I cant see my photos on facebook

With 845 million active users as of the end of 2011, Facebook is a great place to share information. You can invite the public to events, update friends about activities in your life and even upload photos for others to view. Sometimes problems occur that prevent users from accessing your pictures. Editing the privacy settings for your photos ensures that your friends and family can see pictures you post. If your photos or albums vanish but your settings are correct, you may need to contact Facebook for further assistance.


  1. 1.

    Log in to your Facebook account to check the privacy settings on the pictures or albums that people cannot view.

  2. 2.

    Navigate to your profile by clicking on your username in the blue bar at the top of your home screen.

  3. 3.

    Press the "Photos" link under your cover picture to bring up the individual pictures and albums you have created.

  4. 4.

    Click on the small arrow below each picture or album to set the appropriate audience. Those that say "Only Me" are invisible to everyone else. Those that say "Friends" can be seen only by those on your friends list, and those marked "Public" should be viewable by everyone.


  1. 1.

    Learn about Facebook's maintenance work. If you check your settings and they all seem fine, then be aware that sometimes pictures temporarily vanish during and just after routine maintenance. A message that Facebook is not available or will return shortly is a sign of such maintenance.

  2. 2.

    Log off your account and return in several hours to see if missing photos reappear after maintenance.

    Facebook has become ubiquitous in today’s world. It’s something you expect to always be there working, ready to service your need to snoop on people from your distant past and get involved in whatever strange Facebook groups you’re part of. If pictures are not loading on Facebook, then that defeats a big point of the social site’s appeal. For this reason, we’ve put together a list of reasons your Facebook pictures might not be loading and what you can do about it.


    • 1. Check Facebook Server Status
    • 2. Allow Sites to Show Images in Browser
    • 3. Clear Browser Cache
    • 4. Troubleshoot Internet Problems
    • 5. Change DNS Settings
    • 6. Reset Network Configurations
    • 7. Disable Ad Blocker
    • 8. Clear Facebook Cache (Android/iOS)
    • 9. Disable Data Saver (Android)
    • 10. Open Facebook in Your Mobile Browser (Android & iOS)
    • 11. Try Facebook Lite (Android)
    • 12. Reinstall the App
    • Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Check Facebook Server Status

    Many of the reasons for Facebook pictures not loading are that it’s the result of issues on the side of the user. However, this isn’t always the case, and it’s worth checking the status of the server on Facebook’s developer website to see if they’re having issues. There is an itemized list of issues on the website that gives an idea of past and current issues.

    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook
    I cant see my photos on facebook

    Alexandra Arici

    Alexandra is passionate about mobile tech and can be often found fiddling with a smartphone from some obscure company. She kick-started her career in tech journalism in 2013, after working a few years as a middle-school teacher. Constantly driven by curiosity, Alexandra likes to know how things work and to share that knowledge with everyone.

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    Why can't I see my photos on Facebook?

    On a Mobile Device Open Facebook on your mobile device. Tap on the “Menu” tab in the bottom right corner of your Facebook app (or top if you use an Android device). Tap on “See your profile.” Scroll down, and under the new post section, tap on “Photos.”

    How do I get my photos to show on Facebook?

    Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Scroll down and tap Photos. Tap the album you'd like to view.

    What happened to my photos on Facebook?

    1. Wait a few hours and then check back, difficult though this might be. Sometimes images on Facebook disappear during server maintenance. If the images don't reappear, contact Facebook to report the problem.