How can you make a list that lists the items?

HTML Lists

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HTML lists allow web developers to group a set of related items in lists.


An unordered HTML list:

  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item

An ordered HTML list:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
  4. Fourth item

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CSS Lists

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10 Lists


  1. Introduction to lists
  2. Unordered lists (UL), ordered lists (OL), and list items (LI)
  3. Definition lists: the DL, DT, and DD elements
    1. Visual rendering of lists
  4. The DIR and MENU elements

How can you make a list that lists the items with bullets?i)
    ii) iii)

Home/ Indian/Computer Science/How can you make a list that lists the items with bullets?i)

    ii) iii)