How do you wash live abalone?

The guts must be removed as soon as the abalone is dead.

Remove abalone flesh from the shell by sliding a short-bladed knife around the edge, between the flesh and the shell, cutting the flesh from the shell.

Pull the flesh out of the shell.

Slice the guts from the flesh and discard.


Using a small clean scrubbing brush or clean pot scourer, scrub the mucus off the skirt (black or green fringe) for a more attractive appearance.

Trim the skirt.


Abalones often need to be tenderised before further preparation. Any, or a combination, of the following steps can be taken.


Cut the flesh horizontally into 2–5 mm slices.

Beat the layered abalone firmly with a smooth-surfaced mallet until the muscle relaxes and becomes supple.

Optional: Place sheets of sturdy plastic between the flesh slices before beating.


Mincing will also help tenderise the abalone but use of this method will depend on the end presentation desired.

Cooking method

The way abalone is cooked will affect its tenderness. It can be cooked for a long period at a low temperature or for a very short period at a high temperature:

slow cook: up to six hours at about 92–95°C in water or a stock

fast cook: sliced very thinly (1–2 mm) and stir-fried for five seconds

Alternatively, abalone can be thinly sliced and eaten raw.

Abalone is one of the types of seafood that is extremely nutritious and healthy. But not everyone knows how to choose to buy and prepare abalone properly and quickly.


How do you wash live abalone?

Abalone is one of the types of seafood that is extremely nutritious and healthy. But not everyone knows how to choose to buy and prepare abalone properly and quickly.

How do you wash live abalone?

Abalone is one of the extremely nutritious and healthy seafood suitable for all ages. Most abalone products are sold in frozen, frozen form (caught by abalone offshore).
Many customers who buy Vietnamese abalone do not know how to clean the abalone, how to cook the dish, but still retain the nutritional value and fresh taste of the abalone.

The article below will guide you how to clean and cook abalone properly.
Step 1: After buying abalone, you need to thaw it completely at normal temperature for the abalone to soften, this is the best natural defrosting way, helping to keep the quality of the abalone although it takes a bit of time. space.
Step 2: Wash off the surface oil and dirt as well as rub the edges of the abalone.
Step 3: Use a spoon or a sharp knife to pry the abalone meat up, cut off the lower black offal part of it (you can keep to cook porridge if you want to increase flavor).
Step 4: Rinse and proceed to cook.

How do you wash live abalone?

The delicious dishes from abalone: ​​cooking porridge, soup, oyster sauce, spicy and sour sauce, fried with shiitake mushrooms, grilled with onion fat, grilled cheese …

How do you wash live abalone?

Tip: Remember to leave and clean the shell if you want to make a baking dish or to decorate the dish. Also, thaw as much as you eat to avoid damaging the abalone because the abalone is hypersensitive to the hand and fresh water.

How do you wash live abalone?

Instructions on how to cook abalone porridge are extremely simple:

Among the abalone recipes, the abalone porridge is probably the most popular, easy to eat, easy to cook and most nutritious dish. How to cook this dish is extremely simple. Meanwhile, old and young, big and small can eat and it is important to keep the flavor and nutrition of this royal dish.

Step 1: The abalone buys and prepares it, removes the meat and fries it with scented oil. If using dried abalone, wash it, soak it in warm water for 30 minutes, then steam in a water bath until the abalone is soft. Place the abalone in a saucepan and lightly fry with a little oil and onions.
Step 2: Wash off the glutinous rice and sticky rice, then pour it into the pot and add the bone broth, boil.
Step 3: Put salted duck eggs in a pot of boiled water, crush the yolks, then stir-fry with cooking oil to form a comparative mixture.
Step 4: The mushrooms are washed, removed the feet, chopped. Onions, washed and chopped ship smell.
Step 5: Wait for the porridge to boil and the rice has evenly hatched, let the abalone stir-fry, season with spices, add chopped mushrooms, wait for the porridge to boil again, then draw it into a bowl.
Step 6: Sprinkle the salted egg mixture, add onions, Chinese scent, pepper, and chili powder.

Can I wash my abalone shell?

Rinse and dry the shells for a few days to clean them off. Let them sit for a few days so they can completely dry off. If you didn't catch the shells and they're already clean and dry, you don't need to worry about this. The main purpose of rinsing and washing fresh abalone shells is to clear away any slime and muck.

How do you clean abalone guts?

The guts must be removed as soon as the abalone is dead. Remove abalone flesh from the shell by sliding a short-bladed knife around the edge, between the flesh and the shell, cutting the flesh from the shell. Pull the flesh out of the shell. Slice the guts from the flesh and discard.

Can you eat live abalone Raw?

In Japan, the live baby abalone or awabi is prepared as sashimi and sushi where you can best enjoy its fresh and light crunchy sweetness with a little dash of soy and wasabi.

How do you clean and shine abalone?

Remove any pieces or barnacles or worms by hitting them with a small metal bar. Remove as much as you can..
Scrub the outside of the shell with a wire brush. ... .
Fill your bucket 3/4 full with water. ... .
Apply a small amount of vitamin E oil to your fingertips and rub onto the inside and outside of your abalone shell to polish..