Video Cara Membuat Plastisin

Get high-quality HD videos at an affordable price with an Adobe Stock multi-asset subscription, which includes access to over 270 million videos, images, music tracks, and motion graphics in one plan.

Enjoy top-shelf video editing tools, stock assets, and effects. No matter who you are—educator, small business owner, corporate manager, ketchup-on-a-hot-dog supporter—our tools are for you. Inspire new ideas and streamline communication across your classroom, school, team, or business. 

Video Player is one of the most easy control Video Player tools and It can plays most multimedia files as well as discs, devices.

We ensure that your file is played in the original resolution, through the optimization of the encoding format file playback speed and effectiveness to achieve the best results.

Key Features:
* Hide your private videos via PIN code & pattern locked secure vault.
* Protect private videos via encryption, the safest place for your sensitive files.
* Supports most of popular video and audio file formats.
* Quick start, smooth playback support.
* Small memory, simple operation.
* Smart media library for audio and video files, easier and faster to find all your media files.
* Browse folders directly.
* Support for multi-track audio and subtitles.
* Supports auto-rotation, aspect-ratio adjustments.
* Supports gestures to control volume and brightness.
* Playback speed control.
* Includes a widget for audio control
* Supports audio headsets control, cover art and a complete audio media library.
* History playlist.

It is both an audio and a video player. The most powerful Media player in Android Market.
The best way to enjoy your movie and music.
Please enjoy the smooth playback experience by Video Player!

With InVideo, everyone can create great looking pro videos that engage better, deliver more leads and save time. Our library of 5000+ templates, transitions and effects are here to help you create videos easily, quickly and efficiently.

After the announcement of Germany and the US to supply tanks to Ukraine, Russia's propaganda machine is working at full throttle. Russian state TV playing down risks to Russian troops in Ukraine seems to be working on some - but not everyone is buying the hype. CNN's Nic Robertson reports.

Gimana cara membuat plastisin?

Cara membuat plastisin sederhana: Campurkan air, minyak, dan garam ke dalam panci dan panaskan dengan api sedang. Setelah cukup hangat, tuang adonan ke mangkuk pencampur. Tambahkan tepung terigu ke dalam mangkuk dan aduk hingga tercampur merata. Letakkan adonan di atas kertas lilin dan diamkan hingga dingin.

Apa saja bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat plastisin?

Bahan-bahan yang perlu disiapkan:.
3 1/2 cangkir tepung..
1/2 cangkir garam..
1 sendok makan krim tartar..
2 1/2 sendok makan minyak sayur..
2 gelas air..
Pewarna makanan (opsional).
Ekstrak vanilla untuk aroma (opsional).

Apa saja bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat plastisin dari tepung?

Bahan yang Dibutuhkan:.
Tepung terigu (2 gelas).
Garam dapur halus (4 sendok teh).
Air (1 gelas).
Minyak goreng (2 sendok makan).
Pewarna makanan (Warna bebas).

4 Langkah Membuat plastisin?

Langkah dan Cara Membuat Plastisin.
Campurkan tepung terigu, soda kue serta garam..
Tambahkan minyak dan air dingin..
Beri pewarna atau aroma (opsional).
Aduk campuran tersebut (bisa menggunakan whisk).
Aduk adonan plastisin secara perlahan, hingga membentuk bola..
Uleni adonan selama beberapa menit..