Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the process of bureaucratic rule making?

AP Gov Test

When independent regulatory agencies make rules, enforce those rules, and adjudicate disputes arising under those rules, they risk violating the constitutional concept of

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the process of bureaucratic rule making?

The Department of Veterans Affairs rewrites its regulations regarding compensation and pensions into plain language that is easier for beneficiaries to understand.

Cabinet departments differ from independent regulatory agencies in which of the following ways?

The President can dismiss cabinet officers, but not commissioners of independent regulatory agencies.

Which of the following describes the president's Cabinet?

Its members have varying levels of influence on presidential decisions.

A fundamental source of power for the federal bureaucracy lies in its

ability to set specific guidelines after receiving a general mandate from Congress

Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight?

Holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities

An advantage that bureaucrats in federal government have over the President in the policymaking process is that bureaucrats

usually have a continuity of service in the executive branch that the President lacks

One of the formal tools used by Congress for oversight of the bureaucracy is

authorization of spending

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] and the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] are examples of

Congress is most likely to exert oversight of the executive bureaucracy in which of the following ways?

Controlling an executive agency's annual budget

In the process and structure of public policymaking, "iron triangles" refer to the

networks of congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups that strongly influence the policy process

A policy that sets emission standards for automobiles is an example of

Which of the following was a likely result of the decision in Wickard v. Filburn that contributed to the Court's later decision in United States v. Lopez [1995] ?

The expansive interpretation of the commerce clause by the Supreme Court which greatly extended the power of Congress drew criticism that eventually led to a more narrow interpretation.

In Marbury v. Madison [1803], the Supreme Court assumed the power to

decide on the constitutionality of a law or an executive action

When a lower court decision is appealed to the Supreme Court, which of the following is most likely to occur?

The Supreme Court will not hear the appeal.

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates the concept of a case being decided based on precedent?

The Supreme Court bases its decision in a case involving the commerce clause on one of its earlier decisions involving the commerce clause.

Which of the following sections of the United States Constitution is most related to the case Marbury v. Madison [1803] ?

Supreme Court justices were given tenure subject to good behavior by the framers of the Constitution in order to ensure that

justices are free from direct political pressures

Which of the following is empowered to create new federal courts and specify the number of judges who will sit on them?

Those who believe that the Supreme Court in its rulings should defer to the elective institutions of government are advocating

The idea that judges ought to freely strike down laws that are inconsistent with their understanding of the Constitution is known as

The Supreme Court upholds a law passed by Congress as constitutional. The chief justice states in the majority opinion that previous decisions supporting Congress' power to make laws based on the commerce clause of the Constitution were the basis for the

Which of the following is true of nominees for federal judgeships?

They are appointed for life by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.

In Baker v. Carr [1962], the Supreme Court ruled that a state legislature would have to redraw their representative districts in order to comply with the Constitution. Which of the following potential difficulties could have resulted from this decision?

The state legislature could have refused to implement the decision, leading to a crisis in the legitimacy of the Supreme Court's authority.

A United States Supreme Court justice has announced his retirement at the end of the current Supreme Court term. What is the most likely presidential action in response to this announcement?

Nominate a federal judge who shares the president's ideology

Which of the following statements accurately describes the selection of the caseload for the United States Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is free to choose the cases it hears with only a few limitations.

In Worcester v. Georgia [1832], the United States Supreme Court ruled that a Georgia law violated the U.S. Constitution. In response to Chief Justice John Marshall's majority opinion, President Andrew Jackson said, "John Marshall has made his decision, no

Since the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism, the executive and legislative branches can restrict its decisions.

In Worcester v. Georgia [1832], the Supreme Court used the power of judicial review established in Marbury v. Madison [1803] to strike down a Georgia state law that regulated the relationship between citizens of Georgia and members of the Cherokee Nation.

Unpopular Supreme Court decisions can be avoided or ignored if other branches refuse to cooperate with the outcomes of those decisions.

Which of the following is true about the pocket veto?

It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned.

Shortly after the 2008 election, President Obama appointed outspoken and controversial House member Rahm Emanuel to lead his White House as chief of staff. The selection drew criticism from Republican leaders, including House minority leader John Boehner,

Members of Congress could issue statements opposing the appointment but have no formal power to block it.

Since the 1970's, Presidents have made use of executive orders at an increasing rate because executive orders

do not need to be passed by Congress

All of the following are formal or informal sources of presidential power EXCEPT

presidential authority to raise revenue

A newly elected president faces a Senate controlled by the opposition party. Which of the following presidential appointments is the most likely to encounter difficulty with confirmation by the Senate?

Senate confirmation is required for which of the following presidential appointments?1. Secretary of state2. White House chief of staff3. Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI]

4. Attorney general

The Senate must confirm all of the following presidential appointments EXCEPT

The constitutional powers of the president include all of the following EXCEPT

The President can do which of the following without seeking the consent of either the House or the Senate?

Which of the following scenarios illustrates how social media has changed the way presidents relate to the public?

A president announcing a major policy initiative via the Internet rather than calling a press conference

Congressional legislative powers include all of the following EXCEPT

The term "pork barrel" refers to legislation specifically designed to

provide funding for local projects that are intended to benefit constituents

Which of the following describes the ruling in Shaw v. Reno [1993] ?

Racial gerrymandering was ruled unconstitutional.

Which of the following statements accurately summarizes the reasoning for the decision in Baker v. Carr [1962] ?

Because rural districts had fewer people, representation was unevenly distributed; thus, Baker was denied equal protection under the law.

The role of a conference committee in Congress is to

reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate

The details of legislation are usually worked out in which of the following settings?

Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts?

It creates districts that favor one political party over another.

Which of the following is a unique power held by members of the Senate?

The ability to filibuster

Which of the following types of committee deals with broad areas of public policy and can be found in both houses of Congress?

The term "bicameralism" refers to the

establishment of two legislative chambers that have different structures and rules

The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by

The committee system is more important in the House than in the Senate because

the House is so large that more work can be accomplished in committees than on the floor

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