Contoh teks deskripsi tentang Tempat Wisata dalam Bahasa Inggris

Hi Cliffers! adalah sumber tentang contoh descriptive text tentang apapun yang pernah ada. Kali ini, kami akan menyuguhkan 10 contoh text descriptive tentang objek wisata yang ada di Indonesia. Ada begitu banyak tempat wisata yang ada di Indonesia, namun, kali ini merangkumnya dalam 10 tempat terpilih yang kami bungkus ke dalam text descriptive berikut.

10 Objek Wisata di Indonesia -

1. Komodo Island

As the name suggests, this island is the original habitat of the famous hot-blooded animal, Komodo dragons. This island is an occasionally managed by the government to be used as Komodo National Park, which is administratively stand side by side to the island of Sumbawa. The island is place for the habitat of this giant lizard has been claimed by UNESCO as world heritage. This is because komodo can only be seen in this area. Read More. 

2.  Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat Papua is the most Popular and Best tourism Places In Indonesia. This place is one of the Indonesian pride located in the eastern part of Indonesia precisely in the area of West Papua. Raja Ampat is interestingly well known by its underwater beauty. Almost half of the world's fish species are existed in the Raja Ampat sea. This tourism object in the Province of West Papua is like a small paradise that falls on earth. The beauty of it is amazing as it has always been buzzed in a number of promotions. Crystal clear sea with thousands of fish on coral reefs can easily be seen and enjoyed from the dock of the ship, a dream of many people love to cruise in one of the province ends at the eastern tip of Indonesia. Read More

 3.  Trio Gili

Trio Gili are the three beautiful islands in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Those three islands are Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air. All those three islands are not only known by its domestic tourists, but also has successfully invited many foreign tourists to come. Gili Trawangan is considerd as the largest among those three. With just 6 km square wide area, Trawangan is populated by 800 inhabitants. Trawangan has the various facilities tourists coming along; The "Tîr na Nôg" tavern claims that Trawangan is the smallest island in the world with its Irish bar. The most populous part of the island is the east side. Read More

 4.  Bali

Bali is a popular tourist attraction in Indonesia. Most people know Indonesia from Bali. Bali has plenty tourist attractions available to visit. There are beautiful Kuta beach tours to enjoy the sunset due to its location in the west side. There is Ubud that provides natural attractions with rural atmosphere and there are also other attractions which is also amazing such as Bedugul, Tanah Lot and many others. Read More

 Bunaken is an 8.08 km² island in Manado Bay, located in the north of Sulawesi island, Indonesia. This island is part of the city of Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Bunaken Island can be taken by speed boat [speed boat] or chartered boat with a journey about 30 minutes from the port city of Manado. Around Bunaken Island there is Bunaken marine park which is part of Bunaken National Park. This marine park has one of the highest marine biodiversity in the world. Bunaken Manado Marine National Park was officially established in 1991 and is one of the first marine parks of Indonesia. And designated as a national park by the Minister of Forestry in 1991 with an area of approximately 89,065 ha. Read More

6. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is very famous for its cultural tourism. The hospitality of its citizens and the comfort of the city became the main attraction of the city. There are historical tourism object such as Prambanan temple, Borobudur, Yogyakarta Palace, Goa Pindul, and Taman Sari. In addition to historical and cultural tours, you can also enjoy culinary tours of various kinds with very cheap prices. For those of you who like shopping at a very cheap price, you can also visit the area of Malioboro. Another specialty that is owned by Yogyakarta is as that this the richness of educated people from all over Indonesia. It can be said that Yogyakarta is the miniature of Indonesia due to its diverse ethnic, religious, language, and cultural diversity that is brought by millions student from various islands in Indonesia. Therefore the Special Region of Yogyakarta is also known as Kota Pelajar in Indonesia. Read More

The highest peak in the land of Papua is also the highest peak in Indonesia and also entered into one of the Seven Summit in seven continents of the world, namely Cartenzs Pyramid with a height of 4784 m above sea level. The top of Carstenzs is in the Jaya Wijaya mountains at 04º03'48 "LS 137º11'09" east, which is a limestone mountain, and there is a lasting snow in some places in these mountains. The mountain located in Papua province can be accessed by normal route from Ilaga village. Indonesia should be proud of the uniqueness and richness of nature such as the belongings of the Peak Cartensz. This time, Carstenz Pyramid or what could be called a glorious peak, is becoming the Madonna of Indonesian climber nowadays. This Carstensz peak is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Why not in Asia? Because the highest peak in Asia is already claimed by the Himalayas on the border of India and China. Read More
The Temple of Borobudur is the one hugest and largest Buddhist temple in the entire universe. This tourism object in Indonesia is set by UNESCO as one of the world heritage sites in 1991. Borobudur temple was buried volcanic ashes by the eruption of Mount Merapi, until later discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1814. Borobudur which is estimated to be built in 824 is composed of volcanic blocks and 504 forms of Buddha statues, 72 stupas and a main stupa right at the top of the temple. Mythically, if visitors put their hand into the stupa hole and managed to touch the statue in it, then their wish will come true. In the tourist area of the temple, the visitors can buy various souvenirs such as t-shirts, key chains, fans, or even the paintings of Borobudur Temple miniature. At vesak celebration, Borobudur Temple became the center of the gathering of many Buddhists from different parts of the world such as Tibet and Thailand. This ritual becomes one most wanted tourist attraction. The most popular tourists destination in this temple is the peak event of releasing lantern to the sky. The lampion lantern will be released along with prayer and hope for the next year. Read More

9.  Tana Toraja

Toraja has a wonderful natural beauty ranging from mountainous rows and green hills. In addition to its natural richness, Indonesia has the ancestral culture that is still maintained till now. Here, there are many ancient traditions still preserved, one of which is Rambu Solo'. Rambu Solo' is a funeral ceremony in Tana Toraja. It is the most expensive funeral ceremony in Indonesia and probably in the world. The ceremony is carried out for days at a cost that is not small. One of the rituals is to kill the buffalos. The people slaughter more than one buffalo. The higher the caste of the deceased, the more buffaloes are sacrificed. The Tana Toraja people believe that as long as they are not buried, the deceased is the one who is ill. His body deliberately injected formalin so that it is not easily decompose while Rambu Solo' ritual is running. The deceased is considered to be in a state of ill health only. The family treats her like a living person, invites her to chat and joke. By the time that Rambu Solo’ ritual is finished, so that they will consider that person is dead. After that, people will put the body in hanging grave on the very steep cliff. Read More


10. Danau Toba

The lake tourism destination that became the center of attention throughout Indonesia is Lake Toba. The lake is located in the northern province of Sumatra. Toba is a crater lake containing a small island in the middle. The large of Lake Toba is almost similar to the large of several districts in North Sumatera Province, therefore Lake Toba is claimed as the largest lake in Southeast Asia. It has about 100 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide. Read More 

Semoga terbantu yaa dengan kumpulan text descriptive yang telah sajikan. jangan lupa untuk kunjungi postingan kami sebelumnya tentang contoh text descriptive tentang Danau Toba yaa. semoga bermanfaat.Ciao.

10 Text Descriptive tentang Tempat Wisata Indonesia 2017-05-28T23:44:00-07:00 Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin

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