Nth to last element python

How To Print Last Element In A List Python With Code Examples

With this article, we'll look at some examples of how to address the How To Print Last Element In A List Python problem .

your_list = ["apple", "orange", "grapes"]
last_value = your_list[-1]

You'll see some examples of different ways to solve the How To Print Last Element In A List Python problem further down in this article.


We were able to fix the How To Print Last Element In A List Python problem by looking at a number of different examples.

How do you print the last item of a list in Python?

a=["first","second from last","last"] # A sample list print[a[0]] #prints the first item in the list because the index of the list always starts from 0. print[a[-1]] #prints the last item in the list.

How do I print the last element in a list?

To get the last element of the list in Python, use the list[-1] syntax. The list[-n] syntax gets the nth-to-last element. So list[-1] gets the last element, and list[-2] gets the second to last. The list[-1] is the most preferable, shortest, and Pythonic way to get the last element.23-Jun-2022

How do you print the last two elements of a list in Python?

Method #2 : Using islice[] + reversed[] The inbuilt functions can also be used to perform this particular task. The islice function can be used to get the sliced list and reversed function is used to get the elements from rear end.01-Jul-2021

How do you pop the last element of a list in Python?

In Python, the pop[] method is used to remove the last element of the given list and return the removed item. The pop[] method can optionally accept an integer argument. It is the index of the element that we want to remove, so if we call exampleList. pop[0] , the first element will be removed and returned.24-Nov-2021

How do you print the last 3 elements of a list in reverse order Python?

Using reversed[] we can reverse the list and a list_reverseiterator object is created, from which we can create a list using list[] type casting. Or, we can also use list. reverse[] function to reverse list in-place.25-Sept-2022

How do you check if an item is the last in a list Python?

To check if an item is the last in a list: Use the enumerate function to get tuples of the index and the item. Use a for loop to iterate over the enumerate object. If the current index is equal to the list's length minus 1 , then it's the last item in the list.11-Aug-2022

How do I get the last index value in a list?

Any element in list can be accessed using zero based index. If index is a negative number, count of index starts from end. As we want last element in list, use -1 as index.13-Jun-2020

How do I get the last 10 elements of a list in Python?

Use slicing to get the last n elements of a list. Use the slicing syntax list[-n:] to get a list containing the last n elements of list .

How do you do an end index in Python?

What is this? To access the last element of a Python list, use the indexing notation list[-1] with negative index -1 which points to the last list element. To access the second-, third-, and fourth-last elements, use the indices -2 , -3 , and -4 .

How do you print the first element in a list Python?

To access the first element [12] of a list, we can use the subscript syntax [ ] by passing an index 0 . In Python lists are zero-indexed, so the first element is available at index 0 . Similarly, we can also use the slicing syntax [:1] to get the first element of a list in Python.29-Sept-2020

So this question kind of confuses me. I don’t know if you’re allowed to save the length of the list and I’m pretty sure its still faster just not to use recursion if you’re not allowed to have the length of it, just calculate it. Because O[2n] is still O[n]. And doing it recursively requires you to check whether its n off from the last element, which can end up being a O[n^2] type of deal, but I will attempt it both ways for the sake of knowledge because it doesn’t hurt but I don’t know if it is practical in any sense.

This is also under the assumption that this function is called with the list being

So here’s the code when you’re given the length:

def nthToLast[n]:
    i = 0
    curr = self.head
    while i < [self.length - n]:
        curr = curr.next
     return curr

If you’re not given the length just save the head and count until you reach null and then find the actual nth to last using the algorithm above. This runs in linear time as well since you’re just returning the nth to last element.

Now here it is recursively since I guess this was the recommended way to do it according to book questions that I’m following.

def nthToLast[curr, n]:
    if curr is None:
        return None
        test = curr
        for i in range[n]:
            if test is None:
                return None
            test = test.next
        if test is None:
            return curr
            return nthToLast[curr.next, n]

This seems to run in linear time given that n is a constant number since there is a recursive loop plus a constant time for loop. Although if we are talking about just keeping linear time as just linear time and not looking to optimize even further then all of these are the same and the first algorithm I presented would be the most simple at the cost of every instance of the LinkedLists created save their own length in the object.


How do I get the last element in Python?

pop[] To get the last element of the list using list. pop[], the list. pop[] method is used to access the last element of the list.

How do I get the last 10 elements of a list in Python?

Use slicing to get the last n elements of a list. Use the slicing syntax list[-n:] to get a list containing the last n elements of list .

How do you get the second to last element of a list in Python?

Any element in list can be accessed using zero based index. If index is a negative number, count of index starts from end. As we want second to last element in list, use -2 as index.

How do you find the nth element of a list in Python?

Use list indexing to get the nth element of a list. Use list indexing syntax list[index] with n - 1 as index , where n represents a value's placement in the list, to retrieve the respective nth element of a list.

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