What is singly linked list explain Insert and Delete in SLL?

Types of Linked List and Operation on Linked List

In the previous blog, we have seen the structure and properties of a Linked List. In this blog, we will discuss the types of a linked list and basic operations that can be performed on a linked list.

Types of Linked List

Following are the types of linked list

  1. Singly Linked List.
  2. Doubly Linked List.
  3. Circular Linked List.

Singly Linked List

A Singly-linked list is a collection of nodes linked together in a sequential way where each node of the singly linked list contains a data field and an address field that contains the reference of the next node.

The structure of the node in the Singly Linked List is

class Node { int data // variable to store the data of the node Node next // variable to store the address of the next node }

The nodes are connected to each other in this form where the value of the next variable of the last node is NULL i.e. next = NULL, which indicates the end of the linked list.

Doubly Linked List

A Doubly Linked List contains an extra memory to store the address of the previous node, together with the address of the next node and data which are there in the singly linked list. So, here we are storing the address of the next as well as the previous nodes.

The following is the structure of the node in the Doubly Linked List[DLL]:

class DLLNode { int val // variable to store the data of the node DLLNode prev // variable to store the address of the previous node DLLNode next // variable to store the address of the next node }

The nodes are connected to each other in this form where the first node has prev = NULL and the last node has next = NULL.

Advantages over Singly Linked List-

  • It can be traversed both forward and backward direction.
  • The delete operation is more efficient if the node to be deleted is given. [Think! you will get the answer in the second half of this blog]
  • The insert operation is more efficient if the node is given before which insertion should take place. [Think!]

Disadvantages over Singly Linked List-

  • It will require more space as each node has an extra memory to store the address of the previous node.
  • The number of modification increase while doing various operations like insertion, deletion, etc.

Circular Linked List

A circular linked list is either a singly or doubly linked list in which there are no NULL values. Here, we can implement the Circular Linked List by making the use of Singly or Doubly Linked List. In the case of a singly linked list, the next of the last node contains the address of the first node and in case of a doubly-linked list, the next of last node contains the address of the first node and prev of the first node contains the address of the last node.

Advantages of a Circular linked list

  • The list can be traversed from any node.
  • Circular lists are the required data structure when we want a list to be accessed in a circle or loop.
  • We can easily traverse to its previous node in a circular linked list, which is not possible in a singly linked list. [Think!]

Disadvantages of Circular linked list

  • If not traversed carefully, then we could end up in an infinite loop because here we don't have any NULL value to stop the traversal.
  • Operations in a circular linked list are complex as compared to a singly linked list and doubly linked list like reversing a circular linked list, etc.

Basic Operations on Linked List

  • Traversal: To traverse all the nodes one after another.
  • Insertion: To add a node at the given position.
  • Deletion: To delete a node.
  • Searching: To search an element[s] by value.
  • Updating: To update a node.
  • Sorting: To arrange nodes in a linked list in a specific order.
  • Merging: To merge two linked lists into one.

We will see the various implementation of these operations on a singly linked list.

Following is the structure of the node in a linked list:

class Node{ int data // variable containing the data of the node Node next // variable containing the address of next node }

Linked List Traversal

The idea here is to step through the list from beginning to end. For example, we may want to print the list or search for a specific node in the list.

The algorithm for traversing a list

  • Start with the head of the list. Access the content of the head node if it is not null.
  • Then go to the next node[if exists] and access the node information
  • Continue until no more nodes [that is, you have reached the null node]
void traverseLL[Node head] { while[head != NULL] { print[head.data] head = head.next } }

Linked List node Insertion

There can be three cases that will occur when we are inserting a node in a linked list.

  • Insertion at the beginning
  • Insertion at the end. [Append]
  • Insertion after a given node
Insertion at the beginning

Since there is no need to find the end of the list. If the list is empty, we make the new node as the head of the list. Otherwise, we we have to connect the new node to the current head of the list and make the new node, the head of the list.

// function is returning the head of the singly linked-list Node insertAtBegin[Node head, int val] { newNode = new Node[val] // creating new node of linked list if[head == NULL] // check if linked list is empty return newNode else // inserting the node at the beginning { newNode.next = head return newNode } }
Insertion at end

We will traverse the list until we find the last node. Then we insert the new node to the end of the list. Note that we have to consider special cases such as list being empty.

In case of a list being empty, we will return the updated head of the linked list because in this case, the inserted node is the first as well as the last node of the linked list.

// the function is returning the head of the singly linked list Node insertAtEnd[Node head, int val] { if[ head == NULL ] // handing the special case { newNode = new Node[val] head = newNode return head } Node temp = head // traversing the list to get the last node while[ temp.next != NULL ] { temp = temp.next } newNode = new Node[val] temp.next = newNode return head }
Insertion after a given node

We are given the reference to a node, and the new node is inserted after the given node.

void insertAfter[Node prevNode, int val] { newNode = new Node[val] newNode.next = prevNode.next prevNode.next = newNode }

NOTE: If the address of the prevNode is not given, then you can traverse to that node by finding the data value.

Linked List node Deletion

To delete a node from a linked list, we need to do these steps

  • Find the previous node of the node to be deleted.
  • Change the next pointer of the previous node
  • Free the memory of the deleted node.

In the deletion, there is a special case in which the first node is deleted. In this, we need to update the head of the linked list.

// this function will return the head of the linked list Node deleteLL[Node head, Node del] { if[head == del] // if the node to be deleted is the head node { return head.next // special case for the first Node } Node temp = head while[ temp.next != NULL ] { if[temp.next == del] // finding the node to be deleted { temp.next = temp.next.next delete del // free the memory of that Node return head } temp = temp.next } return head // if no node matches in the Linked List }

Linked List node Searching

To search any value in the linked list, we can traverse the linked list and compares the value present in the node.

bool searchLL[Node head, int val] { Node temp = head // creating a temp variable pointing to the head of the linked list while[ temp != NULL] // traversing the list { if[ temp.data == val ] return true temp = temp.next } return false }

Linked List node Updation

To update the value of the node, we just need to set the data part to the new value.

Below is the implementation in which we had to update the value of the first node in which data is equal to val and we have to set it to newVal.

void updateLL[Node head, int val, int newVal] { Node temp = head while[temp != NULL] { if[ temp.data == val] { temp.data = newVal return } temp = temp.next } }

Suggested Problems to solve in Linked List

  • Reverse linked list
  • Middle of the Linked List
  • Odd even linked List
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  • Merge Sort on Linked List
  • Check if a singly linked list is a palindrome
  • Detect and Remove Loop in a Linked List
  • Sort a linked list using insertion sort
  • Remove Nth Node from List End

Happy coding! Enjoy Algorithms.

Linked List Operations: Traverse, Insert and Delete

In this tutorial, you will learn different operations on a linked list. Also, you will find implementation of linked list operations in C/C++, Python and Java.

There are various linked list operations that allow us to perform different actions on linked lists. For example, the insertion operation adds a new element to the linked list.

Here's a list of basic linked list operations that we will cover in this article.

  • Traversal - access each element of the linked list
  • Insertion - adds a new element to the linked list
  • Deletion - removes the existing elements
  • Search - find a node in the linked list
  • Sort - sort the nodes of the linked list

Before you learn about linked list operations in detail, make sure to know about Linked List first.

Things to Remember about Linked List

  • head points to the first node of the linked list
  • next pointer of the last node is NULL, so if the next current node is NULL, we have reached the end of the linked list.

In all of the examples, we will assume that the linked list has three nodes 1 --->2 --->3 with node structure as below:

struct node { int data; struct node *next; };

Graphical Depiction of Node

A node is a name for each element in a linked list. A single node includes data as well as a pointer to the next node, which aids in the list’s structure. The head is the first node in the list; it points to the first node in the list and allows us to access all of the other elements in the list. The last node, commonly known as the tail, refers to NULL, which allows us to determine when the list comes to an end. The following is a graphical depiction of a node in a single linked list:

What is a singly linked list?

A singly linked list is a type of linked list that is unidirectional, that is, it can be traversed in only one direction from head to the last node [tail].

Each element in a linked list is called a node. A single node contains data and a pointer to the next node which helps in maintaining the structure of the list.

The first node is called the head; it points to the first node of the list and helps us access every other element in the list. The last node, also sometimes called the tail, points to NULL which helps us in determining when the list ends.

Linked List Data Structure

  • Last Updated : 01 Feb, 2022

Practice Problems on Linked List
Recent Articles on Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory locations. The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers as shown in the below image:

In simple words, a linked list consists of nodes where each node contains a data field and a reference[link] to the next node in the list.

Topics :

  • Singly Linked List
  • Circular Linked List
  • Doubly Linked List
  • Misc
  • Quick Links

Singly Linked List :

  1. Introduction to Linked List
  2. Linked List vs Array
  3. Linked List Insertion
  4. Linked List Deletion [Deleting a given key]
  5. Linked List Deletion [Deleting a key at given position]
  6. Write a function to delete a Linked List
  7. Find Length of a Linked List [Iterative and Recursive]
  8. Search an element in a Linked List [Iterative and Recursive]
  9. Write a function to get Nth node in a Linked List
  10. Nth node from the end of a Linked List
  11. Print the middle of a given linked list
  12. Write a function that counts the number of times a given int occurs in a Linked List
  13. Detect loop in a linked list
  14. Find length of loop in linked list
  15. Function to check if a singly linked list is palindrome
  16. Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list
  17. Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list
  18. Swap nodes in a linked list without swapping data
  19. Pairwise swap elements of a given linked list
  20. Move last element to front of a given Linked List
  21. Intersection of two Sorted Linked Lists
  22. Intersection point of two Linked Lists.
  23. QuickSort on Singly Linked List
  24. Segregate even and odd nodes in a Linked List
  25. Reverse a linked list

More >>

Circular Linked List :

  1. Circular Linked List Introduction and Applications,
  2. Circular Linked List Traversal
  3. Split a Circular Linked List into two halves
  4. Sorted insert for circular linked list
  5. Check if a linked list is Circular Linked List
  6. Convert a Binary Tree to a Circular Doubly Link List
  7. Circular Singly Linked List | Insertion
  8. Deletion from a Circular Linked List
  9. Circular Queue | Set 2 [Circular Linked List Implementation]
  10. Count nodes in Circular linked list
  11. Josephus Circle using circular linked list
  12. Convert singly linked list into circular linked list
  13. Circular Linked List | Set 1 [Introduction and Applications]
  14. Circular Linked List | Set 2 [Traversal]
  15. Implementation of Deque using circular array
  16. Exchange first and last nodes in Circular Linked List

More >>

Doubly Linked List :

  1. Doubly Linked List Introduction and Insertion
  2. Delete a node in a Doubly Linked List
  3. Reverse a Doubly Linked List
  4. The Great Tree-List Recursion Problem.
  5. Copy a linked list with next and arbit pointer
  6. QuickSort on Doubly Linked List
  7. Swap Kth node from beginning with Kth node from end in a Linked List
  8. Merge Sort for Doubly Linked List
  9. Create a Doubly Linked List from a Ternary Tree
  10. Find pairs with given sum in doubly linked list
  11. Insert value in sorted way in a sorted doubly linked list
  12. Delete a Doubly Linked List node at a given position
  13. Count triplets in a sorted doubly linked list whose sum is equal to a given value x
  14. Remove duplicates from a sorted doubly linked list
  15. Delete all occurrences of a given key in a doubly linked list
  16. Remove duplicates from an unsorted doubly linked list
  17. Sort the biotonic doubly linked list
  18. Sort a k sorted doubly linked list
  19. Convert a given Binary Tree to Doubly Linked List | Set
  20. Program to find size of Doubly Linked List
  21. Sorted insert in a doubly linked list with head and tail pointers
  22. Large number arithmetic using doubly linked list
  23. Rotate Doubly linked list by N nodes
  24. Priority Queue using doubly linked list
  25. Reverse a doubly linked list in groups of given size
  26. Doubly Circular Linked List | Set 1 [Introduction and Insertion]
  27. Doubly Circular Linked List | Set 2 [Deletion]

More >>

Misc :

  1. Skip List | Set 1 [Introduction]
  2. Skip List | Set 2 [Insertion]
  3. Skip List | Set 3 [Searching and Deletion]
  4. Reverse a stack without using extra space in O[n]
  5. An interesting method to print reverse of a linked list
  6. Linked List representation of Disjoint Set Data Structures
  7. Sublist Search [Search a linked list in another list]
  8. How to insert elements in C++ STL List ?
  9. Unrolled Linked List | Set 1 [Introduction]
  10. A Programmer’s approach of looking at Array vs. Linked List
  11. How to write C functions that modify head pointer of a Linked List?
  12. Given a linked list which is sorted, how will you insert in sorted way
  13. Can we reverse a linked list in less than O[n]?
  14. Practice questions for Linked List and Recursion
  15. Construct a Maximum Sum Linked List out of two Sorted Linked Lists having some Common nodes
  16. Given only a pointer to a node to be deleted in a singly linked list, how do you delete it?
  17. Why Quick Sort preferred for Arrays and Merge Sort for Linked Lists?
  18. Squareroot[n]-th node in a Linked List
  19. Find the fractional [or n/k – th] node in linked list
  20. Find modular node in a linked list
  21. Construct a linked list from 2D matrix
  22. Find smallest and largest elements in singly linked list
  23. Arrange consonants and vowels nodes in a linked list
  24. Partitioning a linked list around a given value and If we don’t care about making the elements of the list “stable”
  25. Modify contents of Linked List

Quick Links :

  • ‘Practice Problems’ on Linked List
  • ‘Videos’ on Linked List
  • ‘Quizzes’ on Linked List

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