What is the name used when one list sits inside another?


The :host-context[] CSS pseudo-class function selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside [so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM] — but only if the selector given as the function's parameter matches the shadow host's ancestor[s] in the place it sits inside the DOM hierarchy.

In other words, this allows a custom element, or anything within that custom element's shadow DOM, to apply different styles based on its position within the outer DOM or classes/attributes applied to ancestor elements.

One typical use of this is with a descendant selector expression — for example h2 — to select only instances of the custom element that are inside an

. Another typical use would be to allow inner elements to react to classes or attributes on any ancestor elements - for example, applying a different text color when a .dark-theme class is applied to .

Note: This has no effect when used outside a shadow DOM.

/* Selects a shadow root host, only if it is a descendant of the selector argument given */ :host-context[h2] { font-weight: bold; } :host-context[main article] { font-weight: bold; } /* Changes paragraph text color from black to white when a .dark-theme class is applied to the document body */ p { color: #000; } :host-context[body.dark-theme] p { color: #fff; }

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