How do I consolidate worksheets in Excel VBA?

The examples will add a worksheet with the name RDBMergeSheet to your workbook and will copy cells
from every worksheet in the ActiveWorkbook to this worksheet. Each time you run one of the examples it
will first delete the summary worksheet named RDBMergeSheet if it exists and then adds a new one to the workbook. This ensures that the data is always up to date after you run the code. In the examples I use a values/formats copy but below the first example there is example code to copy only the values or everything to the RDBMergeSheet.

The macro examples use the LastRow or LastCol function that you can find in the last section of this page. Copy the macro[s] and function[s] in a standard module of your workbook.
If you have no idea where to paste the code then check out this page.
Where do I paste the code that I find on the internet

You can also find the information from this page in this article on MSDN: Consolidating Data from Multiple Worksheets into a Summary Worksheet in Excel

Download Example workbook

Download a zip file with a workbook with the code from this page to test the examples.

Copy a range of each sheet

Note: This example use the function LastRow
This example copy the range A1:G1 from each worksheet.

Change the range in this code line

'Fill in the range that you want to copy
Set CopyRng = sh.Range["A1:G1"]

Sub CopyRangeFromMultiWorksheets[]
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim DestSh As Worksheet
    Dim Last As Long
    Dim CopyRng As Range

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With

    'Delete the sheet "RDBMergeSheet" if it exist
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    'Add a worksheet with the name "RDBMergeSheet"
    Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    DestSh.Name = "RDBMergeSheet"

    'loop through all worksheets and copy the data to the DestSh
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sh.Name  DestSh.Name Then

            'Find the last row with data on the DestSh
            Last = LastRow[DestSh]

            'Fill in the range that you want to copy
            Set CopyRng = sh.Range["A1:G1"]

            'Test if there enough rows in the DestSh to copy all the data
            If Last + CopyRng.Rows.Count > DestSh.Rows.Count Then
                MsgBox "There are not enough rows in the Destsh"
                GoTo ExitTheSub
            End If

            'This example copies values/formats, if you only want to copy the
            'values or want to copy everything look at the example below this macro
            With DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"]
                .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
                Application.CutCopyMode = False
            End With

            'Optional: This will copy the sheet name in the H column
            DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "H"].Resize[CopyRng.Rows.Count].Value = sh.Name

        End If


    Application.Goto DestSh.Cells[1]

    'AutoFit the column width in the DestSh sheet

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With
End Sub

Tips to change the examples

In the example above I copy the range A1:G1 but you can also use

Set CopyRng = sh.UsedRange
To copy all cells with data on the sheet

Set CopyRng = sh.Range["A1"].CurrentRegion
To copy the current region of cell A1
The current region is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank column

Set CopyRng = sh.Rows["1"]
To copy a whole row or rows[ use "1:8" then]

Copy only values or everything

Replace this :

    With DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"]
        .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With


    With CopyRng
        DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"].Resize[.Rows.Count, _
            .Columns.Count].Value = .Value
   End With

If you only want to copy the values.

Or Replace this :

    With DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"]
        .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End With


CopyRng.Copy DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"]

If you want to copy everything

Do not loop through all sheets in the workbook

Replace this line:
If sh.Name DestSh.Name Then
If LCase[Left[sh.Name, 4]] = "week" Then
If you want to copy only from sheets with a name that start with week.

Replace this line:
If sh.Name DestSh.Name Then
If sh.Name DestSh.Name And sh.Visible = True Then
If you want to copy only from the visible sheets in your workbook.

Replace this line:
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets[Array["Sheet1", "Sheet3"]]
And remove this two lines:
If sh.Name DestSh.Name Then and End If before Next
If you want to copy only from sheets that are in the Array.

Replace this line:
If sh.Name DestSh.Name Then
If IsError[Application.Match[sh.Name, _
    Array[DestSh.Name, "Total Sheet", "Menu Sheet"], 0]] Then

If you want to exclude more sheets then the DestSh.

Copy from row 2 till the last row with data

Note: This example use the function LastRow
Note: You can use the tips above also in this example

In example 1 you can see that you can copy all cells on a worksheet with this line:
Set CopyRng = sh.UsedRange

But what if we do not want to copy the same header row each time.
The example below will copy from row 2 till the last row with data on each sheet

Change the start row in the macro if you want to start in a different row.

'Fill in the start row
StartRow = 2

If you want to copy the header row in the first row of the RDBMergeSheet then copy the code below if each worksheet have the same headers after this line : If sh.Name DestSh.Name Then

'Copy header row, change the range if you use more columns
If WorksheetFunction.CountA[DestSh.UsedRange] = 0 Then
  sh.Range["A1:Z1"].Copy DestSh.Range["A1"]
End If

Example macro :

Sub CopyDataWithoutHeaders[]
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim DestSh As Worksheet
    Dim Last As Long
    Dim shLast As Long
    Dim CopyRng As Range
    Dim StartRow As Long

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With

    'Delete the sheet "RDBMergeSheet" if it exist
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    'Add a worksheet with the name "RDBMergeSheet"
    Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    DestSh.Name = "RDBMergeSheet"

    'Fill in the start row
    StartRow = 2

    'loop through all worksheets and copy the data to the DestSh
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sh.Name  DestSh.Name Then

            'Find the last row with data on the DestSh and sh
            Last = LastRow[DestSh]
            shLast = LastRow[sh]

            'If sh is not empty and if the last row >= StartRow copy the CopyRng
            If shLast > 0 And shLast >= StartRow Then

                'Set the range that you want to copy
                Set CopyRng = sh.Range[sh.Rows[StartRow], sh.Rows[shLast]]

                'Test if there enough rows in the DestSh to copy all the data
                If Last + CopyRng.Rows.Count > DestSh.Rows.Count Then
                    MsgBox "There are not enough rows in the Destsh"
                    GoTo ExitTheSub
                End If

                'This example copies values/formats, if you only want to copy the
                'values or want to copy everything look below example 1 on this page
                With DestSh.Cells[Last + 1, "A"]
                    .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                    .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
                    Application.CutCopyMode = False
                End With

            End If

        End If


    Application.Goto DestSh.Cells[1]

    'AutoFit the column width in the DestSh sheet

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With
End Sub

Copy a range/column after the last column with data

Note: This example use the function LastCol

This example copy column A from each sheet after the last column with data on the DestSh. I use A:A to copy the whole column but you can also use a range like A1:A10. Use A:C if you want to copy more columns.

Change it here

'Fill in the column[s] that you want to copy
Set CopyRng = sh.Range["A:A"]

Remember that Excel 97-2003 have only 256 columns.
Excel 2007-2013 have 16384 columns.

Sub AppendDataAfterLastColumn[]
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim DestSh As Worksheet
    Dim Last As Long
    Dim CopyRng As Range

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
    End With

    'Delete the sheet "RDBMergeSheet" if it exist
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error Resume Next
    On Error GoTo 0
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    'Add a worksheet with the name "RDBMergeSheet"
    Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
    DestSh.Name = "RDBMergeSheet"

    'loop through all worksheets and copy the data to the DestSh
    For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If sh.Name  DestSh.Name Then

            'Find the last Column with data on the DestSh
            Last = LastCol[DestSh]

            'Fill in the column[s] that you want to copy
            Set CopyRng = sh.Range["A:A"]

            'Test if there enough rows in the DestSh to copy all the data
            If Last + CopyRng.Columns.Count > DestSh.Columns.Count Then
                MsgBox "There are not enough columns in the Destsh"
                GoTo ExitTheSub
            End If

            'This example copies values/formats and Column width
            With DestSh.Cells[1, Last + 1]
                .PasteSpecial 8    ' Column width
                .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
                .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
                Application.CutCopyMode = False
            End With

        End If


    Application.Goto DestSh.Cells[1]

    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
    End With
End Sub

Common Functions required for all routines

Function LastRow[sh As Worksheet]
    On Error Resume Next
    LastRow = sh.Cells.Find[What:="*", _
                            After:=sh.Range["A1"], _
                            Lookat:=xlPart, _
                            LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Function LastCol[sh As Worksheet]
    On Error Resume Next
    LastCol = sh.Cells.Find[What:="*", _
                            After:=sh.Range["A1"], _
                            Lookat:=xlPart, _
                            LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
    On Error GoTo 0
End Function

How do I consolidate sheets in Excel VBA?

Merging all sheets of active workbook into one sheet with VBA.
Activate the workbook you want to combine its all sheets, then press Alt + F11 keys to open Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window..
In popping window, click Insert > Module to create a new Module script..
Copy below code and paste them to the script..

How do I consolidate data from multiple worksheets in Excel VBA?

Combine by category.
Open each source sheet..
In your destination sheet, click the upper-left cell of the area where you want the consolidated data to appear. ... .
On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Consolidate..
In the Function box, click the function that you want Excel to use to consolidate the data..

How do I apply all worksheets in the same VBA?

Here are the steps to do this:.
Go to the Developer tab..
Click on the Visual Basic option. ... .
In the Project Explorer pane in the VB Editor, right-click on any object for the workbook in which you want to insert the code. ... .
Go to Insert and click on Module. ... .
Copy and paste the code in the module window..

How to merge multiple sheets with different headers in Excel VBA?

Combine tables in Excel by column headers.
On your Excel ribbon, go to the Ablebits tab > Merge group, and click the Combine Sheets button:.
Select all the worksheets you want to merge into one. ... .
Choose the columns you want to combine, Order ID and Seller in this example:.
Select additional options, if needed..

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