Sql error can t connect to mysql server on localhost (10061)

MySQL Database [Db] is a database service that runs on a Local Server and on the Web, and it is ideal for both small and large applications and it uses the standard SQL language. MySQL is free to download and use and has the most comprehensive set of advanced features, management tools, and technical support to achieve the highest levels of MySQL scalability, security, reliability, and uptime. The data in a MySQL database are stored in tables. A table is a collection of related data, and it consists of columns and rows, and the Db is useful for storing information categorically. See the following guides on MySQL, how to reset Mysql Root password, how to access MySQL Server from command Prompt, how to create and delete MySQL database, and how to migrate Veeam MsSQL Database to a new MsSQL Server.

Note: It is worth noting that by default, the MySQL server listens for connections only from localhost, which means it can be accessed only by applications running on the same host. But in production environments, you can allow remote access to the MySQL server. In this aspect, you will have to configure the MySQL server to listen on a specific IP address or all IP addresses on the server.

This article shows the steps to resolve connection issues to MySQL Server. See how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 and MsSQL Command line tools on Ubuntu Linux, how to uninstall Microsoft SQL Server on Windows 10 and Windows Server, and how to download and install Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on Windows 10 and Windows Server.

Root Cause: This error is shown in because the application was unable to connect to the MySQL server. There could be a number of reasons. But in my case, it was because the service was stopped and the service was not running. To fix this issue, kindly follow the steps below.

Launch MySQL Workbench to open the home screen. Existing connections are shown when you click the MySQL Connections view from the sidebar. No connections exist for first-time users.

Click on the Server Menu and click on Startup/Shutdown option as shown below

This will open up the Administration -Startup/Shutdown window. Click on Start Server

Accept the UAC.
– Next, you will be required to enter your password in order to start the database server,
– Enter your password and click on OK.

From the Administration -Startup/Shutdown window, you should see the server is now running and on this window, you can stop or take the server offline.

As you can see also the MySQL service is also running and this is all that is needed to resolved this connection issue.

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I want to make my own private server for World of Warcraft but I've got an issue on connecting with HeidiSQL. I keep getting this error:
SQL Error: can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' [10061]

For as long as I know I'm not making any problems.
IP: localhost
User: root
Password: ascent

and I also start MySQL.bat before using HeidiSQL.

I'd really appreciate if someone could help me.

by the way I installed the HeidiSQL 4.0 from:

I've only installed one thing, the "installer" part on the site. I hope that isn't the problem.

Right, that is definitely not the problem

The problem is, your local MySQL server is not responding, I guess it is not runnin at all. See taskmanager and watch for mysqld.exe .

yes that one is on with around 200kb memory. Just don't get it. I was looking for the solution for hours and didn't understand what was wrong :[

I hope you or anyone else knows a solution

ok i see a problem now. It says I don't have a service called MySQL. Where can i download or install the service?

ah still doesn't work. Found a service but still the same error.

ok this is the thing:
i'm following this tutorial:

At 3:30 he starts to login on HeidiSQL.
When he connects he enters the server. At that point I don't enter the server, but I get the error instead. Maybe this will get you an idea?

Aha now I found the solution :p
man what a stupid program.
I needed to FIRST run the service and THEN run the MySQL.bat.
Well thank you for your help anyways

at least someone answers my questions after all :D

Don't know what your mysql.bat should do, but it's not some standard method to get MySQL running. Normally you start the server and then you can connect via any client like HeidiSQL.

darn smiled too fast. now it doesn't work anymore. what server are you talking about?

when i open mysql.bat it says that mysql is running. i'm not used to such a things like mysql. I only play games

Well no problem to play games. That should not stop you from getting into MySQL or?

I meant the MySQL server. Try to do this:
- Start -> run -> cmd.exe
- Type this into the black DOS box:
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent
- Post here what error you get

uh my computer can't recognize mysql.

i get the same error as if i would write "asdfasfadsf" [some random letters]

well i wrote "mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent" hope that was correct.

i guess mysql.bat is the server because it's in the folder called Server, but he does not load completely. It says:

Please close this command only for Shutdown.
MySQL is running, don't close this window.

Somehow before when i "found the solution" it showed more than the 2 lines.

Although this post is years old, just in case someone else is getting this error, as I recently did:

I unchecked the "compressed client/server protocol" checkbox and was able to connect. Not sure if that was the problem or not, because now I can check it and still log in fine, but that's all I recall changing. Although I also logged into SSH using putty and tried "mysql -uUSER_NAME -p" to test the connection between when it wasn't working and when it was, so that may have changed something as well.

It is alright now. I have a Norton antivirus from 2005 and it blocked most of the things I wanted to start. When I figured that out I turned off Norton and all worked fine. I have heard of other people also having issues with old Norton versions on recent computers. So if anyone still has got an old Norton antivirus, just delete it, download an other free antivirus and your worries are gone :]

hi..I am getting the same error altough i tried the following
- Start -> run -> cmd.exe
mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -hascent

after this I am getting "It is not recognised as internal or exteral command, operable program or batch file"

Please help


Man, this is of course because your mysql.exe is not located in your path environment. Just add the path and it should run. Additionally, you have two "-h" parameters which cannot be correct as h means "Host". I guess "ascent" is your password - if so that must be prefixed by "-p", not "-h":
c:\Program Files\MySQL Server XYZ\bin\mysql.exe -hlocalhost -uroot -pascent

Apart from that, you should NEVER post any password in a public forum - that's totally dumb.

Thanks for the prompt response...what I posted above was the information as per your earlier post posted on 09 Jan 10..so I am not sharing my details

I fixed the problem by reinstalling the whole thing again saving my data files..I guess some thing was missing...now its working..Thanks for you help

I figured of the problem for those who are trying to make a WoW Private Server...

This NEEDS to be open while you are using it...

Go to Corruption Productions BlizzPack/Server/MySQL.exe [Or Windows Batch File]

As long as you have that open... Your SQL should work...

If it doesn't Message me on Youtube because I'm leaving this forum and I'm not coming back...
Youtube Username: Yournothawt

i get the same error i restart the server

bet it steel not working

ERROR 2005 [HY000]: Unknown MySQL server host 'ascent' [11001]

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Can MySQL connect to server 10061?

The error [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server on ' server ' [10061] indicates that the network connection has been refused. You should check that there is a MySQL server running, that it has network connections enabled, and that the network port you specified is the one configured on the server.

How do you fix MySQL can't connect to localhost?

Note: Stop the XAMPP server before following the steps..
Step 1: Reconfigure MySQL server to port 3306. Click Start and open MySql installer - community. ... .
Step 2: Reconfigure XAMPP to use a different port other than 3306. Open XAMPP and change the port other than 3306 in two files..

Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost 10061 ]' Check that mysqld is running on localhost and that the port is 3306 you can check this by doing telnet localhost 3306?

Make sure that your MySQL service is actually running.
Opening Services panel on Windows..
Looking for MySQL in the Services panel..
Reconfigure your MySQL server setting..
Create a MySQL service and set the service name here..
The default my.ini file on Windows..

How do I fix failed to connect to MySQL?

Make sure MySQL Server is installed..
Command + Space -> Type mysql. ... .
Click on the button Stop MySQL Server. ... .
Click on Initialize Database button..
A new Popup will open. ... .
Once the password is long enough, OK button will get enabled. ... .
Do Test Connection from MySQL WorkBench and enter the password you set in above step..

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