How to get permanent access token Facebook

Working with the Facebook API, specifically, displaying your personal Facebook Feed or profile page on a website, requires a Access Token.

Video tutorial

A step-by-step tutorial on how to get Facebook Access Token

Facebook access token is an opaque string which is used to identify the user, application, or page and can be applied by the application to make graph API calls. Getting token for Facebook page is absolutely free. All you need to do here is open Graph API Explorer and follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to Facebook Developer account:
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  2. Press Add New App>
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  3. Press Create App ID and enter the capture into the capture field.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  4. Go to and replace Graph API Expolrer with the app you’ve created.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  5. Press Get Token and select Get User Access Token.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  6. Check the required options on the popup window and choose the permissions needed for your app.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  7. Press Get Access Token.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  8. Confirm all the requests.
  9. Click Info icon next to the token.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  10. Press Open in Access Token Tool.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook
  11. Press Extend Access Token.
    How to get permanent access token Facebook

Important! Access token is only valid for two months, so make sure you take all these steps again in two months, to refresh the Facebook token.

Now you have read the whole article and if you still have questions, check our FAQ. You may find the answers there.


How do I know which permissions to choose for my app?

Depending on the functionality you want, choose one or several permissions from the lists below.

User Data:

  • email grants a permission to access a person’s primary email address.
  • user_age_range provides an app with a permission to access a person’s age range.
  • user_birthday grants an app permission to access a person’s birthday.
  • user_friends gives a permission to access a list of friends that also use said app. Bare in mind that this permission is restricted to a limited set of partners.
  • user_gender gives a permission to access a person’s gender.
  • user_likes grants a permission to access the list of all Facebook Pages that a person has marked as the ones he likes.
  • user_link provides an app with a permission to access the Facebook Profile URL of User of your app.
  • user_location gives an access to a person’s current city through the location field on the User object.
  • user_photos grants a permission to access the photos a person has uploaded.
  • user_posts is used to grant permission to access the posts a person makes on their timeline.
  • user_tagged_places grants your app access to the Places a person has been tagged at photos, videos, etc. This one is restricted to a limited set of partners.
  • user_videos provides an access to the videos a person has uploaded or been tagged in. This permission is also restricted to a limited set of partners.

Pages and Business Assets:

  • ads_management gives a permission to both read and manage the ads for ad accounts you own or have been granted access to by the owner or owners of the ad accounts through this permission.
  • ads_read gives access to the Ads Insights API to pull ads report information for ad accounts you own or have been granted access to by the owner or owners of other ad accounts through this permission.
  • business_management gives a permission to read and write with the Business Manager API.
  • groups_access_member_info gives a permission to publicly available group member information.
  • manage_pages gives permission to retrieve Page Access Tokens for the Pages and Apps that the app user administers.
  • pages_manage_cta allows app to perform POST and DELETE operations on endpoints used for managing a Page’s Call To Action buttons.
  • pages_manage_instant_articles gives permission to manage Instant Articles on behalf of Facebook Pages administered by people using your app.
  • pages_show_list gives permission to manage Instant Articles on behalf of Facebook Pages administered by people using your app.
  • read_page_mailboxes gives permission to manage and access your Pages’ messaging conversations.
  • user_events allows to read-only access to the Events a person is a host of or has RSVPed to.


  • instagram_basic gives a permission to read Instagram Accounts users of your app manage.
  • instagram_manage_comments gives an opportunity to read Instagram Accounts users of your app manage.
  • read_insights grants permissions to read-only access of the Insights data for Pages, Apps, and web domains the person owns.
  • whatsapp_business_management provides the ability to read and/or manage WhatsApp business assets you own or have been granted access to by other businesses through this permission.

More information on the permissions is available here.

Refresh tokens carry the information necessary to get a new access token. They are also expire but usually they are long-lived.

Can I get a permanent access token?

There are only two types of tokens available: short-lived and long-lived.

If you haven’t found the information you’ve been looking for, please, feel free to ask questions in the comments section below. We will be glad to help!

How do I get a long term access token on Facebook?

At a high level, you obtain a long-lived token for the client by: Using a valid, long-lived access token, your server sends a request to get a code from Facebook. Facebook sends a code back to your server and you securely send this code to the client.

How do I get Facebook access token that never expires?

If you want to make sure your Facebook page access token never expires, click “Debug” button. If you can see “expires: never”, it means Facebook page access token will never expire.

How long does a Facebook access token last?

When your app uses Facebook Login to authenticate someone, it receives a User access token. If your app uses one of the Facebook SDKs, this token lasts for about 60 days. However, the SDKs automatically refresh the token whenever the person uses your app, so the tokens expire 60 days after last use.

How do I get access token?

Basic steps.
Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials from the Google API Console. ... .
Obtain an access token from the Google Authorization Server. ... .
Examine scopes of access granted by the user. ... .
Send the access token to an API. ... .
Refresh the access token, if necessary..