How do i migrate data in mysql workbench?

The world's most popular open source database

10.8.11 Bulk Data Transfer

Depending on the selected option, this will either transfer the data to the target RDMS (default), generate a simple script for the online data transfer, or generate script to execute on the source host that then generates a Zip file containing both the transfer script and data that will be executed on the target host. Optionally, view the logs to confirm (see the figure that follows).

Figure 10.64 MySQL Workbench Migration: Bulk Data Transfer

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10.2.2 Migrating from Supported Databases

When a supported RDBMS product is being migrated, the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard will automatically convert as much information as it can, but you may still be required to manually edit the automatically migrated schema for difficult cases, or when the default mapping is not as desired.

Generally speaking, only table information and its data are automatically converted to MySQL. Code objects such as views, stored procedures, and triggers, are not. But supported RDBMS products will be retrieved and displayed in the wizard. You can then manually convert them, or save them for converting at a later time.

The following RDBMS products and versions are currently tested and supported by the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard, although other RDBMS products can also be migrated with Section 10.2.3, “Migrating from Unsupported (Generic) Databases”:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and later

  • Microsoft Access 2007 and later

  • MySQL Server 5.6 and higher as the source, and MySQL Server 5.6 and higher as the target

  • PostgreSQL 8.0 and later

  • SQL Anywhere

  • SQLite

  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.x and later


This feature was added in MySQL Workbench 6.2.0.

General Information

Microsoft Windows is required because Microsoft Access ODBC drivers are only available on Windows. As for the destination MySQL server, you can have it in the same local machine or elsewhere in your network.

Preparing a Microsoft Access Database for Migration

Microsoft Access stores relationship/foreign key information in an internal table called MSysRelationships. That table is protected against read access even to the Admin user, so if you try to migrate without opening up access to it, then you will get an error like this:

[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'msysobjects'. (-1907) (SQLExecDirectW)

The steps to grant read access to the Admin role (using Microsoft Access 2007) are summarized as follows:

  • Open up database in Microsoft Access

  • From the ribbon, click the to open the Visual Basic (VB) console. The following figure shows the location of this button in the Macro area.

    Figure 10.20 Locating the Visual Basic Macro Database Tool

    How do i migrate data in mysql workbench?

  • To confirm that you're logged in as the "Admin" user, locate the Immediate panel and type the "? CurrentUser" and press Enter. This should output "Admin" under "? CurrentUser" in the panel (see the figure that follows).

  • Also in the Immediate panel, type the following command to grant access:

    CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "GRANT SELECT ON MSysRelationships TO Admin"

    Figure 10.21 GRANT SELECT ON MSysRelationships TO Admin

    How do i migrate data in mysql workbench?

  • Quit the Microsoft Access application

Start the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard

From the main MySQL Workbench screen you can start the Migration Wizard by clicking the database-migration launcher (

How do i migrate data in mysql workbench?
) in the Workbench side panel or by clicking and then from the main menu. As the following figure shows, a new tab showing the Overview page of the Migration Wizard is displayed.

Figure 10.22 Migration Overview Page

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Setting Up ODBC Drivers

To verify that you have the ODBC driver installed, click Open ODBC Administrator from the MySQL Workbench migration overview page to open the system ODBC tool. Then, select the Drivers tab (see the figure that follows).

Figure 10.23 Checking the ODBC Drivers for Access Support

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MySQL Workbench has a 64-bit executable. The ODBC drivers you use must be of the same architecture as the MySQL Workbench binaries you are using. If during migration you get an ODBC error about "architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application", you installed the wrong version of MySQL Workbench.

In the User DSN tab, click Add to create a DSN for your database file. As the next figure shows, a new data source was created for the northwind database sample.

Figure 10.24 Adding a New DSN

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Setting Up Source Parameters

Click Start Migration from the Overview page to advance to the Source Selection page. Here you need to provide the information about the Access database you are migrating from, the ODBC driver to use, and the parameters for the Access connection.

Open the Database System combo box for a list of supported RDBMSes, and select Microsoft Access from the list. There is another combo box below it named Stored Connection. It lists saved connection settings for that RDBMS. You can save connections by marking the check box at the bottom of the page, along with a name for the saved connection.

The next combo box selects the Connection Method. This time we are going to select ODBC Data Source from the list. This allows you to select pre-existing DSNs that you have configured in your system.

The DSN drop-down list will have all DSNs you have defined in your system. Pick the one you created for the Access database being migrated from the list.

In the Default Character Set field you can select the character set of your database (see the figure that follows). If your Access version uses western/latin characters, you can leave the default cp1252. However, if you use a localized version of Access, such as Japanese, you must enter the correct character set used by your edition of Microsoft Office, otherwise the data will be copied incorrectly.

Figure 10.25 Access Source Selection

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Lastly, click Test Connection to check whether an ODBC connection can be established. If you entered the correct parameters then you should see a message reporting a successful connection attempt.

Setting Up Target Parameters

Next, set up the target (MySQL) database parameters by defining the parameters that connect to your MySQL Server instance. When finished, click Test Connection to verify the connection definition. The following figure shows the Parameters tab.

Figure 10.26 Target Database Selection

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Select the Objects to Migrate

Next, you should see the reverse engineering of the selected database objects progress. At this point, the migration wizard is retrieving relevant information about the involved database objects (such as table names, table columns, primary and foreign keys, indexes, triggers, views, and more). You will be presented a page showing the progress as shown in the next figure.

Figure 10.27 Reverse Engineer Source

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Wait for it to finish and verify that everything went well. Next, the Source Objects displays a list with the objects that were retrieved and are available for migration. It will look similar to the figure that follows.

Figure 10.28 Source Objects

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In the previous example, the migration wizard discovered table and view objects for our source database. Only the table objects are selected by default for migration.


You can also select the view objects but you must also provide their corresponding MySQL equivalent code later (no automatic migration is available for them) so our example will leave the views unchecked. The same applies for stored procedures, functions and triggers.

Click Show Selection to configure exactly which objects you want to migrate, as the next figure shows.

Figure 10.29 Source Objects Selection

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The objects on the right will be migrated. The filter box can filter the list (wildcards are allowed, as demonstrated above). By using the arrow buttons you can filter out the objects that you do not want to migrate. Before continuing, clear the filter text box to check the full list of the selected objects. Our example migrates all of the table objects so all of them are in the Objects to Migrate list, and the Migrate Table Objects check box is checked.

Review the Proposed Migration

At this point, the migration wizard converts the selected objects into their equivalent objects into the target MySQL server, and it also generates the MySQL code needed to create them. You might have to wait before the Manual Editing step displays the initial page shown in the next figure.

Figure 10.30 Manual Editing: Initial Page

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The View combo box changes the way the migrated database objects are shown (see the figure that follows). Click Show Code to view and edit the generated MySQL code that corresponds to the selected object. Additionally, you can double-click on a row in the object tree to edit the object name, or double-click the database row to change its name.

Figure 10.31 Manual Editing: All Objects

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The View combo box also has a Column Mappings option. As the following figure indicates, it shows the table columns and allows you to review and fix the mapping of column types, default values, and other attributes.

Figure 10.32 Manual Editing: Column Mappings

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Create the Database Objects

Next is the Target Creation Options page, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 10.33 Target Creation Options

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Use target-creation options to execute the generated code in the target RDBMS (your MySQL instance from the second step) or you can dump it to an SQL script file. Leave it as shown in the previous figure and move to the next page. The migrated SQL code will be executed on the target MySQL server. You can view its progress in the Create Schemas page shown in the next figure.

Figure 10.34 Create Schemas

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When the creation of the schemas and objects finishes, you can move to the Create Target Results page. It presents a list of created objects and includes any generated errors while they were created. It will look similar to the following figure.

Figure 10.35 Create Target Results

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You can edit the migration code using the code box to the right, and save your changes by clicking Apply. If edits were made, you still need to recreate the objects with the modified code in order to perform the changes. This is done by clicking Recreate Objects. In this tutorial we are not changing anything, so leave the code as it is, and continue on to the Data Transfer Setup page.

Transfer the Data to the MySQL Database

The next step transfers data from the source Access database into your newly created target MySQL database. The Data Transfer Setup page allows you to configure this process (see the figure that follows).

Figure 10.36 Data Transfer Setup

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There are two sets of options here. The first allows you to perform a live transference and/or to dump the data into a batch file that you can execute later. The other set of options allows you to alter this process.

This tutorial uses the default values for the options in this page as shown in the previous figure. Next, the data is transferred. At this point the corresponding progress page confirms the tasks being performed (see the figure that follows).

Figure 10.37 Bulk Data Transfer

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Once it finishes, move to the next page. You will be presented a report page summarizing the whole process. Now, review and click Finish to close the wizard.


Now that the northwind database was successfully migrated, you can view the results. Open an SQL Editor that is associated with your MySQL server instance and then query the northwind database. For example, execute a query like SELECT * FROM northwind.customers, which populates the result grid as shown in the next figure.

Figure 10.38 Verify Your Results

How do i migrate data in mysql workbench?

What is migration in MySQL Workbench?

With the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizard, users can convert an existing database to MySQL in minutes rather than hours or days that the same migration would require using traditional, manual methods. The Migration Wizard allows you to easily and quickly migrate databases from various RDBMS products to MySQL.

How do I transfer data from one MySQL database to another?

In order to migrate the database, there are two steps:.
Step One—Perform a MySQL Dump. Before transferring the database file to the new VPS, we first need to back it up on the original virtual server by using the mysqldump command. ... .
Step Two—Copy the Database. SCP helps you copy the database. ... .
Step Three—Import the Database..

How do I copy data from one schema to another in MySQL Workbench?

Show activity on this post..
Select tab with source database..
In menu: Server->Data Export..
Select Schema and the Table as Schema Object..
Select option Export to Self-Contained File and check Create Dump in a Single Transaction (self-contained only).
Copy full file path to clipboard..
Start Export..

How do I import and export data from MySQL Workbench?

To import a file, open Workbench and click on + next to the MySQL connections option. Fill in the fields with the connection information. Once connected to the database go to Data Import/Restore. Choose the option Import from Self-Contained File and select the file.