What is one advantage of using a linked list to implement a stack rather than an array What is one disadvantage?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List

There are many data structures like arrays, linked lists, etc. Each sort of arrangement has its strengths and weaknesses. For these reasons, it’s important to know the benefits and drawbacks of different data structures when it comes to designing, optimizing, and scaling programs. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the linked list.

Linked List:

A Linked list is a dynamic arrangement that contains a “link” to the structure containing the subsequent items. It’s a set of structures ordered not by their physical placement in memory [like an array] but by logical links that are stored as a part of the info within the structure itself.

A linked list is another way to collect similar data. However, unlike an array, elements during a linked list aren’t in consecutive memory locations. A linked list consists of nodes that are connected with one another using pointers. The figure illustrates a linked list.

Types Of Linked List:

  • Singly Linked List: It is the simplest type of linked list in which every node contains some data and a pointer to the next node of the same data type. The node contains a pointer to the next node means that the node stores the address of the next node in the sequence. A single linked list allows the traversal of data only in one way.
  • Doubly or Two Way Linked List: A doubly linked list or a two-way linked list is a more complex type of linked list that contains a pointer to the next as well as the previous node in sequence, Therefore, it contains three parts are data, a pointer to the next node, and a pointer to the previous node. This would enable us to traverse the list in the backward direction as well.
  • Circular Linked List: A circular linked list is that in which the last node contains the pointer to the first node of the list. While traversing a circular liked list, one can begin at any node and traverse the list in any direction forward and backward until reaching the same node where started. Thus, a circular linked list has no beginning and no end.
  • Circular Doubly Linked List: A Doubly Circular linked list or a circular two-way linked list is a more complex type of linked-list that contains a pointer to the next as well as the previous node in the sequence. The difference between the doubly linked and circular doubly list is the same as that between a singly linked list and a circular linked list. The circular doubly linked list does not contain null in the previous field of the first node.

Advantages Of Linked List:

  • Dynamic data structure: A linked list is a dynamic arrangement so it can grow and shrink at runtime by allocating and deallocating memory. So there is no need to give the initial size of the linked list.
  • No memory wastage: In the Linked list, efficient memory utilization can be achieved since the size of the linked list increase or decrease at run time so there is no memory wastage and there is no need to pre-allocate the memory.
  • Implementation: Linear data structures like stack and queues are often easily implemented using a linked list.
  • Insertion and Deletion Operations: Insertion and deletion operations are quite easier in the linked list. There is no need to shift elements after the insertion or deletion of an element only the address present in the next pointer needs to be updated.

Disadvantages Of Linked List:

  • Memory usage: More memory is required in the linked list as compared to an array. Because in a linked list, a pointer is also required to store the address of the next element and it requires extra memory for itself.
  • Traversal: In a Linked list traversal is more time-consuming as compared to an array. Direct access to an element is not possible in a linked list as in an array by index. For example, for accessing a node at position n, one has to traverse all the nodes before it.
  • Reverse Traversing: In a singly linked list reverse traversing is not possible, but in the case of a doubly-linked list, it can be possible as it contains a pointer to the previously connected nodes with each node. For performing this extra memory is required for the back pointer hence, there is a wastage of memory.
  • Random Access: Random access is not possible in a linked list due to its dynamic memory allocation.

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Linked List vs Array

Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, resulting in easily calculable addresses for the elements stored and this allows faster access to an element at a specific index. Linked lists are less rigid in their storage structure and elements are usually not stored in contiguous locations, hence they need to be stored with additional tagsgiving a reference to the next element. This difference in the data storage scheme decides which data structure would be more suitable for a given situation.

Data storage scheme of an array

Data storage scheme of a linked list

Major differences are listed below:

  • Size: Since data can only be stored in contiguous blocks of memory in an array, its size cannot be altered at runtime due to the risk of overwriting other data. However, in a linked list, each node points to the next one such that data can exist at scattered [non-contiguous] addresses; this allows for a dynamic size that can change at runtime.
  • Memory allocation: For arrays at compile time and at runtime for linked lists. but, a dynamically allocated array also allocates memory at runtime.
  • Memory efficiency: For the same number of elements, linked lists use more memory as a reference to the next node is also stored along with the data. However, size flexibility in linked lists may make them use less memory overall; this is useful when there is uncertainty about size or there are large variations in the size of data elements; memory equivalent to the upper limit on the size has to be allocated [even if not all of it is being used] while using arrays, whereas linked lists can increase their sizes step-by-step proportionately to the amount of data.
  • Execution time: Any element in an array can be directly accessed with its index; however in the case of a linked list, all the previous elements must be traversed to reach any element. Also, better cache locality in arrays [due to contiguous memory allocation] can significantly improve performance. As a result, some operations [such as modifying a certain element] are faster in arrays, while some others [such as inserting/deleting an element in the data] are faster in linked lists.

Following are the points in favor of Linked Lists.
[1] The size of the arrays is fixed: So we must know the upper limit on the number of elements in advance. Also, generally, the allocated memory is equal to the upper limit irrespective of the usage, and in practical uses, the upper limit is rarely reached.

[2] Inserting a new element in an array of elements is expensive because room has to be created for the new elements and to create room existing elements have to be shifted.

For example, suppose we maintain a sorted list of IDs in an array id[ ].

id[ ] = [1000, 1010, 1050, 2000, 2040, …..].

And if we want to insert a new ID 1005, then to maintain the sorted order, we have to move all the elements after 1000 [excluding 1000].

Deletion is also expensive with arrays unless some special techniques are used. For example, to delete 1010 in id[], everything after 1010 has to be moved.

So Linked list provides the following two advantages over arrays
1] Dynamic size
2] Ease of insertion/deletion

Linked lists have the following drawbacks:
1] Random access is not allowed. We have to access elements sequentially starting from the first node. So we cannot do a binary search with linked lists.
2] Extra memory space for a pointer is required with each element of the list.
3] Arrays have better cache locality that can make a pretty big difference in performance.

4] It takes a lot of time in traversing and changing the pointers.

5] It will be confusing when we work with pointers.


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Advantages and Disadvantages of Linked List

Advantages of Linked List

Dynamic Data Structure

Linked list is a dynamic data structure so it can grow and shrink at runtime by allocating and deallocating memeory. So there is no need to give initial size of linked list.

Insertion and Deletion

Insertion and deletion of nodes are really easier. Unlike array here we don’t have to shift elements after insertion or deletion of an element. In linked list we just have to update the address present in next pointer of a node.

No Memory Wastage

As size of linked list can increase or decrease at run time so there is no memory wastage. In case of array there is lot of memory wastage, like if we declare an array of size 10 and store only 6 elements in it then space of 4 elements are wasted. There is no such problem in linked list as memory is allocated only when required.


Data structures such as stack and queues can be easily implemented using linked list.

Disadvantages of Linked List

Memory Usage

More memory is required to store elements in linked list as compared to array. Because in linked list each node contains a pointer and it requires extra memory for itself.


Elements or nodes traversal is difficult in linked list. We can not randomly access any element as we do in array by index. For example if we want to access a node at position n then we have to traverse all the nodes before it. So, time required to access a node is large.

Reverse Traversing

In linked list reverse traversing is really difficult. In case of doubly linked list its easier but extra memory is required for back pointer hence wastage of memory.

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If you know some other advantages and disadvantages of linked list then please mention by commenting below.

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Basic concepts and nomenclatureEdit

Each record of a linked list is often called an 'element' or 'node'.

The field of each node that contains the address of the next node is usually called the 'next link' or 'next pointer'. The remaining fields are known as the 'data', 'information', 'value', 'cargo', or 'payload' fields.

The 'head' of a list is its first node. The 'tail' of a list may refer either to the rest of the list after the head, or to the last node in the list. In Lisp and some derived languages, the next node may be called the 'cdr' [pronounced could-er] of the list, while the payload of the head node may be called the 'car'.

Singly linked listEdit

Singly linked lists contain nodes which have a data field as well as 'next' field, which points to the next node in line of nodes. Operations that can be performed on singly linked lists include insertion, deletion and traversal.

A singly linked list whose nodes contain two fields: an integer value and a link to the next node

The following code demonstrates how to add a new node with data "value" to the end of a singly linked list:

node addNode[node head, int value] { node temp, p; // declare two nodes temp and p temp = createNode[]; // assume createNode creates a new node with data = 0 and next pointing to NULL. temp->data = value; // add element's value to data part of node if [head == NULL] { head = temp; // when linked list is empty } else { p = head; // assign head to p while [p->next != NULL] { p = p->next; // traverse the list until p is the last node. The last node always points to NULL. } p->next = temp; // Point the previous last node to the new node created. } return head; }

Doubly linked listEdit

In a 'doubly linked list', each node contains, besides the next-node link, a second link field pointing to the 'previous' node in the sequence. The two links may be called 'forward['s'] and 'backwards', or 'next' and 'prev'['previous'].

A doubly linked list whose nodes contain three fields: an integer value, the link forward to the next node, and the link backward to the previous node

A technique known as XOR-linking allows a doubly linked list to be implemented using a single link field in each node. However, this technique requires the ability to do bit operations on addresses, and therefore may not be available in some high-level languages.

Many modern operating systems use doubly linked lists to maintain references to active processes, threads, and other dynamic objects.[2] A common strategy for rootkits to evade detection is to unlink themselves from these lists.[3]

Multiply linked listEdit

In a 'multiply linked list', each node contains two or more link fields, each field being used to connect the same set of data records in a different order of same set [e.g., by name, by department, by date of birth, etc.]. While doubly linked lists can be seen as special cases of multiply linked list, the fact that the two and more orders are opposite to each other leads to simpler and more efficient algorithms, so they are usually treated as a separate case.

Circular linked listEdit

In the last node of a list, the link field often contains a null reference, a special value is used to indicate the lack of further nodes. A less common convention is to make it point to the first node of the list; in that case, the list is said to be 'circular' or 'circularly linked'; otherwise, it is said to be 'open' or 'linear'. It is a list where the last pointer points to the first node.

In the case of a circular doubly linked list, the first node also points to the last node of the list.

Sentinel nodesEdit

In some implementations an extra 'sentinel' or 'dummy' node may be added before the first data record or after the last one. This convention simplifies and accelerates some list-handling algorithms, by ensuring that all links can be safely dereferenced and that every list [even one that contains no data elements] always has a "first" and "last" node.

Empty listsEdit

An empty list is a list that contains no data records. This is usually the same as saying that it has zero nodes. If sentinel nodes are being used, the list is usually said to be empty when it has only sentinel nodes.

Hash linkingEdit

The link fields need not be physically part of the nodes. If the data records are stored in an array and referenced by their indices, the link field may be stored in a separate array with the same indices as the data records.

List handlesEdit

Since a reference to the first node gives access to the whole list, that reference is often called the 'address', 'pointer', or 'handle' of the list. Algorithms that manipulate linked lists usually get such handles to the input lists and return the handles to the resulting lists. In fact, in the context of such algorithms, the word "list" often means "list handle". In some situations, however, it may be convenient to refer to a list by a handle that consists of two links, pointing to its first and last nodes.

Combining alternativesEdit

The alternatives listed above may be arbitrarily combined in almost every way, so one may have circular doubly linked lists without sentinels, circular singly linked lists with sentinels, etc.


As with most choices in computer programming and design, no method is well suited to all circumstances. A linked list data structure might work well in one case, but cause problems in another. This is a list of some of the common tradeoffs involving linked list structures.

Linked lists vs. dynamic arraysEdit

A dynamic array is a data structure that allocates all elements contiguously in memory, and keeps a count of the current number of elements. If the space reserved for the dynamic array is exceeded, it is reallocated and [possibly] copied, which is an expensive operation.

Linked lists have several advantages over dynamic arrays. Insertion or deletion of an element at a specific point of a list, assuming that we have indexed a pointer to the node [before the one to be removed, or before the insertion point] already, is a constant-time operation [otherwise without this reference it is O[n]], whereas insertion in a dynamic array at random locations will require moving half of the elements on average, and all the elements in the worst case. While one can "delete" an element from an array in constant time by somehow marking its slot as "vacant", this causes fragmentation that impedes the performance of iteration.

Moreover, arbitrarily many elements may be inserted into a linked list, limited only by the total memory available; while a dynamic array will eventually fill up its underlying array data structure and will have to reallocate—an expensive operation, one that may not even be possible if memory is fragmented, although the cost of reallocation can be averaged over insertions, and the cost of an insertion due to reallocation would still be amortized O[1]. This helps with appending elements at the array's end, but inserting into [or removing from] middle positions still carries prohibitive costs due to data moving to maintain contiguity. An array from which many elements are removed may also have to be resized in order to avoid wasting too much space.

On the other hand, dynamic arrays [as well as fixed-size array data structures] allow constant-time random access, while linked lists allow only sequential access to elements. Singly linked lists, in fact, can be easily traversed in only one direction. This makes linked lists unsuitable for applications where it's useful to look up an element by its index quickly, such as heapsort. Sequential access on arrays and dynamic arrays is also faster than on linked lists on many machines, because they have optimal locality of reference and thus make good use of data caching.

Another disadvantage of linked lists is the extra storage needed for references, which often makes them impractical for lists of small data items such as characters or boolean values, because the storage overhead for the links may exceed by a factor of two or more the size of the data. In contrast, a dynamic array requires only the space for the data itself [and a very small amount of control data].[note 1] It can also be slow, and with a naïve allocator, wasteful, to allocate memory separately for each new element, a problem generally solved using memory pools.

Some hybrid solutions try to combine the advantages of the two representations. Unrolled linked lists store several elements in each list node, increasing cache performance while decreasing memory overhead for references. CDR coding does both these as well, by replacing references with the actual data referenced, which extends off the end of the referencing record.

A good example that highlights the pros and cons of using dynamic arrays vs. linked lists is by implementing a program that resolves the Josephus problem. The Josephus problem is an election method that works by having a group of people stand in a circle. Starting at a predetermined person, one may count around the circle n times. Once the nth person is reached, one should remove them from the circle and have the members close the circle. The process is repeated until only one person is left. That person wins the election. This shows the strengths and weaknesses of a linked list vs. a dynamic array, because if the people are viewed as connected nodes in a circular linked list, then it shows how easily the linked list is able to delete nodes [as it only has to rearrange the links to the different nodes]. However, the linked list will be poor at finding the next person to remove and will need to search through the list until it finds that person. A dynamic array, on the other hand, will be poor at deleting nodes [or elements] as it cannot remove one node without individually shifting all the elements up the list by one. However, it is exceptionally easy to find the nth person in the circle by directly referencing them by their position in the array.

The list ranking problem concerns the efficient conversion of a linked list representation into an array. Although trivial for a conventional computer, solving this problem by a parallel algorithm is complicated and has been the subject of much research.

A balanced tree has similar memory access patterns and space overhead to a linked list while permitting much more efficient indexing, taking O[log n] time instead of O[n] for a random access. However, insertion and deletion operations are more expensive due to the overhead of tree manipulations to maintain balance. Schemes exist for trees to automatically maintain themselves in a balanced state: AVL trees or red–black trees.

Singly linked linear lists vs. other listsEdit

While doubly linked and circular lists have advantages over singly linked linear lists, linear lists offer some advantages that make them preferable in some situations.

A singly linked linear list is a recursive data structure, because it contains a pointer to a smaller object of the same type. For that reason, many operations on singly linked linear lists [such as merging two lists, or enumerating the elements in reverse order] often have very simple recursive algorithms, much simpler than any solution using iterative commands. While those recursive solutions can be adapted for doubly linked and circularly linked lists, the procedures generally need extra arguments and more complicated base cases.

Linear singly linked lists also allow tail-sharing, the use of a common final portion of sub-list as the terminal portion of two different lists. In particular, if a new node is added at the beginning of a list, the former list remains available as the tail of the new one—a simple example of a persistent data structure. Again, this is not true with the other variants: a node may never belong to two different circular or doubly linked lists.

In particular, end-sentinel nodes can be shared among singly linked non-circular lists. The same end-sentinel node may be used for every such list. In Lisp, for example, every proper list ends with a link to a special node, denoted by nil or [], whose CAR and CDR links point to itself. Thus a Lisp procedure can safely take the CAR or CDR of any list.

The advantages of the fancy variants are often limited to the complexity of the algorithms, not in their efficiency. A circular list, in particular, can usually be emulated by a linear list together with two variables that point to the first and last nodes, at no extra cost.

Doubly linked vs. singly linkedEdit

Double-linked lists require more space per node [unless one uses XOR-linking], and their elementary operations are more expensive; but they are often easier to manipulate because they allow fast and easy sequential access to the list in both directions. In a doubly linked list, one can insert or delete a node in a constant number of operations given only that node's address. To do the same in a singly linked list, one must have the address of the pointer to that node, which is either the handle for the whole list [in case of the first node] or the link field in the previous node. Some algorithms require access in both directions. On the other hand, doubly linked lists do not allow tail-sharing and cannot be used as persistent data structures.

Circularly linked vs. linearly linkedEdit

A circularly linked list may be a natural option to represent arrays that are naturally circular, e.g. the corners of a polygon, a pool of buffers that are used and released in FIFO ["first in, first out"] order, or a set of processes that should be time-shared in round-robin order. In these applications, a pointer to any node serves as a handle to the whole list.

With a circular list, a pointer to the last node gives easy access also to the first node, by following one link. Thus, in applications that require access to both ends of the list [e.g., in the implementation of a queue], a circular structure allows one to handle the structure by a single pointer, instead of two.

A circular list can be split into two circular lists, in constant time, by giving the addresses of the last node of each piece. The operation consists in swapping the contents of the link fields of those two nodes. Applying the same operation to any two nodes in two distinct lists joins the two list into one. This property greatly simplifies some algorithms and data structures, such as the quad-edge and face-edge.

The simplest representation for an empty circular list [when such a thing makes sense] is a null pointer, indicating that the list has no nodes. Without this choice, many algorithms have to test for this special case, and handle it separately. By contrast, the use of null to denote an empty linear list is more natural and often creates fewer special cases.

For some applications, it can be useful to use singly linked lists that can vary between being circular and being linear, or even circular with a linear initial segment. Algorithms for searching or otherwise operating on these have to take precautions to avoid accidentally entering an endless loop. One usual method is to have a second pointer walking the list at half or double the speed, and if both pointers meet at the same node, you know you found a cycle.

Using sentinel nodesEdit

Sentinel node may simplify certain list operations, by ensuring that the next or previous nodes exist for every element, and that even empty lists have at least one node. One may also use a sentinel node at the end of the list, with an appropriate data field, to eliminate some end-of-list tests. For example, when scanning the list looking for a node with a given value x, setting the sentinel's data field to x makes it unnecessary to test for end-of-list inside the loop. Another example is the merging two sorted lists: if their sentinels have data fields set to +∞, the choice of the next output node does not need special handling for empty lists.

However, sentinel nodes use up extra space [especially in applications that use many short lists], and they may complicate other operations [such as the creation of a new empty list].

However, if the circular list is used merely to simulate a linear list, one may avoid some of this complexity by adding a single sentinel node to every list, between the last and the first data nodes. With this convention, an empty list consists of the sentinel node alone, pointing to itself via the next-node link. The list handle should then be a pointer to the last data node, before the sentinel, if the list is not empty; or to the sentinel itself, if the list is empty.

The same trick can be used to simplify the handling of a doubly linked linear list, by turning it into a circular doubly linked list with a single sentinel node. However, in this case, the handle should be a single pointer to the dummy node itself.[8]

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