Cara menggunakan define map in javascript

Cara menggunakan define map in javascript

Table of Contents

  • The concepts
  • What is Map?
  • And what about Object?
  • How to construct
  • Accessing element
  • Adding new element
  • Removing/Deleting an element
  • Getting the size
  • When to use Map? And when to use Object?

Object vs Map in a happy way

You may wonder — why Map vs Object but not Map vs Array, or Object vs Set? Well, you can also compare between any of the two, but Map and Object, unlike others, have very similar use-cases which require us to understand more deeply about them to decide what is better for when. And that’s what this is about.

Let’s start, shall we?

The concepts

What is Map?

Map sounds very simple, doesn’t it? We see or hear about it almost everyday, let’s say World map, Street map, etc…. So what is exactly Map?

Map is a data collection type (in a more fancy way — abstract data structure type), in which, data is stored in a form of pairs, which contains a unique key and value mapped to that key. And because of the uniqueness of each stored key, there is no duplicate pair stored.

You may recognize by now one common thing about all examples mentioned above — they are used for looking up something (can be a country — for World map, a street name — Street map, etc…).

That’s right, Map is mainly used for fast searching and looking up data.

Example: {(1, “smile”), (2, “cry”), (42, “happy”)}

in which each pair is in the format — (key, value).

Important note: key and value in Map can be in any data type, not limited to only string or integer.

And what about Object?

Everyone knows Object, especially in Javascript. Object is object, isn’t it? Right, but not enough.

Regular Object (pay attention to the word ‘regular’ ) in Javascript is dictionary type of data collection — which means it also follows key-value stored concept like Map. Each key in Object — or we normally call it “property” — is also unique and associated with a single value.

In addition, Object in Javascript has built-in prototype. And don’t forget, nearly all objects in Javascript are instances of Object, including Map.

Example: {1: ‘smile’, 2: ‘cry’, 42: ‘happy’}

Therefore, by definition, Object and Map are based on the same concept — using key-value for storing data. However, like we always say — same same but different — they are indeed quite different from each other, mainly in:

  • Key field: in Object, it follows the rule of normal dictionary. The keys MUST be simple types — either integer or string or symbols. Nothing more. But in Map it can be any data type (an object, an array, etc…). (try using another object as Object’s property key — i dare you :))
  • Element order: in Map, original order of elements (pairs) is preserved, while in Object, it isn’t.
  • Inheritance: Map is an instance of Object (surprise surprise!), but Object is definitely not an instance of Map.
var map = new Map([[1,2],[3,4]]);
console.log(map instanceof Object); //true
var obj = new Object();
console.log(obj instanceof Map); //false

But not only those. What else makes them different from each other? Let us continue.

How to construct


Like Array, Object is straight-forward. To declare new object, all you need to do is using direct literal:

var obj = {}; //Empty object
var obj = {id: 1, name: "Test object"};
//2 keys here: id maps to 1, and name maps to "Test object"

Or by constructor

var obj = new Object(); //Empty Object
var obj = new Object; //same result

Or by using Object.prototype.create

var obj = Object.create(null); //Empty Object

Special note:

You only should use Object.create in very specific cases, such as:

  • You want to choose prototype object to inherit to, without the need to define constructor. It’s a way of “inheritance”.
var Vehicle = {
type: "General",
display: function(){console.log(this.type);}
var Car = Object.create(Vehicle); //create a new Car inherits from Vehicle
Car.type = "Car"; //overwrite the property
Vehicle.display();//still "General"

In general, like in Array, do not use built-in constructor over literal in creating new object, because:

  • More typing
  • Slower performance (much much slower)
  • Confusion & increasing more chances for mistake, for example:
var obj = new Object(id: 1, name: "test") //Error - obviouslyvar obj1 = {id: 1, name: "test"};
var obj2 = new Object(obj1); //obj1 and obj2 points to the same one = 2;
console.log(; //2

And in any case, who wants to type extra unnecessary code — at all?


Map, in the other hand, has only one way to create, by using its built-in constructor and new syntax.

var map = new Map(); //Empty Map
var map = new Map([[1,2],[2,3]]); // map = {1=>2, 2=>3}


The constructor receives an array or iterable object whose elements are key-value pairs — akaarrays with 2 elements [key, value].

So far so good? Great. Now it’s time to move on to our next step — comparison between Map/Object’s basic capabilities, which are:

Accessing element

  • For Map, accessing an element value is done by Map.prototype.get(key) — which means we need to know the key to be able to retrieve the value of an element
map.get(1)// 2
  • Similarly in Object, we do need to know the key/property in order to get the element value, but in different syntax: Object. and Object[‘key’]: //1
obj['id'] //1
  • Checking if a key is already in Map is supported by
map.has(1);//return boolean value:  true/false
  • While in Object, we need to do a bit extra
var isExist = === undefined; //check if obj has that property defined before.
  • Or
isExist = 'id' in obj; //which will apply for inherited property as well.

The syntax in Map is simpler and more direct than in Object in this case.

Note: in Object, we have Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() will return true/false to check if it has a specified key as its own property — it will be good in case we only check a key which is not inherited for that object. Still, to my opinion, here Map wins over Object regarding the ease of usage.

Adding new element

  • Map supports adding new element by providing Map.prototype.set() which takes 2 parameters: key, value.
map.set(4,5); //{1=>2, 2=>3, 4=>5}
  • But if you pass an existing key, it will overwrite the value mapped to that key with the new value — as what set operation is supposed to do.
map.set(4,6); //{1=>2, 2=>3, 4=>6}
  • Similarly, adding new set of property to Object is done directly by:
obj['gender'] = 'female'; //{id: 1, name: "test", gender: "female"}
obj.gender = male;
//Both is ok and will overwrite the existing mapped value if property already exists.
//{id: 1, name: "test", gender: "male"}
  • As you can see, both performs theoretically in O(1) running time for adding thanks to its structure, so retrieving a key doesn’t require to scan through all of data. What about removing/deleting?

Removing/Deleting an element

In Object, there is no built-in method to delete a property from it. Instead, we can use the operator delete as:

delete; //{name: "test", gender: "male"}

Pay attention that some may argue about whether it’s better to do the following instead, for performance boost. = undefined;

However, the logic is quite different here:

  • delete(key) will remove that specific property completely from object, but
  • setting obj[key] = undefined actually just changed the mapped value of that property to “undefined”, and that property still remain on its place in that object.

Therefore, when we use “for…in…”, we still iterate over that property’s key regardless.

And of course, the check for whether a key/property already exists in an obj will yield two different results in these two scenarios, except the following check: === undefined;//same result

Hence, think carefully. Performance boost sometimes is not worth it! :)

Oh one more thing, delete operator does return a string of “true”/ “false”, but unlike normal, this returned value indicates quite differently status, in which:

  • true for all cases except when the property is an own non-configurable property.
  • Otherwise, false for non-strict mode, and Exception error will be thrown in strict mode instead.

Meanwhile, Map, again, has few nice built-in methods to support different removing purposes, such as:

  • delete(key) for removing a target element with a specified key from a map. Don’t forget, this delete() returns a boolean variable, indicate if target element with specific key did exist in the map and was removed successfully (true) or if that target element does not exist at all in map (false).
var isDeleteSucceeded = map.delete(1); //{ 2=>3, 4=>5}
console.log(isDeleteSucceeded); //true
  • clear() — remove ALL elements from a Map object.
map.clear(); //{}
  • In order to achieve the same capability of clear(), Object will need to iterate through its properties (keys) and delete one by one until the end. This can be tiring, especially when we feel a little bit of lazy (just a tiny bit :))

In general, both Map and Object performance in removing element is pretty similar to each other, again due to its structure. Deleting a key will take O(1), while clearing out all elements will still take O(n) with n is the size of Map/Object. So, yeah, it’s definitely a tie here!

Since we mentioned a bit about the size, let’s see how Map/Object behaves:

Getting the size

One advantage here, which Map has in comparison to Object, is that Map does keep its size updated automatically, and we can always get the size easily by:


While with Object, it needs to be calculated manually, with the help of Object.keys() — which returns an array of all existing keys in a certain object:


Got a hang of it? Great. Now the last comparison, as it marks one of the significant differences in Map and Object — iteration between elements.


Map is built-in iterable — Object is not. Simple as that.

  • Bonus: how do you check if a type is iterable? By using
//typeof [Symbol.iterator] === “function”
console.log(typeof obj[Symbol.iterator]); //undefined
console.log(typeof map[Symbol.iterator]); //function

Which means, in Map all elements can be iterated directly with “for… of” as:

//For map: { 2=>3, 4=>5}
for (const item of map){
for (const [key,value] of map){
console.log(`key: ${key}, value: ${value}`);
//key: 2, value: 3
//key: 4, value: 5

Or with its built-in forEach():

map.forEach((value, key) => console.log(`key: ${key}, value: ${value}`));
//key: 2, value: 3
//key: 4, value: 5

But with Object, either we use “for… in”

{id: 1, name: "test"}
for (var key in obj){
console.log(`key: ${key}, value: ${obj[key]}`);
//key: id, value: 1
//key: name, value: test

Or using Object.keys(obj) to get all the keys and iterate:

Object.keys(obj).forEach((key)=> console.log(`key: ${key}, value: ${obj[key]}`));
//key: id, value: 1
//key: name, value: test

OK, here comes the question — since they are really similar to each other in both structure and performance wise, with Map having slightly more advantages compared to Object, should we always prefer Map over Object?

When to use Map? And when to use Object?

Again, despite all the advantages Map can have against Object, there is still cases Object will perform better. After all, Object is the most basic concept of Javascript.

  • Object is the great choice for scenarios when we only need simple structure to store data and knew that all the keys are either strings or integers (or Symbol), because creating plain Object and accessing Object’s property with a specific key is much faster than creating a Map (literal vs constructor, direct vs get() function call — you know who wins already).
  • Also, in scenarios where there is a need to apply separate logic to individual property/element(s), then Object is definitely the choice. For example:
var obj = {
id: 1,
name: "It's Me!",
print: function(){
return `Object Id: ${}, with Name: ${}`;
console.log(obj.print());//Object Id: 1, with Name: It's Me.

(Try to do it the same with Map. You just can’t!)

  • Moreover, JSON has direct support for Object, but not with Map (yet). So in certain situation where we have to work a lot with JSON, consider Object as preferred option.
  • Otherwise, Map is purely hash, Object is more than that (with support inner logic). And using delete operator with Object’s property has several performance issues (we will discuss about this in a different article). Hence in scenarios that requires a lot of adding and removing (especially) new pair, Map may perform much better.
  • In addition, Map preserves the order of its keys — unlike Object, and Map was built with iteration in mind, so in case iteration or elements order are highly significant, consider Map — it will ensure stable iteration performance in all browsers.
  • And last but not least, Map tends to perform better in storing large set of data, especially when keys are unknown until run time, and when all keys are the same type and all values are the same type.


In conclusion, it really depends on what kind of data (input) you are going to work with and what operations you are going to perform on them in order to prefer one to the other between Map and Object.

Map tends to have more advantages over Object in scenarios when we just need a simple look-up structure for data storing, with all the basic operations it provided. However, Map can’t never replace Object, in any sense, because in Javascript, Object is — after all — more than just a normal hash table (and therefore shouldn’t be used as a normal hash table if there is alternative, it’s just a waste of a great resource ;)).

Now honestly, which one you like better? :). Tell me in comments. I’d love to know your opinion.