Berapa harga aquascape iwagumi ukuran lebar 60cm

My newest hyperfixation [New is relative I’ve been on this for weeks now] is Aquascaping, the concept of taking a fish tank, maybe a small one, maybe large, and creating an artpiece with it from living things. Like LOOK AT THIS

And THIS??

They tell stories with the tanks, worlds contained in a cube of water, entire landscapes with fish like dragons, shrimp like birds

And the community is massively nice, they share tips and tricks, advice on where to find the best plants and animals, they’re insanely dedicated to the health of fish, FISH! I’ve hated the pictures of Bettas in tiny sterile glass jars, where they get sick swimming in circles of their own waste. Aquascapers with a betta? 

They make them the STAR of a prized exhibit, water changes once a week, blood worms as a treat and reward for tricks. THEY TRAIN FISH!?!! And they welcome everyone new to the hobby, with a tiny tank and plants, or a massive tank and an axolotl it doesn’t matter, all are celebrated because the more people who get into it the more they can rant and obsess over this artform. What could they talk about? TONS! There’s different styles of aquascaping! 

“Nature Aquariums” are the ones above, and this style was invented by Takashi Amano in the 90s, it emphasizes the beauty of nature both terrestrial and aquatic. 

“Iwagumi Style” aquscapes are about simplicity, a field of moss with a single rock to the leftmost side and a school of guppies drifting above or a hardscape made to emulate rocky gnolls with a cover of grass. This style was also invented by Amano in the mid 80s, and although it looks simple, the slow growing moss is hard to cultivate in the perfect way.

And then there’s the Dutch Style, invented in the 1930s by the Dutch Society of Aquarists, this style is about CONTRAST, vibrancy against muted tones, hot and cold colours mixed to draw the eye, a great explosion of planted art. 

And there’s so much more! I could rant for ages, about the time it takes to grow the plants and acclimate the water, and test for water hardness or CO2 injection, or ammonia levels, the debate still raging about whether or not you need UV light for optimal growth conditions, the diet planning for different species of fish, it goes on! I just... I really love this niche hobby that has been around for over a century quietly passing on a passionate love for the beauty of aquatic life.

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Stocking suggestions for an iwagumi style tank?

It’s a 9 gallon tank. It’s been set up for 3 months, i just planted it about 5 days ago and also added 6 young amanos yesterday. I really wanted to get some chili rasboras or neon tetras but read that they prefer more cover and would probably be stressed in such an open tank with bright light. Maybe a betta? But i would love to have a little group of nano fish. Im using purified water from the grocery store and remineralized with salty shrimp. I originally set this up for caridina shrimp in mind but read that they do not do well in a high co2 setup.

My water parameters:

PH: 6.4

GH: 5

KH: 2

TDS: 300 ppm

Temp: 73-74

Ammonia and nitrite zero and nitrate about 5 ppm.

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Going to try a dry start Iwagumi style scape with a monte carlo carpet 🌱 playing with the seryu stone landscapes- think I like it like this! I can imagine a really nice carpet throughout, with more stems added later [around the rocks for sure- grassy plants maybe, or leafy.. hmmm still need to decide that] 🤔🤗

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One of the styles with contrasting styling is the nature style or Japanese style aquascape , introduced by Takashi Amano. Amano's interesting composition of braided gardening techniques that try to imitate natural landscapes with the asymmetrical arrangement of relatively few aquatic plants and the selection selective rock or driftwood.The aim is to create a wave landscape in miniature, rather than a colorful "colored garden.  it draws mainly from the Japanese aesthetic concept which focuses on minimalism as the source of beauty, and the iwagumi Aquascape concept which sets the rules governing stone. 

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Introducing one of the most influential styles in aquascaping---Iwagumi. Swipe to learn more! Comment down below what kind of fish you will introduce to this setup! . . . . . . . . . . . . #aquascape #aquarium #nature #ada #fishtank #singapore #natureaquarium #sgaquarium #passion #instagood #tank #sgonlineshop #style #onlinestore #onlineshop #fish #beauty #pet #petstore #onlinepetshop #fishkeeping #aqua #aquadesignamano #instagood #aquariumhobby #aquariumphotography #photography #igtv //

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impian masa kecil

ya banyak hal dalam hidup yang ingin dimiliki ketika waktu kecil namun tidak tercapai dan baru kali ini saja semuanya bisa diraih satu persatu, seperti memelihara kura-kura darat [Tortoise], punya Roadbike, Taman Bonsai dan salah satunya Aquascape

ya aquascape, sejenis aquarium dengan biotanya yang mengikuti keadaan alamnya, memasukan tumbuhan, kayu, batu, pasir, ikan, udang, keong yang kecil dimana aku menyebutnya dengan tank

tank sendiri ukurannya beragam, mulai dari kecil yang biasa aku sebut nano tank hingga yang ukurannya bisa lebih dari 2 meter namun tetap shallow tank selalu mendapat tepat terluas di hati

seni merawat air, ya itu menurut sebagian orang dan menjadi hal yang paling sulit menurut ku, menjaga air hingga ku sebut crystal clear

seolah tidak ada habisnya, belajar, mencoba, gagal, memahami, mencoba dan terus berulang

memahami jenis kayu, batu, tumbuhan, ikan, bahkan pasir

mahal ? tergantung, bahan apa yang digunakan, namun hal yang paling mahal adalah sebuah ide, membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi terlihat alami

tank [ biasa aku menyembut aquarium dalam aquascape] ukuran berapa yang biasa aku pakai

sebenarnya aku sudah mencoba semua jenis ukuran, mulai dari panjang 25 cm hingga 120 namun menurutku paling enak setting di 60 cm keatas dan ketika menulis ini sedang mempersiapkan project panjang 150 cm lebar menyesuaikan kalau tinggi selalu menggunakan shallow misal kalo diukuran panjang 120 cm biasa aku menggunakan tinggi 25 cm, ntah kenapa shallow menurutku keren aja tidak terlihat seperti aquarium pada umumnya

style ? ntah apa orang menyebutnya banyak searching saja di google atau pinterest, pada umumnya sih natural, jungle, diorama, semi paludarium, biotope, iwagumi dan dutch, kalo aku senang campuran mana yang menurutku bagus aja tidak terpaku pada satu tema

penggunaan kayu tetap sih jatuh hati kepada santigi, ada juga menggunakan rasamala, bakau, senggani untuk mendapatkan efek akar, cuma memnag perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat aquascape adalah TANIN, musuh dari air pada aquascape yang mana bisa diatasi dengan rajin mengganti air, ingat pasal pertama yaitu aquascape adalah seni merawat air bisa dilakukan 2-3x seminggu atau mau cara praktis menggunakan purity

batu, cari aja disekitar tempat tinggal, intinya sih pakai batu apa aja sah aja asal jangan batu bata aja, kalo khusus aquascape sih balik lagi tema nya apa, bahkan denger denger ada batu yang harganya sampe diatas 1 juta, apa batu berlian ga tau juga, biasanya aku pake seiryu atau eragon sih

nah sekarang sih tinggal jenis tanaman sama ikan, kalo tanaman aku orangnya paling ga mau ribet sangat menghindari stamplant, kenapa ? satu ga bisa nancepinnya kedua klo udah lepas, diacak-acak sama ikan ngambang males banget benerinnya, paling senang sih yang di lem di batu, kayu atau diikat pake benang, jagoan sih anubias sama keluarga buche,bolbitis, kadaka, nah kalau bebricara tanaman maka butuh asupan Co2 buat mereka, ada juga tanaman yang butuh dengan intensitas rendah ada juga yang butuh dengan intensitas tinggi, tergantung tema, budget dan tingkat kemalasan orang dalam merawat

kalo ikan, biasa sih keluarga tetra sama raspbora tapi ikan juga banyak tugasnya juga bukan sekedar pengisi di tank, ada juga ikan yang tugasnya bersih-bersih alga, lumut dan sisa makanan [ alga eater] biasanya menggunakan jenis CAE atau SAE tapi setelah mengenal Pygmy Corydoras sama Otocinclus mulai meninggalkan mereka, nah klo ikan cari yang bersahabat antar sesama [Tankmates] jangn lupa juga pasukan Udang hias dan Keong, kalo keong sih rekomnya Tanduk, Bumblebee klo Turbo kadang suka bertelur di kayu atau hardscape jadi sedikit merusak pemandangan menurutku

Kalo bicara aquascape tidak ada habisnya, ya karena yang aku bilang sebelumnya perihal, belajar, mencoba, gagal dan coba lagi, namanya belajar menurut saya tidak ada selesainya namun diawal saya belajar saya dipertemukan orang-orang luar biasa yang tidak pelit akan ilmunya dan mau bertukar pendapat serta pengalaman

saya biasa menyebutnya dengan Gung Rai @pelangiaquascape sebagai ahlinya perlengkapan

Tino @tresnawiguna dan Tedi yudyantara @tediyudyantara sang planter

Agung Putra sang konsutant dan pemilik ikan yang aneh-aneh dan jarang dijual untuk pemula Aquascape

ntah gimana jika 4 orang ini diturunkan apakah bisa mengalahkan Nickson Marpaung, Herry Rasio, TAF dan lainnya yang menekuni dunia Aquarium ?

tidak ada siapa lebih hebat diantaranya hanya satu kesamaan bahwa kami menyukai seni merawat air

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Gonna plant this bad boy tomorrow!

Somewhat iwagumi style but with taller plants towards the middle so

future shrimp and fish will have enough cover.

[cleaning the rock took waaay too long and got super messy but I'd say it was worth it]

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Almost two weeks ago, we set up our new Planted Aquarium, Iwagumi Style Aquascape. And a few days ago, we added more things to it, like aquatic plants, more stone, and installed a new filter. Then, we added Wild Shrimp, Galaxy Rasboras, Blue-eyed Gertrudae, and Black Neon Tetra.

Join us today as we show you the latest update of our new Planted Aquarium. Enjoy watching it. 🤗 

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But yeah, finally got water in and started to get it cooking!! Also I might order the fish as I really don't want to risk it by going to a petstore 😬

I have some more plants on the way too, oh and! I learned that the aquascaping style I really like has a name [iwagumi] and is also Japanese and I'm like- looking in to camera, my weeaboo levels are unbelievable

But Japanese aesthetics just are so goooooddd!!! 😩💖💖💖💖

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For just $42.99 This is a WYSIWYG selection of just over 10.00 lbs of Black Seiryu stone as seen in first photo. For use in Iwagumi and Amano Style aquariums, biotope aquariums, terrariums, bonsai and traditional Japanese rock gardens. All natural stone. The texture and endless details in these stones allow you to easily create a natural looking aquascape. Seiryu may slightly raise pH and water hardness if untreated [washed only], but all of our Seiryu Stone has been treated and is TANK READY.

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Danio margaritatus fish and iwagumi style planted aquarim from Greenaqua 👌 . . #aquarium #aquariumfish #aquariumhobby #plantedtank #plantedtanks #plantedaquarium #freshwaterfish #アクアリウム #freshwateraquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #planted #fishkeeping #fishtank #naturetank #aquarius #botanical #nanoaquarium #nanotank #interiordesign #fishofinstagram #aquascapeindonesia #chihiros #guppy #greenaqua #fish #akvarium [at Budapest, Hungary] //

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Amazing 90cm planted tank with iwagumi style 😍🐠🌱🍃 . . Follow us on instagram @aquascaperorg . Facebook : // . Tumblr : // . Pinterest : // . Visit our site : //aquascapaquascaperorg . . . #インテリアグリーン #アクアリウム #underwaterworld #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquaponics #freshwatertank #aquaria #fishtank #tropicalaquarium #aquascape #aquascaping #plantedaquarium #tropicaltank #pond #aquadesignamano #iwagumi #terrarium #aquascaperorg #naturalaquariums #malawicichlids #homegarden #homedecorideas #urbanfarming . . . . . . All credit to @greenaquarium_maruyama as the owner of this video. //

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My Top 3 Favorite Types of Aquascapes

1] Dutch Aquarium

The Dutch style of planting comes directly from the popular custom in Holland to create floral and plant arrangements. The idea is to arrange the plants in large beds, rows, and terraces to create a powerful contrast of colors and shapes that are visually appealing. A large aquarium is preferred to provide enough space to introduce an abundant quantity of varied species without the use of elements such as stones or wood. It is essential the aquarium be fully planted and to have a carpet in the central area. The plants should also be regularly trimmed to maintain a neat content.

2] Natural Aquarium 

Nature style was introduced and made popular by Takashi Amano. This style is representative ofa beautiful, natural landscape similar to when walking in nature. It is strongly influenced by the oriental style Japanese gardens.The final result should resemble the sensation of a peaceful, harmonic ecosystem. It should look as if nature created the aquascape, which could be obtained only by a major contribution of the aquascaper to maintain the aquarium. Plants need regular trimming and great care, but in such a way that the intervention of man is not visible. The quality control and frequent partial changes of the water are compulsory. This style often employs stones and wood in order to create aquascapes as similar to nature as possible. This style is very flexible in regards to the size of the tank and the number of species planted.

3] Iwagumi Aquarium

This style is the most popular among aquascapers and was also made popular by Takashi Amano. In Japanese, Iwagumi means “rock formation,” a name appropriate for this style sincean odd number of rocks should always be used to ensure harmony to the aquascape. Usually there are three rocks: Oyaishi, the largest one, Soeishi, and Fukuishi. The placement of the rocks follows the “golden triangle rule,”to equally partition the layout. Placing rocks according to the “golden ratio” in these segments will allow the viewer to see the focal point and will create a sense of harmony, simplicity, and continuity. In order to create an Iwagumi aquascape it is best to have at least seven rocks of different sizes and of various shapes, texture, and details [Shou, Seiryu-seki or Maten are the most common rocks used in Iwagumi aquascaping]. Due to the simple layout, create a sensation of peacefulness and calmness by using only a few plants and small fish.

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Berapa kilo pasir malang untuk aquarium 60 cm?

agar air tidak keruh atau kotor,bagi pemula untuk pemakaian pasir malang untuk aqurium ukuran p.60 *l.40. pasir malang di butuhkan minimal 6 kantong atau 6 kg.

Apa itu aquascape iwagumi?

Dalam bahasa Jepang, “iwagumi” artinya 'formasi batu'. Jadi, desain ini memang bertumpu pada arsitektur, formasi, dan penempatan batu di dalam akuarium. Singkatnya, batu dalam gaya iwagumi berperan sebagai struktur atau fokus lanskapnya. Umumnya, batu yang digunakan dalam gaya ini berjumlah tiga.

Apa beda nya Paludarium sama aquascape?

Aquascape lebih menekankan pada seni dalam menata komponen batu, karang, pasir, kayu serta tanaman air dalam akuarium. Sementara itu, paludarium berfokus pada habitat rawa dan lebih menghemat ruang.

Apa gunanya aquascape?

Tidak hanya untuk memperindah, aquascape juga membuat ruangan terkesan hidup. Nilai estetika yang ada tidak hanya untuk dinikmati saja, akan tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran mengenai estetika aquascape. Kamu bisa belajar tentang bagaimana menyusun dan mengatur tanaman air supaya terlihat indah.

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