What does ≥ mean in an inequality?

The inequalities contain four operators, which are: less than {eq}=. {/eq}

The greater than or equal to means the value is greater than the given value and the given value is included. It is also denoted by the term at least.

The less than or equal to means the value is lesser than the given value and the given value is also included. It is also denoted by the term no more than.

In math, an inequality shows the relationship between two values in an algebraic expression that are not equal. Inequality signs can indicate that one variable of the two sides of the inequality is greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to another value.

Whether a sign is greater than or less than depends on the direction of the inequality sign. If the open part of the sign is turned towards the left side, >, the value on the left side of the sign is greater than the right. If it's turned towards the right side, 2. A good way to remember which number is greater is to think of each symbol like a mouth; the mouth will always eat the larger of the two numbers being compared. Learn about inequality symbols by helping Christopher the vampire pack the maximum number of supplies he needed for his trip to California. Common Core Reference: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.EE.B.8

Transcript Inequality Symbols: , ≤, ≥

Christopher the Vampire is a foodie and he needs a fresh, new story for his blog: The Vegetarian Vampire. He’s working on a new piece, so he wants to go to a place where his favorite fruit grows: the blood orange. He read on Vampedia that blood oranges grow in California, which is perfect because he’s always wanted to visit the underground gardens there. To help him pack, he uses his knowledge of inequality symbols. And he has all his supplies laid out in his bed? Capes, check. Hair gel, check. Blood orange juice, check. But how much of this stuff is he allowed to carry with him on the plane? Let's take a look at the number line.

Use of inequalities

Christopher the Vampire’s trip will last fewer than 15 days. For inequailties with 'less than', we use this sign 65$.

$\ge~$ is the same as $~>~$ including the $~=~$ relation.

Here you see a number line for $\le 55$.

Pay attention to the circle.


To distinguish the inequality symbols:

  • $25$.

  • Decide which inequality symbol to use.


    Pay attention

    • $5-7$
    If you change the sign of the numbers you also have to change the inequality symbol.

    Take care of the use of $>$ or $\ge$:

    • $7\ge 7$ but $7\not > 7$
    • $7>4$ as well as $7\ge 4$


    You can imagine the greater than symbol as a mouth.

    The bigger number eats the larger one.

    • For example $4>2$. You can also use the $\ge$ sign.
    • Similarly $2-4$ as well as $-2\ge -4$.
    • The other way round we can conclude $-4$ or $= mean when comparing?
      The greater than or equal to symbol is used to represent inequality in math. It tells us that the given variable is either greater than or equal to a particular value. For example, if x ≥ 3 is given, it means that x is either greater than or equal to 3.

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