Php code for like button like in facebook

The Facebook Like Button is a very useful and rapidly popular social web marketing tool that can be applied to websites and webpages. By default, the Facebook's Like Button form will recommend a specific web page that is hard coded into the code snippet (which can be generated by Facebook's Like Button form).

Typepad users now have the Facebook Like Button embedded as a core application, which has helped to generate a lot of traffic to blog websites based on a recent report by Typepad.

It is possible to publish a Facebook Like Button that references a dynamic Wordpress Post page rather than just making recommendations to the website in general.

How to reference the URL for a single Wordpress post

On the Wordpress post page template, below the snippet:

id="post-">, you can print the page URL with the following code: <?php the_permalink(); ?>

The above code snippet, will print the URL of that post page. 


I want to create like button on posts that users can like that post... plz help

html5 php

3/28/2019 8:21:17 AM


Php code for like button like in facebook

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://Here is a code and explanation

Sudarshan Rai

Php code for like button like in facebook

Just a few days before, Facebook has launched Reactions, an extension of Like button. I succeeded in implementing the same in my WallScript 8, Build Your Own Social Network. Here is a quick and easy way to implement the Reactions using PHP,Jquery and PDO MySQL. It’s a basic idea of implementing the Reactions. Hope you enjoy the new Reactions for Like button..! Take a quick look at the live demo.

Php code for like button like in facebook

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Php code for like button like in facebook
Live Demo

Database Design
To build the message like reaction system, you have to create four tables such as Users, Messages, Message_Like and Reactions. This following image generated by using Mysql Workbench tool.

Users Table

User table contains all the users registration details.

CREATE TABLE `users` (
`username` varchar(25) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
`password` varchar(50) NOT NULL ,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`profile_pic` varchar(200) NOT NULL,

Data will store in following way, here the password data PHP login script with PDO and HASH encryption.


Php code for like button like in facebook

Php code for like button like in facebook

Messages Table

This table contains user status messages data. Here uid_fk  is the FOREIGN KEY to REFERENCES users.uid

CREATE TABLE   `messages` (
`message` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`uid_fk` int(11) NOT NULL,
`like_count` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`created` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (uid_fk)REFERENCES users(uid)


Php code for like button like in facebook

Php code for like button like in facebook

Reactions Table

This table contains reaction data names.

CREATE TABLE reactions(


Php code for like button like in facebook

Php code for like button like in facebook

Message Like Table

Contains all user message likes relation data. Here uid_fk is FOREIGN KEY to REFERENCES users.uid, rid_fk is FOREIGN KEY to REFERENCES reactions.rid and msg_id_fk is FOREIGN KEY to REFERENCES messages.msg_id

CREATE TABLE `message_like` (
`msg_id_fk` int(11),
`uid_fk` int(11) NOT NULL,
`created` int(11) NOT NULL,
`rid_fk` int(11) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (uid_fk) REFERENCES users(uid),
FOREIGN KEY (msg_id_fk) REFERENCES messages(msg_id),
FOREIGN KEY (rid_fkREFERENCES reactions(rid)


Php code for like button like in facebook

Php code for like button like in facebook

JavaScript Libraries
You have to include following JavaScript libraries. I have modified jquery tooltipster plugin for reactions popup.

Jquery Code
Applying reaction tooltipster to the anchor tag. Tipsy plugin for reaction name tool tip.

//Black tooltip for reaction icons.
$(".likeTypeAction").tipsy({gravity: 's',live: true});

//Reactions popup on mouseover
$(".reaction").livequery(function ()
//Reactions HTML Content
var reactionsCode=''+

contentAsHTML: true,
interactive: true,
content: $(reactionsCode),


//HTML Code


CSS Code
I have implemented image sprite.

.likeType {
background-image: url('../images/like_types.png');
background-size: 100%;
display: block;
height: 40px;
image-rendering: crisp-edges;
line-height: 1;
width: 40px;
cursor: pointer;
.angryIcon {
background-position: 0px 0px;
.confusedIcon {
background-position: 0px -40px;
.hahaIcon {
background-position: 0px -80px;
.likeIcon {
background-position: 0px -120px
.loveIcon {
background-position:0px -160px;
.sadIcon {
background-position: 0px -200px;
.wowIcon {
background-position: 0px -240px;
.coolIcon {
background-position: 0px -280px;
.likeTypeAction{float: left; margin-right: 8px; cursor: pointer;}

Like Ajax
Contains javascript code. $("body").on('click','.likeTypeAction', function(){}- here likeTypeAction is the class name of the reaction icon tag. Using $(this).parent().parent().attr("id") calling icon tag message ID value.

var reactionType=$(this).attr("data-reaction");
var reactionName=$(this).attr("original-title");
var rel=$(this).parent().parent().attr("rel");
var x=$(this). parent().parent().attr("id");
var sid=x.split("reaction");
var msg_id=sid[1];

var htmlData=''+reactionName+'';
var dataString = 'msg_id='+ msg_id +'&rid='+reactionType;

type: "POST",
url: 'ajaxReaction.php',
data: dataString,
cache: false,
beforeSend: function(){},
success: function(html)

return false;

Unlike Ajax
Contains javascript code. $("body").on('click','.unLike', function(){}- here unLike is the class name of the unlike anchor tag. Using $(this).attr("id") calling anchor tag message ID value.

var reactionType='1';
var x=$(this).attr("id");
var sid=x.split("like");
var msg_id=sid[1];
var dataString = 'msg_id='+ msg_id +'&rid='+reactionType;
var htmlData='Like';
type: "POST",
url: 'ajaxReaction.php',
data: dataString,
cache: false,
beforeSend: function(){},
success: function(html)

return false;

Contains PHP and HTML code, displaying all of the user updates by calling $feed->newsFeed();

include_once 'config.php';

foreach($feedData as $data)

echo $data->name; ?>
echo $data->message; ?>

 } ?>

Database configuration file, modify username, password and database values. Enable PDO extension for PHP

define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');
define('DB_USERNAME', 'username');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'Reations');
define("BASE_URL", "");

function getDB()
$dbhost= DB_SERVER;
$dbuser= DB_USERNAME;
$dbpass= DB_PASSWORD;
$dbname= DB_DATABASE;
$dbConnection = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpass);
$dbConnection->exec("set names utf8"); //utf-8 support
$dbConnection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
return $dbConnection;

include_once 'feed.php';
$feed = new feed();

Ajax post file for updating user reactions.

include_once 'config.php';
if($_POST['msg_id'] && $_POST['rid'] && $session_uid>0)
echo $data;

Contains simple PHP code to update user reaction data, this will get all users update. You have to modify based on your session id.

class feed
/* News Feed Data */
public function newsFeed()
$db = getDB();
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT U.uid,, U.username,U.profile_pic, M.msg_id, M.message, M.created, M.like_count FROM users U,messages M WHERE U.uid=M.uid_fk ORDER BY M.msg_id DESC");
$data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$db = null;
return $data;

/* User Reaction Check */
public function reactionCheck($uid, $msg_id)
$db = getDB();
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT L.like_id, FROM message_like L, reactions R WHERE R.rid=L.rid_fk AND L.uid_fk=:uid AND L.msg_id_fk=:msg_id");
$stmt->bindValue(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':msg_id', $msg_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$data= $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$db = null;
return $data;

/* News Feed Data */
public function userReaction($uid,$msg_id,$rid)
$db = getDB();
$stmt1 = $db->prepare("SELECT like_id FROM message_like WHERE uid_fk=:uid AND msg_id_fk=:msg_id");
$stmt1->bindValue(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt1->bindValue(':msg_id', $msg_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);

if($count > 0)
$stmt = $db->prepare("DELETE FROM message_like WHERE uid_fk=:uid AND msg_id_fk=:msg_id");
$stmt->bindValue(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':msg_id', $msg_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$db = null;
return 2;
$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO message_like (msg_id_fk, uid_fk, created, rid_fk) VALUES (:msg_id, :uid, :created, :rid)");
$stmt->bindValue(':uid', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':msg_id', $msg_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':created', $created, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':rid', $rid, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$db = null;
return 1;
