How do I fix a stuck Windows 11 update?

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  • [SOLUTION] Windows 11 Update Downloading Stuck at 100%

By Stella | Follow | Last Updated September 19, 2022

When you upgrade to Windows 11, the process may not be smooth. For example, the Windows 11 update downloading process may get stuck at 100%. If so, do you know what to do to make everything go back to normal? In this MiniTool post, we will show you an effective solution.

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Windows 11 Update Downloading Stuck at 100%

Windows 11 has been released for months. If your computer meets the basic Windows 11 system requirements, you can free upgrade your Windows 10 PC to Windows 11. Usually, if there are available Windows 11 updates, the update process will be automatically in the process. If not, you can go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update to check for updates, and the Windows 11 update should start.

The Windows 11 update contains a set of processes:

  • Step 1: Check for updates
  • Step 2: Download Windows 11 update
  • Step 3: Install Windows 11 update
  • Step 4: Restart your computer for installing

You might encounter issues during the Windows 11 update process. For example, Windows 11 update downloading stuck at 100%.

Reasons for Windows 11 Downloading Stuck at 100%

This is a normal situation, and the main causes are internet or power interruptions. If the Windows 11 update downloading process is interrupted, it can go back to normal when the interruption disappears.

So, when your Windows 11 downloading stuck at 100%, you can wait for a while and check whether it can go to the next stage. If it is stuck for hours, you need to take some actions to fix it.

If you also face this issue, you should not worry about it. You can read this post to learn what you can do to resolve it.

Tip: If your Windows 11 installation is stuck at 35% or 85%, you can read this article to get some useful solutions: [Best Fixes] Windows 11 Installation Stuck at 35%/85%....

Solution: Check the SoftwareDistribution Folder to See whether the Update Files Are Successfully Downloaded

It is possible to find the Windows 11 update files on your computer. You can go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution to have a check.

In this folder, you can find the Windows 11 update temporary files that you have downloaded. You can check the size of this folder to see whether the downloaded files are effective. In my case, the size is about 188 MB.

If the size is OK but it is stuck at Windows 11 update downloading 100% forever, you can delete all files in this folder. Then, you can try to download the update files again in the Settings app.

It needs 3 steps to re-start the Windows 11 update downloading:

  • Step 1: Turn off Windows 11 update and the background intelligent transfer services
  • Step 2: Delete the update files in the SoftwareDistribution folder
  • Step 3: Turn on the service

Step 1: Turn off Windows 11 update and the background intelligent transfer services

  1. Use Windows Search to search for cmd.
  2. Select Run as administrator from the search result to run Command Prompt as administrator.
  3. Type net stop wuauserv to Command Prompt and press Enter.
  4. Type net stop bits to Command Prompt and press Enter.
  5. Close Command Prompt.

Step 2: Delete the update files in the SoftwareDistribution folder

  1. Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution and select all files & folders.
  2. Right-click the selected items and select Delete. If you can’t delete them, you can restart your computer to have a try.

Step 3: Turn on the service

  1. Run Command Prompt as administrator.
  2. Type net start wuauserv and press Enter.
  3. Type net start bits and press Enter.
  4. Restart your computer.

After these 3 steps, you can go to check whether your computer can perform a normal Windows 11 update. This time, you need to use a normal working & quick internet connection and guarantee the power supply of your device.

Bottom Line

When your Windows 11 update downloading stuck at 100%, you can just use the solution introduced in this post to download the update files again. In most cases, this solution works. We hope it is also useful for you. If you have other Windows 11-related issues, you can let us know in the comments.

About The Author

Position: Columnist

Stella has been working in MiniTool Software as an English Editor for more than 4 years. Her articles mainly cover the fields of data recovery including storage media data recovery and phone data recovery, YouTube videos download, partition management, and video conversions.

How do I fix Windows 11 not updating?

Temporarily remove third-party security software In some instances, third-party antivirus or security software can cause errors when you try to update to the latest version of Windows 11. You can temporarily uninstall this software, update your PC, and then reinstall the software after your device is up to date.

How long should a Windows 11 update take?

In my experience it takes about 60-90 minutes depending on the number of files, speed of the hard drive, amount of memory and CPU performance of the computer. This is after the download of course, which depends on your Internet speed.

What do you do if Windows Update is stuck?

How to fix a stuck Windows 10 update.
Everyone's old friend Ctrl-Alt-Del could be a quick fix for an update that is stuck at a particular point. ... .
Restart your computer. ... .
Boot into Safe Mode. ... .
Perform a System Restore. ... .
Try a Startup Repair. ... .
Perform a clean Windows installation..

Why is Windows 11 taking so long to install?

The reason why installing Windows 11 might seem to take forever can be related to slow hardware components in your device. The system drive on which you're installing Windows 11 is especially important: SSD or HDD.

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