How do i log into mysql server?

MySQL is the actual database system that uses the Structured Query Language to process data. MySQL is currently the most popular open source database and is frequently utilized with PHP to create dynamic websites. That said, MySQL also works well with Python, Ruby and Perl. This article will guide you on how to access the MySQL tool via command line.

Note that you can only access MySQL via Shell, or command line, via a VPS or Dedicated server account. This is not a feature that is available on shared accounts.

Accessing MySQL via command line

  1. Log into your server via ssh.
  2. Once in your shell, you will at the command line prompt. To log into the MySQL monitor, use the following syntax:

    mysql -u -p

The tag will need to be replaced with the actual database username with which you want to sign into the monitor. If you do not know which user you want to use, you can find a list of users for your databases via your cPanel.

  • Once you have your database user name, enter command line code similar to below and hit Enter. In our case, we are using a database user named inmoti5_dbuser1.
  • Due to the -p switch with nothing following, you will be required to enter your password as below. Simply enter the password and click Enter.

    Enter password:

  • After entering the correct password you will be met with the following greeting and MySQL prompt:

    Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 19472
    Server version: 5.5.30-cll MySQL Community Server [GPL]

    Copyright [c] 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

    Type ‘help;’ or ‘h’ for help. Type ‘c’ to clear the current input statement.


  • Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to connect to MySQL Server using mysql command-line client and MySQL Workbench.

    Once you have the MySQL Server installed, you can connect to it using any client program such as mysql command-line client and MySQL workbench.

    Connect to MySQL Using mysql command-line client

    mysql is a command-line client program that allows you to interact with MySQL in the interactive and non-interactive mode.

    The mysql command-line client is typically located in the bin directory of the MySQL’s installation folder.

    To invoke the mysql program, you just simply navigate to the bin directory of the MySQL’s installation folder and type:


    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    If the mysql program is already in the PATH, you can simply invoke it using mysql command.

    To connect to the MySQL Server, you use this command:

    shell>mysql -u root -p

    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    -u root means that you connect to the MySQL Server using the user account root.

    -p instructs mysql to prompt for a password.

    You type the password for the user account root and press Enter:

    Enter password: ********

    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    If everything is OK, you will connect to the MySQL Server with the following command:


    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    To display the databases in the current server, you use the SHOW DATABASES statement:

    mysql> show databases;

    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    Here is the output:

    +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | sys | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set [0.01 sec]

    Code language: SQL [Structured Query Language] [sql]

    Step 1. Launch the MySQL Workbench.

    You can connect to a MySQL Server using the Database > Connect to Database… menu or click the + button that locates next to the MySQL Connections.

    Just click the + button in next to the MySQL Connections to continue.

    Step 2. Enter the connection name e.g., Localhost. You can name it whatever makes sense to you. By default, the username is root. If you use a different user account, you can change it in the Username textbox.

    Step 3. Click the Store in Vault ... button to enter the password for the provided user account. A window will display. You enter the password and click the OK button.

    Step 4. Click the Test Connection button to test if the connection to the MySQL Server is successful or not. Then click the OK button if the connection is established successfully.

    Step 5. Click the OK button to save the connection.

    Step 6. Click the newly created connection under MySQL Connections to connect to the MySQL Server:

    Step 7. MySQL Workbench display with the current schemas and a pane for entering queries:

    In this tutorial, you have learned how to connect to the MySQL Server using mysql command-line client and MySQL Workbench.

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    How do I access MySQL in terminal?

    1 Answer.
    Make sure you have created MySQL connection correctly..
    Open command line from search then type cd \.
    Once you reached the bin directory then type mysql -u yourUserName -p [apply this to connect to MySQL ].

    How do I know MySQL login?

    You can find the current user name with CURRENT_USER[] function in MySQL. for Ex: SELECT CURRENT_USER[]; But CURRENT_USER[] will not always return the logged in user. So in case you want to have the logged in user, then use SESSION_USER[] instead.

    How do you log into a database?

    In most cases, you can connect by entering the computer name of the database server in the Server name box and then clicking Connect. If you're connecting to a named instance, use the computer name followed by a backslash, and then the instance name. For example, mycomputer\myinstance .

    Where can I find MySQL username and password?

    In MySQL, by default, the username is root and there's no password. If during the installation process, you accidentally put a password in and don't remember, here is how to reset the password: Stop the MySQL server if it is running, then restart it with the –skip-grant-tables option.

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