Cara menggunakan mysql max_connections

Memperbaiki “too many connection” Mysql/MariaDB, Ketika ada klien mencoba masuk ke Mysql/MariaDB biasanya akan bisa langsung masuk, namun bagaimana jika banyak sekali klien yang sebelumnya telah terkoneksi dan masuk ke dalam Mysql/MariaDB, dan ketika jumlah koneksi masuk telah mencapai batas akan memunculkan pesan “too many connections” dan klien tidak dapat masuk karena koneksi masuk telah mencapai batas, dan jika klien ingin masuk harus menunggu pengguna lain keluar dari Mysql/MariaDB atau administrator harus menambahakn jumlah maksimum koneksi masuk yang di ijinkan.

jika anda ingin melihat informasi berapa koneksi yang digunakan saat ini gunakan perintah dibawah

MariaDB> SHOW STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections';

Cara menggunakan mysql max_connections


solusi untuk masalah ini adalah menaikan jumlah koneksi yang di ijinkan yang ada pada variabel max_connection, secara baku nilai dari max_connection adalah 151, untuk melihat jumlah koneksi yang diijinkan sat ini gunakan perintah berikut

MariaDB> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_connections';

Cara menggunakan mysql max_connections

Menaikan maksimal koneksi sementara

untuk menaikan jumlah koneksi secara sementara hanya harus menambahkan nilai dari variable max_connection anda bisa menggunakan perintah dibawah ini

MariaDB> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 512;

Cara menggunakan mysql max_connections

lalu cek apalah nilai dari variable max_connection telah berubah

MariaDB> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'max_connections';

Cara menggunakan mysql max_connections

namun dengan cara diatas hanya akan menaikan jumlah maksimal koneksi hanya sementara, jika layanan Mysql/MariaDB berhenti atau di jalankan ulang, akan kembali berubah ke nilai bakunya yaitu 151, untuk menaikan secara permanen gunakan cara dibawah.

Menaikan maksimal koneksi permanen

Cara yang paling baik adalah menggunakan cara ini, agar ketika layanan Mysql/MariaDB Berhenti atau dijalankan ulang kita tidak perlu mengkonfigurasinya kembali, kita hnaya perlu mengkonfigurasi my.cnf. untuk mengkonfigurasinya ikuti tutorial dibawah.

tambahkan variabel max_connection di my.cnf

user $ sudo vim /etc/my.cnf


max_connections = 512

lalu jalankan ulang layanan MySQL/MariaDB

user $ sudo systemctl restart mysqld

mysql max connections limit check query commanding

mysql connection limit allowed

mysql -u root -p

Table of Contents

  • mysql max connections limit check query commanding
  • mysql connection limit allowed
  • To view max Reached Mysql Connections since the Server start
  • To check active connections in mysql concurrent
  • to list all connections
  • mysql max connections recommended settings (how to choose)
  • mysql max connections calculator
  • Update max connection limit in mysql.conf
  • Check max used connections by mysql previous
  • Aborted connection mysql
  • Show threads currently running on MySQL DB instance
  • increasing thread_cache_size to allow more simultaneous users
  • mysql too many connections fix
  • What is maximum connection?
  • How does MySQL determine max connections?
  • How do I fix MySQL max connections?
  • What is total connections in MySQL?


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “max_connections”;

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “max_connections”;

| Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 151 | default
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

To view max Reached Mysql Connections since the Server start


| Variable_name | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 38 |
| Max_used_connections_time | 2021-06-08 02:39:27 |

mysql> SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = ‘Max_used_connections’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 107 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I don’t need to worry right now because 60+live visitors handled by page cache plugins.

To check active connections in mysql concurrent

SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = ‘Threads_connected’;

Mysql threads variable settings ideal

to list all connections

show status like ‘%onn%’;

In digital ocean manged sql limits

Plan Sizemysql max connectionsOS Reserved
1 GB RAM 75 250MB
2 GB RAM 150 350MB
4 GB RAM 225 350MB
8 GB RAM 525
16 GB RAM 1,050
32 GB RAM 2,175
64 GB RAM 4,425

350 MB used Operating system.

750MB = 100MB per connection

4GB RAM Mysql dedicated machine 3.6GB usable and 3Gb*75=225

mysql max connections calculator

max_connections = (Available RAM – Global Buffers) / Thread Buffers

available ram =MySQL ram

Global buffers


innodb_buffer_pool, key_buffer_size, query_cache_size, etc

Available RAM = Global Buffers + (Thread Buffers x max_connections)

max_connections = (Available RAM – Global Buffers) / Thread Buffers

global buffers





total size of global buffers

thread buffers






total threaded buffer size

generally 10% global buffers 1gb vs 100Mb.

max connections 151 default.

Ram= 1000+ (100*151)





check previous max used connections


check mysql error logs.

Update max connection limit in mysql.conf


max_connections = 500

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “max_connections”;
| Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 151 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

Check max used connections by mysql previous

maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server started.

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘max_use%’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 26 |
| Max_used_connections_time | 2021-02-12 02:39:15 |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Variable_name | Value |
| max_connections | 151 |
| mysqlx_max_connections | 100 |

he maximum number of concurrent client connections X Plugin can accept. This is the X Plugin equivalent of max_connections;

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE ‘max_user_connections’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| max_user_connections | 0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Aborted connection mysql

mysql> show global status like “%Aborted%”;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Aborted_clients | 0 |
| Aborted_connects | 47073 |
| Mysqlx_aborted_clients | 0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW STATUS LIKE ‘Threads_connected’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Threads_connected | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

also follow mysql memory allocation & optimization

Show threads currently running on MySQL DB instance


increasing thread_cache_size to allow more simultaneous users

max_used_connections is 151, and your current value for thread_cache_size is 10,

then you have a problem

thread_cache_size should be greater than Max_used_connections.

SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘Threads_created’;
SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘Max_used_connections’;

Threads_created / Connections : If this is over 0.01, then increase


| Variable_name | Value |
| Connections | 427 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘Threads_created’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Threads_created | 4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE ‘Max_used_connections’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Max_used_connections | 4 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

default mysql thread cache size is = 9 or 10

max connecton limit 151

Max_used_connectionsprevipous restrt 47

so i set thread cache size to 50

show global variables like ‘innodb_buffer_pool_size’;

thread_cache_size | 9

set global thread_cache_size = 50;

mysql> set global thread_cache_size = 50;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


thread_cache_size = 50;

Data API HTTP request body size 4 Megabytes No
Data API maximum concurrent cluster-secret pairs 30 No
Data API maximum concurrent requests 500 No
Data API maximum result set size 1 Megabytes No
Data API requests per second 1,000 No

mysql too many connections fix

ERROR 1040(): Too many connections error in the MySQL error log.

when it appears you need to increase the mysql max connections per second. it needs extra memory like memory per connection. more at amz rds

What is maximum connection?

Max Connections controls the maximum number of keep-alive connections the server maintains. The possible range is zero to 32768, and the default is 256.

How does MySQL determine max connections?

There's a MySQL Calculator you can use for this..

Thanx Omesh for your good suggestion. ... .

5GB is okay under normal load but if at a point if you get all the database requests equal to max number of connections then MySQL might get crashed so try to set these variables below 2GB. ... .

Hi Omesh I'll try this..

How do I fix MySQL max connections?


Identify the max_connections variable value: mysql --user="root" --password="PASSWORD" --execute='SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections"; ... .

Use your favorite text editor to change /etc/mysql/my.cnf and set the following values: max_connections = 500. ... .

Restart the MySQL service and to apply the changes..

What is total connections in MySQL?

The active or total connection can be known with the help of threads_connected variable. The variable tells about the number of currently open connections. mysql> show status where `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected'; Here is the output.