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In this tutorial, you will learn about different ways to run JavaScript on your computer.

Table of Contents

  • Video: JavaScript Getting Started
  • 1. Using Console Tab of Web Browsers
  • Using Node.js
  • By Creating Web Pages
  • Where do I write JavaScript code?
  • How do I start JavaScript code?
  • What is JavaScript example?
  • Is JavaScript easy to write?

Video: JavaScript Getting Started

JavaScript is a popular programming language that has a wide range of applications.

JavaScript was previously used mainly for making webpages interactive such as form validation, animation, etc. Nowadays, JavaScript is also used in many other areas such as server-side development, mobile app development and so on.

Because of its wide range of applications, you can run JavaScript in several ways:

  • Using console tab of web browsers
  • Using Node.js
  • By creating web pages

1. Using Console Tab of Web Browsers

All the popular web browsers have built-in JavaScript engines. Hence, you can run JavaScript on a browser. To run JavaScript on a browser,

  1. Open your favorite browser (here we will use Google Chrome).
  2. Open the developer tools by right clicking on an empty area and select Inspect. Shortcut: F12.

    Cara menggunakan node vs php reddit

    Inspect Browser
  3. On the developer tools, go to the console tab. Then, write JavaScript code and press enter to run the code.

    Console tab in Browser

Using Node.js

Node is a back-end run-time environment for executing JavaScript code. To run JS using Node.js, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest version of Node.js.
  2. Install an IDE/Text Editor like Visual Studio Code. In VS code, create a file > write JS code > save it with .js extension.

    Code in IDE
  3. Open up the terminal/command prompt > navigate to the file location > type node hello.js > hit enter.

    Execute JS code in node
  4. You will get output on the terminal.

Note: It is also possible to run JavaScript on the terminal/command prompt directly. For that, simply type node and press enter. Then you can start writing JS code.

Run JS code in node

By Creating Web Pages

JavaScript was initially created to make web pages interactive, that's why JavaScript and HTML go hand in hand. To run JS from a webpage, follow these steps:

  1. Open VS Code > Go to File > New File > Save it with .html extension. For example, main.html.
  2. Copy this doctype (minimum valid HTML code) and save it in the file.
  3. Similarly create a JS file, write the following JS code and save it with .js extension like main.js.
    console.log('hello world');

    JS code in a file
  4. From inside the HTML file, we need to link the main.js file to use it. You can achieve that by adding the following code in main.html.

    HTML code in a file
  5. Open the main.html file using a browser.
  6. To check if our JS code ran or not, Right click on the web page > Inspect > Choose console tab.

    Showing JS code in the console tab

Now that you know how to run JavaScript, let's start learning the fundamentals of JavaScript from the next tutorial.

Where do I write JavaScript code?

The tags.

How do I start JavaScript code?

To run JavaScript on a browser,.

Open your favorite browser (here we will use Google Chrome)..

Open the developer tools by right clicking on an empty area and select Inspect. Shortcut: F12 . Inspect Browser..

On the developer tools, go to the console tab. Then, write JavaScript code and press enter to run the code..

What is JavaScript example?

Examples of popular server-side web languages include PHP, Python, Ruby, ASP.NET, and even JavaScript! JavaScript can also be used as a server-side language, for example in the popular Node. js environment — you can find out more about server-side JavaScript in our Dynamic Websites – Server-side programming topic.

Is JavaScript easy to write?

Arguably, JavaScript is one of the easiest programming languages to learn, so it serves as a great first language for anyone brand new to coding. Even the most complex lines of JavaScript code can be written one by one, in fragments. It can also be tested in the web browser at the same time.

Node JS dipakai untuk apa?

Node.js adalah software open-source yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi jaringan dan aplikasi server-side yang real-time dan scalable (bisa dikembangkan sesuai kebutuhan). Pada dasarnya, Node.js adalah runtime environment lintas platform single-thread yang dibangun berdasarkan engine JavaScript V8 Chrome.

Bagaimana Node JS bekerja?

Node.js bekerja dengan konsep non-blocking dan single-threaded. Untuk memahami maksud dari kedua konsep tersebut, simaklah penjelasan pada bagian ini. Sebut saja program A sebagai contoh. Program ini bekerja dengan konsep blocking dan multi-threaded. Dalam kinerjanya, algoritma program A terdiri dari beberapa proses.

Kenapa memilih Nodejs?

Keunggulan Node.js Berikut beberapa di antaranya: Pemrosesan cepat – Node.js dapat mengeksekusi kode dengan sangat cepat karena berjalan pada V8 JavaScript Engine dari Google Chrome. Library yang lengkap – Node.js menyediakan banyak library/module JavaScript yang membantu menyederhanakan pengembangan aplikasi web.

Siapa yang membuat Node JS?

Node.js pertama kali diciptakan dan diperkenalkan untuk pengguna pada sistem Linux pada tahun 2009. Node.js dikembangkan oleh Ryan Dahl dan disponsori oleh Joyent, perusahaan tempat ia bekerja.