How to convert list to dataframe in python

How to Convert List of Lists to a Pandas Dataframe

Problem: You’re given a list of lists. Your goal is to convert it into a Pandas Dataframe.

Example: Say, you want to compare salary data of different companies and job descriptions. You’ve obtained the following salary data set as a list of list:

salary = [['Google', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 121000],
          ['Google', 'Data Scientist', 109000],
          ['Google', 'Tech Lead', 129000],
          ['Facebook', 'Data Scientist', 103000]]

How can you convert this into a Pandas Dataframe?

  • DataFrame()
  • DataFrame.from_records()
  • Column Names
  • Programmer Humor
  • Where to Go From Here?

Solution: The straight-forward solution is to use the pandas.DataFrame() constructor that creates a new Dataframe object from different input types such as NumPy arrays or lists.

Here’s how to do it for the given example:

import pandas as pd

salary = [['Google', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 121000],
          ['Google', 'Data Scientist', 109000],
          ['Google', 'Tech Lead', 129000],
          ['Facebook', 'Data Scientist', 103000]]

df = pd.DataFrame(salary)

This results in the following Dataframe:


          0                          1       2
0    Google  Machine Learning Engineer  121000
1    Google             Data Scientist  109000
2    Google                  Tech Lead  129000
3  Facebook             Data Scientist  103000

Try It Yourself: Run this code in our interactive Python shell by clicking the “Run” button.


An alternative is the pandas.DataFrame.from_records() method that generates the same output:

import pandas as pd

salary = [['Company', 'Job', 'Salary($)'],
          ['Google', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 121000],
          ['Google', 'Data Scientist', 109000],
          ['Google', 'Tech Lead', 129000],
          ['Facebook', 'Data Scientist', 103000]]

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(salary)
          0                          1       2
0    Google  Machine Learning Engineer  121000
1    Google             Data Scientist  109000
2    Google                  Tech Lead  129000
3  Facebook             Data Scientist  103000

Try It Yourself: Run this code in our interactive Python shell by clicking the “Run” button.

Column Names

If you want to add column names to make the output prettier, you can also pass those as a separate argument:

import pandas as pd

salary = [['Google', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 121000],
          ['Google', 'Data Scientist', 109000],
          ['Google', 'Tech Lead', 129000],
          ['Facebook', 'Data Scientist', 103000]]

df = pd.DataFrame(salary, columns=['Company', 'Job', 'Salary($)'])

    Company                        Job  Salary($)
0    Google  Machine Learning Engineer     121000
1    Google             Data Scientist     109000
2    Google                  Tech Lead     129000
3  Facebook             Data Scientist     103000

Try It Yourself: Run this code in our interactive Python shell by clicking the “Run” button.

If the first list of the list of lists contains the column name, use slicing to separate the first list from the other lists:

import pandas as pd

salary = [['Company', 'Job', 'Salary($)'],
          ['Google', 'Machine Learning Engineer', 121000],
          ['Google', 'Data Scientist', 109000],
          ['Google', 'Tech Lead', 129000],
          ['Facebook', 'Data Scientist', 103000]]

df = pd.DataFrame(salary[1:], columns=salary[0])

    Company                        Job  Salary($)
0    Google  Machine Learning Engineer     121000
1    Google             Data Scientist     109000
2    Google                  Tech Lead     129000
3  Facebook             Data Scientist     103000

Slicing is a powerful Python feature and before you can master Pandas, you need to master slicing. To refresh your Python slicing skills, download my ebook “Coffee Break Python Slicing” for free.

Summary: To convert a list of lists into a Pandas DataFrame, use the pd.DataFrame() constructor and pass the list of lists as an argument. An optional columns argument can help you structure the output.

Programmer Humor

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: those who know binary and those who don’t.

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand trinary, those who don’t, and those who mistake it for binary.


Where to Go From Here?

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How to convert list to dataframe in python

While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website He’s author of the popular programming book Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), coauthor of the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books, computer science enthusiast, freelancer, and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

Can you convert a list to DataFrame in Python?

We can create data frames using lists in the dictionary.

How do I convert a list to a DataFrame row in Python?

Here we are passing the individual lists which act as columns in the data frame to keys to the dictionary, so by passing the dictionary into dataframe() we can convert list to dataframe. These keys will be the column names in the dataframe. Example: Python3.

How do I convert a list to a DataFrame column in Python?

tolist() you can convert pandas DataFrame Column to List. df['Courses'] returns the DataFrame column as a Series and then use values. tolist() to convert the column values to list.

How do I convert a list to pandas?

Since there is no method to convert pandas. DataFrame , pandas. Series directly to list , first get the NumPy array ndarray with the values attribute, and then use tolist() method to convert to list . The values attribute does not include labels (row/column names).