 103
Mengandung corrosion inhibitor untuk metal besi

  • Dosis 0.1 – 0.2 % larutan coolant
  • Dapat mempengaruhi titrasi
  • Potensi korosif untuk Al / Brass

pH Adjuster TC 220
Mengandung biocide untuk kontrol bakteria

  • Dosis 0.1-0.2 % larutan coolant
  • Dapat menimbulkan ‘ammonia blush’ pada pH

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